
The white, snow-covered slopes of Kelvin’s Cairn loom large behind this quiet lakeside town. Caer-Konig started as a camp for a group of mountaineers from the northern Moonsea region. As the camp grew, a wooden palisade was added to discourage raiders. Later came the stone castle of Caer-Konig. Alas, neither the palisade nor the castle fared well; both fell to orcs before falling into ruin. Caer-Konig as it is known today consists of terraced rows of houses that recede from the shore of Lac Dinneshere like the tiers of an amphitheater. The harbor is frozen, its docks skewed and broken by the shifting ice. Buried under the snow on the slopes above the last row of houses are the ruins of the Caer that gave the town its name—a reminder to the people of Caer-Konig that nothing lasts in this corner of the world.   Hook, Line, and Sinker: Tavern   This tavern owes its popularity to the free half-pints of ale that the proprietor, Eglendar “Glen” Korr, keeps on the table by the front door. He presses one into the hand of every person who stops by (the hook), which compels most of them to stay to order seconds and thirds (the line). The “sinker” part of the tavern’s name refers both to the last drink call of the night and—when locals challenge visitors to a drinking contest—to the last drink that sends a losing contestant under the table.   Frozenfar Expeditions: Adventuring outfitter   Run by a seasoned ranger named Atenas Swift, this shop sells adventuring gear. Attached to the shop is a locked wooden shed where Atenas stores a pair of dogsleds and a kennel where he keeps a dozen healthy sled dogs. Six dogs are enough to pull each sled. Helping Atenas run the shop is an experienced mountain guide named Jarthra Farzassh. The two have an excellent rapport, mixed with some competitive ribbing. Age has caught up with Atenas. He can feel the cold in his joints and ventures out less frequently than he once did. Nowadays, he prefers to stay indoors while offering Jarthra’s services as a wilderness guide.   The Northern Light: Inn   The inn gets its name from a magic lantern that once hung above the front door. It has been stolen recently. The inn is kept by the Shorard sisters. The younger, Allie, is lithe and charming; she greets guests and does all the cleaning. The older, Cori, is stout and scowling; she sees to the inn’s provisioning and handles all the cooking. The sisters cast baleful glances at one another and bicker behind closed doors, but nothing ever comes of their feuds, as evidenced by the fact that they’ve been running the inn together for more than a decade.  


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