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Jamie Adeyemi (a.k.a. Apollo)

Hailing from the U.K., Phoenix's star power shines through in his fighting style, igniting the battlefield with flash and flare. Whether he's got backup or not, he'll rush into a fight on his own terms. The fiery Brit can wield the power of flame to essentially reshape the battlefield into how he sees fit. With exploding fireballs that damage enemies and heal him, a vision-blocking wall of fire, and a blinding fire burst, Phoenix is great at manipulating the flow of the match. His ultimate grants him the ability to be reborn if he's killed during its duration, galvanizing him to make bold moves he wouldn't otherwise make. A duelist by role and nature, Phoenix is brash, impulsive, and has a lot of confidence, never hesitating to charge into a fight head-on despite not getting a full grasp of the situation, much to the chagrin of his more collected teammates. As shown in "Retake," if Phoenix gets himself in a sticky situation caused by his own impatience, he is more than capable of quickly adapting to the circumstances and turning the tables around, before rubbing it in the faces of teammates who initially doubted him.   His lack of patience is only confirmed by Sova, who reminds him to learn the virtue before they can enjoy a strategic game of chess. Despite his hasty ways however, he is known as a prodigy (claiming that it wasn't his own words), and he always proves it one way or another.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Phoenix wears a coat with a curiously patterned lining around the collar which sometimes glows and potentially absorbs his fiery powers

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Phoenix attended a Performing Arts school in Peckham, London. He was later suspended from this school. The reason for this suspension is implied in Phoenix's personal card that shows a building on fire.   As a young VALORANT agent, Phoenix had encounters with mirror versions of Jett and himself from the Mirror Earth, information that was apparently below his clearance level and had him asking questions. With Phoenix now evidently involved with such information, Viper and VALORANT filled him in on the threat posed by the Mirror Earth, allowing him to finally understand what he was dealing with by the time these agents carried out another attack on Bennett Island   During an attack in Rabat, Phoenix was the one who helped Killjoy make her defuser work by super-heating a Radi-Core to provide enough power for it




Towards Phoenix




Towards Astra


Quotes & Catchphrases
"Just take a seat, I got this" "Joke's over, you're dead!" "YOOOOO, you can do that too?!" "Don't worry guys, they say I'm a prodigy. Not my words! Not my words, baby!" "Let's make this quick bro, I got things to do" "Yes, yes, it's me, autographs if we survive, yeah?" "Relax, settle down, I've got this. And I'm not leaving until we're done out here, yeah?" "When I'm done, they'll be nothing more than ash" "Keep a healthy distance! I burn hot!" "Okay fam if any of you die I'll be vex so just keep alive, yeah?" "Man this weather is not on. Anyone got a jacket?" "Remember, stay out of the fire. Super high level tactic, remember that, yeah?" "I'm twitchy here, let's go already" "You want me serious?? You got it!" "Y'all better keep up!" "This is crazy, it feels like we've been doing this forever. Anyone else feel like that? Just me? Okay..." "New fight, new tactics, keep it fresh yeah?" "You man ready for a light show?" "Stop them! This is our turf!" "OOOHHH, that's going on a highlight reel for sure!" "You get that on camera?" "Okay we out! Gonna go crawl under some blankets now" "Just keep your tech off my flames, yeah? Wouldn't wanna fry your circuitry" "I'll outshine all their Radiants!" "You go girl!"    


"Breach! You flash, I flash, everyone's blinded, let's go!"    


"Yo Brim, don't go tweaking your back out there. Leave the fancy stuff to the young'uns" "Looks like the old dog's still got some fire" "I'm fire, you're brimstone, let's go!"    


"Cypher thanks for setting your stuff up. It's super useful man!" "Stop snoopin'!"    


"Hey Phoenix, if you die, I call dibs on your jacket"   "Ah don't be like that, you know you'd also want my shoes" "Come on, Jett, me and you we never lose. Let's do this!" "You're mad Jett, damn!" "They got a Jett too? Nah, there's only one wind girl, and she's ours. That's a fake!" "I'll clip that Jett's wings!" "Sorry Jett!"    


"Tech support with the carry! Nice work!"    


"Hey Omen, I respect a guy who knits. That's pretty cute"   Omen icon.png "It helps me focus! Oh, what do you care..." "Omen you're not even winded. You sure you're human?" "Omen wins by fear, don't let him get to you"    


"Who's this other Phoenix guy? Nah mate, you're mine!"    


"Raze, plug me into the tunes, yeah, I know you got the good stuff" "Aww it's a shame I gotta take out their Raze. That girl's a one-woman party"    


"Hey Reyna, how old are you? No shade, you look great...but, like, sometimes you say the strangest things" "Damn, that was impressive, Mexico in the house!" "Damn, that was impressive, Mexico represent!" "Man, that malice comin' off their Reyna, feels like she's already hunting me" "I'll crush her Radiant heart"    


"Glad you're here Sage. With you we can't lose!" "Their healer is nothing, I'll burn them faster than they can mend" "Don't wanna take you out Sage...but I gotta"    


"Guide us in, Skye!"    


"Hey Sova! We're gonna hit the chessboard after this, yeah?"   Sova icon.png "You lack the patience, friend. Learn that first, then we'll approach strategy" "Yo Sova, that owl's pretty dope. Would look a lot better with some flame decals on it, right?"    


"Ay Viper, none of your gas is flammable, right?"    


"Rift walker's out"
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