Iados and the Kidnappings in Little Ferry

Iados felt like he was a long way away from the forest where he had been raised by his mother. He had faced ridicule and fear wherever he went, but met it with friendliness and determination. In his heart, he wanted to show everyone he met that all tieflings were not the same. He would show them they could be different. During the investigation he met every negative comment with a positive attitude. It was difficult, but his mind was made up and his mind would not be changed.   Iados also heard the voice of his father for the first time. The voice promised power, a power that he could call on as he saw fit. He could use it to save his friends or slay his enemies. All he need do is accept his heritage and embrace the strength of his fiendish heritage. Iados utterly rejected his father without a second thought.   Iados used the two week downtime to consult with Goren Apfel the town sage. Together they studied the Comet Spawn and learned that it was most certainly from the astral plane and they theorized that it would not last long on the prime material plane. Every minute it spent here would be painful to it as it energy would slowly drain away. They also determined that the comet was most likely a ship that could travel between the astral and prime material planes.   Iados also spent his spare time in the outskirts of Little Ferry looking for latent signs of magic and finding none. He also enjoyed the rest of the harvest festival and did all the he could to interact with the townsfolk and try to make them more receptive toward him and other tieflings like him.   As his thoughts turned to his father, he remembered the Devil card that Tyrubeli had given him at the start of his journey. He words echoed in his mind:   "The love of your mother softened your heart and drives you to nobler purpose, but your father remains part of you, he is in the depths of your soul and you struggle with the fear his diabolical influence will overwhelm you."   Iados was certain that he would never turn to his father on his father's terms, but he new that the fiend in him would always be there and that some day he would need to come to terms with it.


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