Leonardo and the kidnappings in Little Ferry

Not yet 18, Leonardo was driven to venture out into the world in search of his destiny. As he helped to find the kidnapped children he discovered that he had an inner strength that he could call upon when needed to help others. He found himself drawn to the church of Dalana as he contemplated the vision he had seen so long ago. It was not until he stood in the damaged temple of Dalana holding the hands of two of the kidnapped children that he knew that this is what he was born for. When Gregori Erwin asked him if he was ready to accept his destiny he responded yes and was inducted into the order of The Shining Circle.   The two week down time in Little Ferry found Leonardo spending almost all of his time at the Temple of Dalana to begin his journey in the Shining Circle. He was required to train every day in the morning, followed by prayers after lunch and charitable works in the afternoon.   Gregori Erwin took him under his wing in all aspects of his training both martial and religious. Even though their time together was brief, the two formed a tight bond. Leonardo learned that the motto of the order was Duty, Honor, Vigilance. His duty was to Dalana; her teachings, her church and her followers. He was bound to be honorable in word and deed and ever vigilant against the forces of chaos and evil. Gregori warned him that the motto was only the basic tenants of the faith. Over time he would learn that there are even greater responsibilities for a knight of the Shining Circle.   As he spoke with the others in the order, he learned that each of them felt the call to serve Dalana in a different way. No two had the same experience. What was most important is that initiates to the Circle were not recruited. A prospective member must seek out the Circle on his own and when asked accept the responsibility just as Leonardo had done.   Leonardo also asked many of his brothers if they had every heard of the city of Dolendai, but he was not able to find out anything specific. There was one reference to a place named Dolendai, but it was not as a city, but as an ancient fortress of the Shining Circle. This information came from one of the older knights named Sir Arrin who many in the brotherhood thought had gone mad, but he spoke of Dolendai as if he had been there. He was vague as to the location, but he was sure it was somewhere in the wilderness north of Little Ferry.   He also thought about the card of Strength that he had received from Tyrubeli and something she had said to him:     "You can use the power of this sigil as you have in the past without finding out what it stands for; an easier path for for sure, or you can seek the source and learn the terrible responsibility it bears."   He wondered what "terrible" responsibilities he had taken on by joining the Shining Circle.


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