Shayne and the kidnappings in Little Ferry

The town of Little Ferry was not kind to Shayne as his Drow heritage and history with the Shadows made it difficult for him to move about unnoticed and unmolested.    Although he was doing his best to leave his old life behind, old habits are hard to break. As the investigation into the kidnappings unfolded, Shayne was placed in situations that made turning over a new leaf very difficult. A breakfast was interrupted by a courier that delivered him a piece of paper with a black "X" on it. A message form the Shadows that he had not been forgotten. Then his anger got the best of him when he slit the throat of the murdering cultist Malcolm  who was already tied up and a prisoner. Shayne also continued his practice of carving a mark into his body for each kill.   As he searched his feelings he spoke to his friends about his companion Korwin who had betrayed him. The thought of finding him and exacting vengeance was almost an obsession. He also wrote a letter to his sister Makalia telling her he would continue to try and change his ways and move away from what the Shadows had taught him.   The Fate Bound spent another two weeks in Little Ferry and during that time Shayne worked with Merry Trumblefoot and his friend Gilligan to learn as much as he could about acting and using a disguise kit. During the rest of his downtime he waited anxiously for word form his sister and poured over any maps that he could find in the hope that he could lead his friends to his home village of Darwin to see her. He had left when he was so young that he did not know the way.   Many nights before sleep, he recalled what Tyrubeli  had told him on the road. His card was Death and it seemed he was doomed to have death follow him. Her prophetic words still rang in his head:   'Beware treachery and subterfuge."     He vowed to be nobody's fool and he would not fall victim to the plots of others.


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