Tenzin and the Kidnappings in Little Ferry

The investigation into the kidnapping of the children of Little Ferry revealed much to Tenzin about the magical sigils on his chest. He had always wondered what they meant and knew they had a deeper meaning, but he was not fully prepared for the power that these marks would grant him. He spoke to Sister Amalia the Exalted Mother of the Temple of Morwen in Little Ferry and she told him that the sigils were a mark of the Empaths giving him the power to heal others. It was a rare gift that might manifest itself perhaps every two or three generations. Sister Amalia told Tenzin that she was very concerned because the appearance of an Empath could only mean that trying times were ahead. She urged him not to use the power unless absolutely necessary.   During the investigation into the kidnappings Tenzin used the power twice. The first time was on a deranged witness to the kidnappings, a woman named Rebecca Thames. He touched her feeling a surge of power leave his body that knocked him unconscious. When he awoke one of the sigils on his chest had faded! The second was on the assassin Malcolm who had been killed while in their custody, his throat slashed wide open. Tenzin had instinctively touched the man palm outward. As he did so, for a split second, he felt that the choice was his. He could in that moment decide to raise Malcolm from the dead or siphon his life energy to recharge his expended sigil. He chose to heal the man and then passed passed out from the ordeal.     After his recovery in the Temple of Morwen Sister Amalia visited him and the rest of the Fate Bound. She warned them that the power of the Empaths could be used with either good or evil intent. She told them of Empaths that realized that they could use their powers to take life and make themselves essentially immortal. Still others had been manipulated or coerced by others to use their powers contrary to the will of Morwen. She asked all of the Fate Bound to swear to her that they would keep Tenzin's power secret and also help their friend to find the true path. They all agreed.   The Fate Bound spent two weeks in Little Ferry after the kidnapping incident. During that time Tenzin worked hard at the Temple of Morwen healing the sick and doing charitable works with the clerics there. He also was able to finally take up Lydia on her offer and he went out to the forest with her to create his holy symbol. He chose the fallen branch of a tree in the center of the forest. Over the two weeks, in his spare time, he whittled and shaped the wood until he had created a staff carved from the branch and at the top was a recreation of the magical sigils on his chest with a depiction of Morwen in the center.   Tenzin also spent as much time as he could with Sister Amalia to learn about the Empaths. Although there was limited access to any writings on the subject they used the power of prayer and meditation to learn more. In so doing, Tenzin learned a mantra that he could recite while using the power that could help him remain conscious afterwards.    Tenzin also thought long and hard about what Tyrubeli had told him when they met on the road. His card was The Chariot which seemed appropriate as he now realized he had the gift to bring death or life swiftly to anyone he touched. Her words rang in his head:   "The Mark gifts you great capacity to swiftly bring healing to others as on a chariot of the gods, but remember there is always a price, an ultimate sacrifice for such power. You must decide if you are willing to pay it or not."
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