The Haki are those Elves three or four-hundred years and older who have lived in Evergrove their entire lives. For the most part, they avoided all of the conflict in Astagua-Vescania War, instead focusing their efforts of lumbering the Evergrove Forest. In their eyes, harvesting the Forest was a violent enough war contribution. Plus, by dedicating their time to supervising the lumbermills, they could control the extent of the damage wrought on the forest.
Proud of, yet disappointed and impatient with, their children, the Haki struggle with accepting the culture the Ilaen are so proud of. Until a few hundred years ago, the Nivasan Elves hadn't met humans, and by the time they had, they were old enough to understand their brash behaviors and insatiable consumerism. Their children, however, not only grew up next to humans, but fought, bled, and died next to them. This blurring of identity, something normally cherished, was now a blemish to Evergrove's society.
Most Haki try to persuade their children, almost daily, to give up the impatient ways of humans and the floramancy that stemmed from it. Though most of them didn't live through the Underwood Wars, the Haki warn that the magic their children wield is dangerous and may prove, one day, uncontrollable.
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