
Tall, hollowed-out trees, nearly alien contraptions, and stores of sulfurous materials are the welcoming sights to Wickwood, home of the Gnomes of Astagua. In a near constant state of celebration, the Gnomes are delighted to welcome newcomers and delighted to wish them well on their departure, often asking the friendliest of folks if they need company for their treks across the world.   The heart of the Wick people is selfless benevolence. Though its argued foresight is the only thing that could have saved Kille from being nearly destroyed, the Wick regret their ineptitude in mounting a rescue operation. Because of this, they want to help others avoid early, ill-fated demises by brining their wit, charm, and mechanical-aptitude across the World.   As a rule, they keep offensive creations almost exclusively for personal use, instead putting their knowledge of engineering to the test for civil works and support. Though their world-wide ventures are in their infancy, newer constructions Vals'kar wide have been influenced by Gnomish ingenuity.   The Wick region was somewhat tarnished in the First War, but none of the pillaging and plundering that plighted so many affected Wickwood. Some of the forest it was built in was lumbered instead of Evergrove, not that the Wick minded, but its impact to the social and economic stature of the city were negligible.
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