• Eye of Blood Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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• Eye of Blood

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Ordo Dracul
It is commonly claimed in the folklore of the Slavic peasantry that witches were able to spy on people from miles away. Evil sorcerers could learn a person’s secrets in this way, and use them to force good folk to do evil deeds. But first, the witch had to touch you or your belongings.
This power lets a Vedma do just that. By applying a spot of her own blood to the body or clothing of the subject, the Vedma is able to mystically watch him from afar. The Vedma must be able to touch the subject to cast her “bloody eye” on him, but just a fingerprint’s worth of blood is necessary to activate this power. Once done, the Vedma’s ability to perceive her subject is limited only by her own perceptiveness and mystic power.
The Vedma does not see through the subject’s eyes or from the point of view of the blood she applies to him. Rather, she experiences “third-person” visions consisting of images, sounds, emotions and smells, like a kind of arcane telemetry. The sensations come to her in a surreal, almost hallucinatory experience, not unlike a vision gained through the use of Auspex, but in real-time.


Dramatic Failure: The mystic link to the subject is somehow corrupted. The character receives disturbing and terrifying images, possibly drawn from her own soul, rather than any vision of the subject. The character loses one Willpower point in addition to the Vitae wasted on the failed activation roll and cannot attempt to apply this power to any other subject for the rest of the night.
Failure: The character is unable to make the mystic link manifest and is unable to spy on the subject, though she may try again. The Vitae spent to activate this power is wasted.
Success: The character is able to perceive visions of the subject’s whereabouts and actions until the next sunset. She may actively “look in on” the subject with an instant action as many times as she likes during this power’s duration. Whenever the subject experiences a substantial sensory change (such as going from a warm cottage into a chilly night or being physically or emotionally hurt), the character may attempt a reflexive Wits + Empathy + Zagovny roll to receive a brief vision of the experience.
The number of successes achieved on the activation roll determines the number of miles the subject may travel from the character without breaking the mystic connection. Each success extends the power’s range by five miles.
While the character slumbers, visions of the subject come to her in dreams.
Exceptional Success: Similar to a normal success, except the range of the connection is unlimited.

Side/Secondary Effects

The visions received by the character may be a confusing mix of images, sounds, smells and emotional sensations. The character gains no special ability to perceive beyond her normal means with this power; the vision cannot be steered. While a sense of the subject’s environment certainly comes across through the vision, the subject himself is always the primary focal point of the vision.
The character may take actions to discern details and spot hidden objects in a vision just as though she were there. If the character were looking in on a subject with a concealed weapon, for example, she may attempt a Wits + Firearms roll to notice it. The Storyteller may apply as much as a –3 penalty to dice pools when the character attempts to scrutinize objects or people other than the subject.
If the character has Auspex, she can even bring Heightened Senses and Aura Sight to bear on the subjects in the vision.
Material Components
Cost: 1 Vitae
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy + Zagovny – subject’s Resolve
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time
Instant or reflexive. To apply her “bloody eye” to a subject requires an instant action. To remotely sense the activities of the subject requires either an instant or a reflexive action, as described below. The dice pool is the same for both rolls.
Applied Restriction
Modifier | Situation
+2 | Power is turned on a subject with whom the user has a blood tie.
+1 | The subject is a mortal, ghoul or vampire the user has met before.
— | The subject is a mortal, ghoul or vampire the user has never met.
–2 | The subject is a supernatural creature other than a ghoul or vampire.

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