Kogaion Profession in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Vampire the Requeim - Covenant - Ordo Dracul
Every city with a significant Order presence has a pre-eminent Guardian known as a Kogaion. He protects the city’s maps of ley lines and nexuses, the locations of its greatest mystical treasures (if not the treasures themselves), and a roster of all Dragons in the area. Most often, the Kogaion memorizes this information or records it in riddles, codes and dead languages to keep it from falling into enemy hands. The title itself seems to be of Thracian origin, meaning “the magnificent’s head.” A new Kogaion is elected only when an old one dies, steps down or becomes untrustworthy (and being declared untrustworthy requires a statement to that effect from at least seven other Kogaions). Being declared a Kogaion is one of the greatest honors of the covenant, but it also effectively cuts the vampire off from other members of the Order. Everyone respects the Kogaion, but since she is an obvious target for enemies of the covenant, no one wants to associate closely with her. Kogaions are frequently hermits, sought for consultation and advice but very rarely for long-term apprenticeships. Kogaions also tend to be frighteningly powerful with regard to The Coils of the Dragon… though some simply believe they are.
Perhaps the most honored member of the Academy, the Kogaion is the pre-eminent Guardian, entrusted with full knowledge of all the Wyrm’s Nests and ley lines in the area. Every domain that claims at least one Dragon has its Kogaion; even if the title is not used, one of the Dragons will take on similar responsibilities. Most are quite adept with the Coils and are Masters and above, but it is not a prerequisite. Being able to memorize or map all the places of mystical importance in the domain is necessary, however. Whatever else happens to the Dragons, their chapter house and the covenant’s artifacts, nothing would be as great a loss as that one. Kogaions are also tasked with maintaining a complete list of all the Dragons in the local vicinity; many actually go one step further and keep a roster of all the local Kindred, to the extent that they can. This is not done for genealogical purposes, but for reasons of security. Should a plot be set in motion that threatens the Academy, a comprehensive list of each Dragon, her Status and her achievements can prove very useful to have.
Few Kogaions mingle with the rest of the Academy with any regularity. Their work not only requires them to constantly move about in order to observe and record all changes to the mystical landscape, but the knowledge they possess makes them easy targets for outsiders and traitors. Because they do spend so much time near nexuses and other mystical places, they also tend to draw the most attention from Lupines, ghosts, mages and other beings that are drawn to such locations. With so many potential enemies noting their passage, few Dragons have any desire to hang around with the Kogaion. In similar fashion, the Kogaions have no wish to visit upon the rest of the Academy the kind of horrors that they attract, and so usually keep their Haven and most “domestic” activities far from the chapter house, the Rack, Elysium and other places the Dragons and other Kindred prefer to congregate.
A Kogaion is elected upon the destruction or retirement of the previous officeholder by a body of the most august, Oathbound Dragons, where at least one member of each of the Orders of the Sworn is present. The investiture ceremony is one of the most solemn, baroque and well-attended events The Ordo Dracul holds. Kogaions and certain ranking Dragons from other Academies are frequently present at these ceremonies, one of the few times when foreign Dragons risk the dangers of travel to gather in numbers outside their own domain. Should the Kogaion ever be shown to be untrustworthy of the office, she can be removed by a vote of a special Dragon Jury. However, no Kogaion can be declared untrustworthy except by his fellow Kogaions. No fewer then seven other Kogaions must register a vote of no confidence in the accused, an extremely rare thing even aside from the obvious logistically difficulties involved in bringing seven such hermits together for a referendum. A Kogaion no longer able to resist the pull of Torpor and who expects her sleep to endure for any considerable time is expected to step down in order that her replacement may be found. Those who do not do so leave The Ordo Dracul in a difficult position should the Academy require their knowledge while they are unavailable.



Being declared Kogaion is a mixed blessing. It is a great honor, and it places its bearer in a position that’s nearly above reproach. A city Kogaion can only be removed on the order of seven other Kogaions, and since it’s one to a city that indicates a nearly absurd level of intra-city communication and (to be blunt) interest. The only other ways out are to die or retire.



The Kogaion knows about all the regional Dragons and is the only one who knows the details about all the local Wyrm’s Nests. Another Dragon may know of several, even the locations of as many as half if he’s wellconnected; there may be sites that every local Dragon knows and there may be Dragons who know the code names of all the region’s Nests — but only the Kogaion knows all the details of all the Wyrm’s Nests. (Or at least, only she is supposed to know.) To protect that knowledge, she is immediately consulted when a new Wyrm’s Nests is occupied, so that she can decide who among the Oathbound is permitted to know about it. By picking the committees of Oathbound who select Guardians, she has a heavy hand in determining who controls the Nests. Indeed, Guardians tend to be the only peers who feel anything resembling comfort around a Kogaion.
While the Kogaion retains her Oath (and no one unsworn has ever been elected Kogaion), she is exempt from all challenges and cannot even be bound by a Dragon Jury unless she willingly submits to its judgment. She is stripped of the duties of her Oath, whatever it is — a Dying Light Kogaion does not sit in judgment, a Kogaion of the Axe does not fight, a Mystery Kogaion does not vote for or propose laws. The only exception is that all Kogaion are permitted — indeed, encouraged — to engage in mystic Research. Their unique position of knowledge makes them invaluable students of the unknown.
Kogaions are forbidden from attending Caucus, for fear that an attack on a Caucus could wipe out both the Kogaion and much of the chapter’s membership in one attack. Other than their authority over Nests, they have little formal power, but the respect a Kogaion commands is enormous. Often a Kogaion has to do little beyond express an opinion or a desire in order to see her wishes fulfilled.
Research / Scientific
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Mapping the Mystical
It is left entirely to the discretion of the Kogaion to decide the manner in which she will map the area’s ley lines, nexuses and other mystical treasures. The only imperative is that the Kogaion do so in a way that protects the identity and location of the things she records, but that also allows another Dragon — usually the highest ranked Sworn of the Dying Light — to be able to recall the information if necessary — for example, if the Kogaion should be destroyed. Consequently, the Kogaion always encrypts her trove of knowledge in some fashion and provides a key (or at least the means to find or create the key) to her backup. Should the Kogaion have memorized all he knows and suddenly disappear or if her records are destroyed, of course, even the key is worthless and the next Kogaion will have to begin again, first consulting the Guardians and going from there.
The ways in which Kogaions record their secrets run the gamut from the expected to the highly unusual. Ordinary two-dimensional maps are probably most common, although they rarely denote natural or manmade features in any clearly discernible way; that would too easily give away the position of the Wyrm’s Nests and other places of importance. Instead, less obvious features are used for reference. An Invictus vampire poring over a map depicting the city as irregular regions of temperature variance recorded on a certain date, yet displaying no streets, land contours or elevation is likely going to find it unusable — which is the point. Three and four-dimensional maps are also used, as are even more cryptic media. Mathematical charts, complex musical notation and even poetry are adopted by appropriately adept Kogaions. Every feature, particularly those representing Wyrm’s Nests and valuable artifacts, is given a codename or alias — sometimes even just a formula or glyph. Without the key or the Kogaion’s help, whoever gets her hands on these maps will be left with little of use.

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