Guardian Profession in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Ordo Dracul
Among the reverent Ordo Dracul, the Guardians are responsible for looking after the aforementioned mystical sites. The covenant has several reasons for wanting to keep other beings out of these nexuses. First, an uninformed fool with a bit of mystic talent but no proper training (by which the Dragons mean any magical being who is not a member of the covenant — The Lancea Sanctum and Circle of The Crone in particular) could potentially destroy the site’s power and wreak havoc on an entire area. In fact, vampiric urban legend perpetuates tales of ill-performed rites on a particularly powerful site, courtesy of covens of mortal wizards, Lupine shamans and satanic cults. Second, places of power are valuable Resources, and when the Order possesses one, that is both an asset for itself and an asset denied to rivals. As counterpoint to this, the Ordo Dracul knows that many of the other covenants of Kindred would destroy such sites rather than let the Dragons make use of them, or at least make them bargain for access. Third, such mystical sites are always changing, and while they normally change over the course of years or decades, sometimes magic takes a great leap forward and the Order likes to know about such events as soon as possible. Finally, the covenant asserts that some sites are truly symbolic or spiritual and deserve protection from defilement as well as from simple destruction.
Guardians are usually those Dragons with a bent toward martial prowess and stealth. They are rarely prepared to end their unlives in pursuit of their duties, however. After all, nothing is permanent, and Throwing away an unlife over something that might change in a mere 50 years is just foolish.
The Ordo Dracul may possess more written works, occult artifacts, ancient relics and mystical Resources than any other group, not to mention the inestimable number of dangerous secrets it hoards. These things must be protected from all those who might wish to steal them or use them for private gain. Even an innocent mistake in handling these treasures can result in terrible tragedy, and so only those deemed responsible enough can be permitted to handle the covenant’s most precious property. The Guardians are tasked with keeping these things out of the hands and minds of unauthorized Kindred. From protecting a Wyrm’s Nest to keeping alert for evidence that the Dragons’ secrets have been leaked, the Guardians dedicate their Requiems to helping The Ordo Dracul remain secure in order that the Great Work might be accomplished.
Even the smallest Academies make use of Guardians, even if there is only one and he wears various hats, so to speak. Where The Ordo Dracul is better represented, the Guardians are treated as a distinct class of Dragon and are highly respected. Most are dedicated to the protection of a particular Wyrm’s Nest, but there are usually at least a few whose primary function is to guard the Academy’s chapter house and its material possessions. Should enemies attempt to storm the gates of the Dragon’s “castle,” it is the Guardians who sound the alarm and are the first to meet the threat head-on, with the Sworn of the Axe engaging the enemy soon thereafter. These Guardians, sometimes referred to as the Academy’s gatekeepers, also serve as personal escorts to ranking Dragons when requested, alert for any attempt to interfere with their superior. In places where the rancor between The Ordo Dracul and other covenants is strong and outright assassination is not unheard of, this practice is common. It also boosts the standing of the elder Dragon. When she enters the Prince’s court to discuss matters with her fellow Primogen and is accompanied by three well-armed and notoriously martial Kindred, her Status within the domain at large is as effectively protected as his own flesh.
Loose-lipped and outright treasonous Dragons are also the focus of the Guardians. True, it is every Dragon’s duty to keep alert for violations of secrecy and signs of treason, but few have the attention to commit to such things, focusing instead as they do on their cryptic studies. For this reason, rooting out traitors and dangerous fools falls to the Guardians, particularly those attached to a chapter house. Like unsettling shadows, they move among their fellow Dragons, watching, listening and seeking any clues as to a possible violation. This activity creates an atmosphere of Paranoia that makes even a seemingly cordial gathering of Dragons in a communal library one where voices are kept low, and every newcomer to the room is eyed with at least some small measure of Suspicion. Because of the difficulty inherent in this kind of secret policing, the Guardians charged with the work often enlist the aid of low-ranking Dragons to assist them. Making a good impression upon a Guardian can be an important thing, but it can also cause the junior spy to be regarded unkindly by other Dragons who might potentially hold out an offer of even greater reward.



Guardians — the Dragons tasked with protecting specific Wyrm’s Nest sites — are generally high Status and almost always Sworn. It’s possible to be appointed Guardian of a very minor site at Covenant Status •••, but only if there’s a strong personal claim. Being assigned guardianship is an honor and, as such, it often goes to an Axe-bearer. Or maybe it usually goes to an Axe-bearer because Guardian positions tend to open up violently.
Becoming a Guardian isn’t simple or straightforward. First, when a new Wyrm’s Nest is recognized, the person who discovered, conquered or created it is declared Guardian pro tem. (If there’s a disagreement over which Dragon was there first, it goes to a Dragon Jury or is settled with a challenge, but such cases are rushed because someone has to mind the store.) Then the local Kogaion is informed, and she gives the site a code name — usually a descriptive title that does not give away the location of the Nest. After that, she selects a committee of Mystery-Sworn to set Guardian criteria — factors or traits that the ideal site Guardian should possess. For example, the rural home of a corrupt spirit that expresses its wrath through swarms of bees is going to require a much different Guardian than a closet in a bank skyscraper that opens into a non-Euclidian space haunted by dozens of victims murdered in an occult ceremony. Desirable traits for the first site might be: connections to Lupines in the local wilderness, knowledge of nature spirits, ability to rough it, combat prowess and, if possible apiarian skill. The criteria for the second site’s Guardian could be: nearby Haven, plenty of pay, geomancy knowledge, stealth and familiarity with the history of the building.
Once the legislature sets the profile of the Guardian, the criteria (but no details about the Nest beyond its name) are announced at the next Caucus (or possibly earlier if the Kogaion feels there’s need). Local Dragons who think they have what it takes may apply for the position, and a committee of Dying Light weighs their Merits. Once again, the committee is hand-picked by the Kogaion. Guardians can be removed if the Mysteries change the criteria (which is tricky to do without reason) or if a Juris Draconis is convened on an accusation of unfitness for duty and finds that there’s reason to strip the Guardian of her job.



In any event, the Guardian of a site has considerable discretion when it comes to administrating that site. She can decide who is permitted entry, she can set the schedule for any experiments and she leads negotiations with resident spirits. If the site is under attack, she makes the tactical decisions and she decides when to cut and run. When things aren’t so hectic, the Guardian distributes any benefits that result from site control. All these decisions are subject to review by Dragon Jury, but the burden of proof is heavily on the accuser.
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