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Alicia Zhuan

Daughter of The Storm Bi Zhuan

Physical Description

Special abilities

Specialized Equipment

Bo Staff

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alicia was abandoned as a very young child by her parents during their travels through Mowu and left outside of a monetary, the monks found her the next morning and took her in. She was accepted into the order as the only female warrior and underwent training to become one of them. Over the years of her weapons training, she took a liking to the bo staff and became extremely skilled with it. Alicia would perform in ceremonies dedicated to the emperor and other highly important members of the region. In tournaments, she would always win against her opponent as she was always 3 steps ahead, knew their weaknesses and used it to her advantage.   On Alicia's 18th birthday, she was contacted by a follower of Oaris and was told to make her way to The Storm Shrine to become the next Daughter of The Storm. At first, Alicia was skeptical but ultimately decided she would investigate her curiosity and set out on a long journey which would allow her to see the rest of the world, something she had never fully seen or explored before. Shortly after arriving at The Storm Shrine, Oaris made contact and told her that she was to be the next Daughter of The Storm because of her reserved temperament and skills as a fighter. Alicia didn't understand why her of all people, but The Following of Oaris was not somebody to say no to.   After a year of training both physically and morally, she was granted the title Daughter of The Storm alongside Storm Summoning. Oaris was never one to reveal her secrets, but she had a greater purpose for Alicia. She sensed that something was coming, another war in which the outcome would not be good for anybody and would disrupt her future plans. Alicia had many followers who lived to serve both her, and Oaris, she eventually became best friends with Malina Winfred and accompanied her on many journeys, missions, and battles.


Divine Classification
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
799 AC 911 AC 112 years old
Long, Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
55.2 Kg
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Latin Chinese
Character Prototype
Melissa Fumero

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