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Eliza Damia

Daughter of The Storm Eliza Damia

Physical Description

Special abilities

Specialized Equipment

Short sword & dagger

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born and raised in the city centre, Eliza always wanted more than stinking alleyways, bustling streets and restless nights. Warned against venturing outside of the city by her mother, Eliza left late one night anyway to forge her own path and make her own decisions. All that she took with her was her lifelong friend Marigold, a mixed breed work horse, a worn iron sword she picked up from a street vendor a few years prior and a travel satchel full of supplies.   Over her years travelling, she experienced the world and dedicated her time to helping people in all places. One day while passing through Vug Buldor she was stopped in the street by a woman that looked familiar but couldn't place who she was. The mysterious woman handed her a small bag and left before Eliza could even gather her thoughts. Upon opening the bag, she found a letter that instructed her to head to Etrya Island where she would be greeted upon arrival.     After making her way to Allerton Docks, she took a boat to her destination and was met by 2 acolytes sent by Oaris. Eliza was lead to The Storm Shrine, she couldn't believe how such a magnificent structure was hidden so far away from the rest of the world. Eliza learned that she had been chosen to undergo trials to become the next Daughter of The Storm.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
735 AC 796 AC 61 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Thormod Styrsson during a fortress raid
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
151 cm
50.2 Kg
Aligned Organization
Known Languages

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