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Iaris Cristine

Daughter of The Storm Iaris Cristine

Divine Domains


Physical Description

Physical quirks


Special abilities

Apparel & Accessories

Basic leather armour with some iron plates in important areas

Specialized Equipment

A longbow, Shortsword

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into the first era of Humans, the gods and man would walk the same plane of reality in peaceful co-existence. Iaris was nothing special, her family was poor and had very little other than their farm which was failing. Iaris took the hardship to heart and wanted to make a change for herself and others. She bought her first set of armor, short sword, and a bow and went out to hunt the wildlife. All the food she bought back was split and given to everyone else before she would take her share.   A few years later when Iaris was 17, she began her religious studies and would make pilgrimages to many different shrines in order to gain wisdom and knowledge from the Gods. Oaris soon became interested in Iaris, thinking she had great potential and a strong moral compass. She watched for a few years as Iaris became more of a folk hero and savior of the poor. In 280 AC, Oaris summoned Iaris to The Storm Shrine where she deemed her worthy of a special gift, Storm Summoning. This gave her extreme power which she used for good, and made sure that everyone would live peacefully. The divine power also gave her a greater life expectancy due to the energy of the storms constantly rejuvenating her body as she grew.   Iaris achieved many great things in her long life, she helped save Oaris from being banished to the void by a spirit weapon. She managed to maintain peace and prosperity, and unite a great number of Humans together.   Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end eventually and the peace was broken when the Human's discovered the spirit energy and used it to make the spirit weapons, which when a god was struck by one, would banish them to the void for all eternity.   During the Harmonic Split, there was absolute chaos and there was no order. Iaris discovered that a group of revolters were going after Oaris and she went to help her escape. Sadly it was harder then previously thought to escape to The Spirit World and Iaris sacrificed herself by taking a blow from one of the spirit weapons which took her power and the effects of her extreme age took instant effect and she died where she stood. Luckily the sacrifice gave Oaris enough time to escape through The Spirit Plate and into The Spirit World.


Farmhand to her father

Accomplishments & Achievements

Uniting the world. Maintaining peace for 90 years. Saved Oaris from being banished to the void

Personality Characteristics


Dreamed to unite the entire world and maintain peace forever
Divine Classification
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
263 AC 384 AC 121 years old
Circumstances of Death
Sacrificed herself to help Oaris escape to The Spirit World during the Harmonic Split
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Latin Chinese Japanese Scottish Gaelic Old Norse

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