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Tadia Caldus

Tadia Elizabeth Caldus

Physical Description

Special abilities

Specialized Equipment

Shortsword and dagger

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Growing up in a broken home is hard, especially if you're the reason. Tadia Caldus was born into a toxic family, she had 5 brothers and 3 sisters. As the youngest child, she was always trying to prove her worth to her abusive father and emotionally detached mother, little effect was made. As she grew up, the beatings became worse, for all the children but Tadia got the brunt of it. Considered the black sheep of the family, none of her siblings ever connected with her and would pursue agitation and start fights over the smallest of things.   Sometime during her teens, she found an old service short sword in her father's locked work shed after she broke into it. Lying next to it was a standard-issue dagger, both of which her father kept after deserting The Knights Order. Assuming that because both were caked in dust and cobwebs, her father would not notice if she took them and went into the local market to get them restored and cleaned.   Tadia decided that she wanted to learn how to become a soldier, more importantly, an assassin. She practised for hours and hours at a time, perfecting her skills and learning new ones as she went. One night about a year later, her father drunkenly stumbled into his work shed to look for more booze and came across the box his weapons were stored in. Jumping to conclusions he confronted Tadia first about the missing weapons and knew it was her. Without wasting any time he began to start beating her while shouting slurred abusive words. Tadia managed to slip away as his father laid off to catch his breath, she pulled the short sword out from under her bed and hid it under her bedsheets. Her father came back for round two, but just as he was about to throw his fists he felt a sharp stabbing pain in his chest. Looking down he saw his old blade driven deep into his chest and out the other side, in shock he began to tear up and started screaming about how sorry he was before falling to the floor and bleeding to death.   The next day Tadia was kicked out of the house and told never to show her wretched face there ever again. She walked for weeks until she came across a small town with a recruitment poster nailed to the outside of the tavern. She travelled to the other side of town to the recruitment stall for The Knights Order where she decided to enlist in the military. Tadia would go on to become an assassin and meet Jordanus Virilis and eventually join forces when the time came to abandon the order and form their own: The Order of Seven.


Military Service, The Knights Order, 8 years

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes abusive people


Robertus Salvian

Husband (Vital)

Towards Tadia Caldus



Tadia Caldus

Wife (Vital)

Towards Robertus Salvian



Absolutely nothing is known about Tadia, the only thing anybody knows is that she used to be an assassin and is very deadly with a shortsword and a dagger.

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Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Birth
4093 AC 27 Years old
Current Residence
Light Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5'3 ft
52.3 Kg
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Latin Scottish Gaelic Old Norse
Ruled Locations

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