Canyon Town Settlement in Varitinera | World Anvil
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Canyon Town


The location of the town itself is the primary defense. Desert terrain extends out in all directions making even just getting to the place difficult. One would have to either go up river, or slowly make their way over land stopping at scattered oases.

Industry & Trade


Known for its precious metals, the town receives ores and refines them. Craftsmen will then use the materials to produce a wide variety of objects. Rings are the most notable, most of which are kept inside The Vault in order to control the amount of currency in circulation.   


The river is the life blood of the town providing raw materials from up stream. Creaviae who travel up river to negotiate with the local Ignisore in the mountains will hunt big game living on the hillsides bringing it back to sell. Fabrics, leather, and exotic foods are brought up from Delta Edge.



Receives raw materials from up river and ships out goods to Delta Edge. A pully system elevator is used to raise goods up the side of the canyon walls.


Massive sheets of fabric are stretched across the top of the canyon in order to create shade. The colorful booths below selling food and other goods.


Located in one of the wider parts of the canyon a well was dug for fresh water. A nearby pond used to provide water for the surrounding gardens.  


Carved into the rock face for protection, a number of smelters are used to refine ore in preparation for use. The attached vault used to store both raw materials and completed products.  


Privately owned light colored tents. Residents may move to a different section of the district if disputes over territory arise.


The town was lost under the sand after Scarlet Sandstorm, finally rediscovered by Rain in early spring of 999 R.C.   Some residents were out of the region during the conflict, unable to return home they chose to live a nomadic life in the desert.


While not exactly welcoming before its ruin, more current times have many looking to find the town. Rumors of the vault have lured in opportunists aiming to find great riches beneath the sands. They bring large groups of like minded individuals out into the desert to blindly dig through the dunes.


Most structures are simply tents providing cover from the harsh beating sun and sand. Deeper into the canyon spacious rooms have been dug out from the walls. Inspired by the smelters the entire town has a ventilation system to bring in cooler fresh air and remove the stale hot air.


Nestled in a wide canyon, the steep walls provide shade and a buffer against strong wind.

Natural Resources

There is a steady supply of fish from the river. Individuals may raise poultry and other small creatures.

623 R.C.

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