


Guild Interactions

Enik, Wally, & Eddo ran into the strange Antlerman on their way to return the wings to the Waspman during Expedition 15 - Boons or Bust. He spoke in riddles which confused and frustrated the party, but it sounded like he was offering a reward in exchange for the wings instead of delivering them to the Waspman. The party tried to ask for further details but with his answers returning as a riddle the Cartographers gave up and moved on.   The did end up returning the wings to the Waspman but felt like they made a mistake so they began to search for the Antlerman again, who they found exactly where they left him. The party ultimately made an agreement with the Antlerman that in exchange for whichever boons he previously promised they would aid when he calls to asset in keeping the Waspman from exiting the "Elder Emerald Green".  
  • Enik received the "Boon of Thorns"
  • Wally received the "Boon of Turtle's Might"
  • Eduardo "Eddo" Jeron received the "Boon of the Lunar Moth"

  • Image Boon & Description

    Boon of Thorns

    This corsage is teeming with all manner of verdant plant life and grows from Enik's tail. Four roses decorate the corsage, whose colors and arrangement can be magically changed using an action while wearing it. You always smell of fresh plants and roses while wearing the corsage.   You can remove a rose from the corsage as if you were unsheathing a weapon. When you do, the rose's stem magically extends from the flower, transforming into a long thorn at its tip. The rose is considered to be a +1 dagger with double throwing range and can't be returned to the corsage once removed. If a removed rose is more than 5 feet away from the corsage at the end of a turn, it withers and becomes an ordinary dead rose.   The corsage regrows 1d4 missing roses daily at dawn.

    Boon of Turtles Might

    The wounds in Wally's shell, left from the strange fanged toads, now functions as an interdimensional holding space these rules:
  • The pouch can hold up to 80 pounds of material with no added weight cost.
  • Placing an object in the space follows the normal rules for interacting with objects. Retrieving an item from the shell requires you to use an action. When you reach into the haversack for a specific item, the item is always magically on top.
  • The space can't be destroyed by being torn or pierced.
  • Boon of the Lunar Moth

    Phantasmal wings sprout from Eduardo "Eddo" Jeron's back, glowing like soft moonlight. Eddo gains these abilities:
  • While attuned with this boon, you can move an extra 10 feet when you take the Dash action.
  • In addition, while wearing this cape, you can speak its command word as a bonus action when you jump to cause it to unfurl and flap downwards, sending you 10 feet into the air when you reach the height of your jump. This property can't be used again until you land on solid ground.
  • Race
  • Unknown
  • Children

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