


Guild Interactions

The first time the Guild interacted with the Waspman was when Wally & Enik got lured into a Strange Forest by a Golden Horned Rabbit. during Expedition 07b - The Lost Ones The rabbit led them to the Waspman, the Waspman greets Enik & Wally and asks them for their names, to which both Cartographers respond....to their own detriment.   In that moment both Enik's & Wally's mind became clouded, but it dissipated nearly as quick as it appeared, leaving both cartographers...hollow. They had forgotten their names, but not only themselves, but everyone who had ever know these two characters forgot their names completely. Even the Guild records suddenly had ink or other unknown liquids spilled across their two names, obscuring them. The Waspman continued,
Thank you for the names, they are very nice ones.
...oh? You want them back? Well you did give them to me, but I could be willing to give them back.

See, now we've all lost something. You've lost your names, and I've lost my wings. If you could find and return my wings I would gladly return your names to you.
  After the Guild found the wings during Expedition 12 - Wings of Desire, Wally & Enik ready themselves to return them when Eddo volunteers to join them for Expedition 15 - Boons or Bust. The three make it back to the strange forest and find their way to the Waspman, who they attempt to question what he plans to do with the wings, as they were visably attempting to move away from him even while bagged. He refuses to answer as that wasn't part of the deal, in response Eddo did his signature hand-on-shoulder clap to which the Waspman teleported away, refusing to be touched.   Eddo continues to push his luck until the Waspman uses some form of magic to freeze Eddo where he stood, while two Strange Cat and Snake Creatures emerged from behind the Waspman while he asked if the party is still insterested in concluding the deal. The party begrugingly agrees and hand the wings over. Eddo is freed, Wally & Enik got their names back, and the Waspman disapears into the thick treeline.
  • Unknown
  • Children

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