
Filius was born into a family of halfling farmers who lived in the outskirts of a small village. Despite his small size, Filius was always eager to help out and his enthusiasm earned him the nickname "Little Helper". When Filius came of age, he left his family's farm to pursue a career in accounting. After years of working for various merchants and guilds, Filius was hired by the Cartographers Guild. He quickly became an invaluable member of the team, managing their inventory and handling their finances with ease. Though he takes his job seriously, Filius has a jovial personality and is always quick to crack a joke or share a story with his colleagues.

Filius is content with his job and has no desire for advancement. He is loyal to the Cartographers Guild and hopes to continue working for them for many years to come.
Filius is a bit of a pushover and can be easily taken advantage of by those who know how to manipulate him. He also has a weakness for sweets, and has been known to eat an entire tray of pastries in one sitting.
Filius is very close to his family and sends them money and letters whenever he can. He also considers his colleagues at the Cartographers Guild to be his extended family and would do anything to help them.
Guild Affiliation
The Research Team
Guild Merchant - Survival Gear
  • Making deals
  • Buying & selling goods
  • Creating forgeries
  • Standing Orders
    Make merchant runs to Stonehelm when enough goods stockpile up.

    Current Project