Ever-Burn Lantern

Even Doused and Broken

Darkness swallowed them as they slipped beneath the surface. Three, spinning points of light fell along side them, tumbling further and further away. Moments later, the crunching of bone on stone rang out, echoing off the cavern's walls. Nasir landed on his back, paralyzed from the waist down, but alive and breathing. He had the misfortune of watching the two other hired mercs fall after him, landing to both his right and left. Neither survived the impact.
Their lanterns shattered across the stone floor, sending splinters of glass and steel skittering across the cave. The small, dancing flames continued to wiggle around the tips of the wicks as they rolled through the spilled blood of the deceased. Burnt iron wafted across his nose and Nasir gagged, trying to heave himself off of the pile of rocks that broke his fall. Something moved beyond the safety of the flickering lights and crumbling earth fell from the ceiling.
Fear gripped his mind as lifted his loose wick upwards with trembling hands. He caught sight of a pair of eyes reflecting the light, staring right at him. They were milky white, without so much as a pupil or iris. His free hand fumbled for the revolver on his belt, a gift given to him by one of the Lumians on the topside of the dig site, but could not find it. The entity clinging to the roof of the collapsed cave hissed, screeching something in a language he couldn't understand as it crawled away from the dancing flame in Nasir's hand.
“Oh, Seal above! Someone! Can anyone up there hear me?!” Nasir cried upwards. Through the all-consuming darkness, far above, he heard the clinking of iron—chains. Someone from the expedition was coming for him! He may have his legs cleaved from his body, but he'd be alive. A fleeting thought whirled through his mind, thinking of the newest Thaumtech prosthetics that could replace his weak, elvish legs. I only survived because of these stupid gimick lanterns... at least the merchant wasn't lying!

Item Information


Ever-Burn Lanterns are nearly identical to the average hooded lantern in every way, save for a few key features. Thaumtechnitions and arcanists have developed a wick that will burn as if it were under normal conditions at all times, regardless of the condition of the wick. It has been tested to burn under water, doused in various liquids, and completely smothered by a viscous substance such as mud. In all tests, the wick continued to burn at the same intensity, and further developments have been implemented to better control the flame's intensity. The hoods to the lanterns, unlike standard models, automatically adjust based on the holder's intentions by way of runic inscriptions etched along it's base. Any weilder may atune to these runes, and use the item as if it were an extension of their own body.
Item type


Ever-Burn Lanterns see use all across the Luminforge Syndicate and the Wissan Dominion for much of the general lighting needs of the nations. These lanterns, which have been rigorously tested to prove their namesake, continue to burn even in poor conditions or maintenance. Beloved by both explorers and the common man, the Ever-Burn Lantern has cemented itself as a staple in the world of arcane lighting. It's though to rival it's predecessor (the Ever-Burn Torch) in both availability and cost due to the sheer number that have been manufactured and sold.


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Aug 7, 2024 01:27 by George Sanders

I like that you include a short fiction with the description and item details.

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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Aug 7, 2024 13:37 by J. J.

Thank you! I don't do it for everything, but there are a few I feel deserve that little extra bit. :)

May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friend.
Aug 21, 2024 10:21 by George Sanders

I added your article to the short list for my Summer Camp sponsored prompt "A personal item that keeps you safe." View the short list.   This earns you a prize! An 800x800 hand drawn digital image of your item. To claim your prize join our prize discord server or email me at [email protected] so my artist, Gege, can work with you on the image. We are still deciding on the grand prize winner. They will be announced on 8/31 during the World Anvil Twitch Livestream.   I will be sharing your article on community posts and Lavani's Reading List. When you join the discord server, check out the optional World Deck we are planning for the items. Congrats!

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
Share your articles on Lavani's Reading List!
Aug 21, 2024 14:37 by J. J.

That's awsome, thank you so much! I'm honestly humbled that so many people enjoyed this little article on something as simple as a lantern. I'll be sure to join the Discord server some time after I leave from work.

May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friend.
Aug 23, 2024 01:03

Isn't it impressive? Nasir's optimism continues to burn even in adverse circumstances, just that the lanterns that saved his life!

Aug 23, 2024 04:17 by J. J.

Didn't even dawn on me to connect those two dots, honestly—clever! Glad you enjoyed :D

May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friend.