Kailano Archipelago

Written by World Smithy

If there is truly to be a resurgance in civilization across our fair continent, I doubt it will begin or even arive at those cursed isles. While my people may call one home, I feel that my place is in cleaner waters.
Dr. Pericus Hadal, during his first excursion into the Calèdare Sea.


This sub-region of the Calèdare Sea is known for many things, chiefly among them being its reputation for being potentially lethal to both travel near and to live in. While the relatively small population of the archipelago calls this place home permanently, many of them believe it to be cursed by Marëanna, the Drowned Goddess, herself. Tsunamis and earthquakes are common within the island chain, often erasing villages that had been built along the coasts of the islands. If one is unlucky enough to be out during a particularly tempestuous storm, it is thought that the Lady in Green's glowing eyes could be seen in the umbral waves.

Major Islands

Detailed below are the four largest islands that make up the bulk of the landmass within the archipelago. Few people live on the other islands, as there is little in terms of raw resources to sustain a persistent settlement on them. The smaller islands, not detailed here, often collect shipwrecks and treasures from times long past on their beachs after larger storms.

Thalassa Spring

The largest of the four main islands is Thalassa Spring, named after the peoples that emerged from the miles-wide, flooded sinkhole millennia ago. These Thalassians, sea-peoples claiming to hail from an extraplanar dimension made entirely from water, inhabit small sections of the island. They can be described as having colored skin and scales, ranging from deep greens to light blues; black scales, while uncommon, are still prevalent in smaller subsections of the population. While many have hair, others have a head crest, dorsal fin, or a row of soft spines that go down to the nape of the neck. The population of Thalassians on the Spring all have prominently webbed hands and feet, but those that have long since migrated towards the mainland have developed smaller and less developed webs. They are all amphibious, possessing both gills along their necks and a developed terrestrial respiratory system.
The largest settlement, Ula'natsua, otherwise known as Bittertide in the common tongue, is built upon the massive, limestone cliffs that surround the sinkhole affectionately named Ena'Soru, or Lightswallow. Buildings whose anchorings fail during earthquakes will descend into the otherwise serene sinkhole, quickly slipping beneath the surface where the dim light passing through the Veil is unable to penetrate the inky waters. It is not uncommon for those that are taken with the fallen buildings to never be seen again; bodies are typically never recovered.


The second largest of the main isles is Lamrial, a sparsely populated landmass dominated by a sprawling jungle known as the Uli'mau, or simply The Fungal Haze. Several, massive species of towering fungal trees call the island home, and their spores hang heavy in the air during the warmer months. These spores are what give the jungle its name, as they act similarly to dense fog in calm weather. If inhaled in large enough quantities, the spores may become lethal as they will blossom in the warm, moist environment within one's lungs. Those that perish and are left on the island are consumed from the inside out for the fledgling fungi, adding to the grotesque flora that thrives there.
Its western region is sparsely vegetated due to its rocky and crag-like nature, giving rise to Ma'tula, or the Slate Rise. Rock slides are common there as loose shale catches turbulent winds, tumbling down the sloped cliff face to the rocky beach below. This region is home to a particularly nefarious green dragon known as Fa'amoe, who makes his lair in a cave at the base of the mountains near the poisonous Haze. He's known to extort sailors that travel around Lamrial, and to sink ships that do not bend to his will.

Absano Haven

Next of the major islands in the chain is Absano Haven, known chiefly for its relative safety compared to the other isles that populate the archipelago. The karsts that surround much of the island break and weather storms that are common within the region, and tidal waves rarely make it to the beaches hidden behind the rocky shield. Because of its natural fortifications, Absano Haven is home to the largest amount of permanent settlements within the Kailano Archipelago. Many of the villages construct their homes out of the hulls or shattered remains of shipwrecks, with the strongest among them often hauling the supplies further away from the shoreline.
It is thought that one of the Aetherwens, a floating or flying city that was common within the Vasani Dominion, found it's resting place somewhere beneath the earth of the island. The Wissan Dominion have yet to charter a proper expedition to the island, as there is little more than rumor and speculation to work with. Venefic Sigilis, the Headmaster of the Dominion, believes the city could be one of two different Aetherwens that were in the region during the time of the Schism; it is either the remnants of Kolis or the ruins of Hison.

Marëanna's Folly

The final, major island within the archipelago is Marëanna's Folly, a landmass with a central whirlpool. The people that live there reside along and ontop of the karsts that rise far above the surface of the water, often using pierced ship hulls ontop of the rocky outcrops and driftwood to construct their dwellings. The settlements here have no names, as the residents refer to the collective of homes simply as “The Folly”. The island is home to a notable minority of sea-based, sentient species, such as the Mossyls (a tree-faring, frog-like peoples) and Thalassians, but the majority of the population have little capability to survive in the harsh sea beyond.
The central whirlpool is a mystery to the natives of the island, though many believe it to be a sort of portal straight to Marëanna somewhere in the Great Beneath. Her devout often use it as a sort of sacrificial alter, casting away their offerings into the swirling brine below. Scholars in the Wissan Dominion have reason to believe that the whirlpool is caused a drop of black ichor that belonged to Faulneroth, the God of Rot, resting at the bottom of it's depths. The water levels of the whirlpool never waver, as it is fed fresh seawater through multiple entryways around it's perimeter.


Do not.


  • Kailano Archipelago
    A map detailing the island chain known as the Kailano Archipelago. This region is known for it tempestuous weather and odd phenomena, along with its stubborn and resilient population.
Alternative Name(s)
Rumbling Chain
Location under
Inhabiting Species
Ula'natsua [Bittertide] in profile
A portion of Uli'mau during the warmer months
Shipwrecks washed ashore between the karsts of Absano Haven
A birds-eye view of the main landmasses that make up Marëanna's Folly


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Jul 14, 2024 05:26 by Marjorie Ariel

I love how much life you gave to this place, despite how dangerous it is! But the comment on Tourism really makes it.

Jul 15, 2024 20:54 by J. J.

"Life, uh... finds a way."   Thank you! Wanted to keep it similar to its parent article, the Calèdare, in a lot of ways; tourism note included. :)

May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friend.