Amberhold Covenant Organization in Vashald | World Anvil
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Amberhold Covenant

The Amberhold Covenant is a large conglomerate of Dragons; mostly metallic with some chromatic and elemental dragons also agreeing to the covenant. They are ruled by an ancient golden dragon, named Auretal, who is known to be a wise and fair judge to all. Many elves from both the Kingdom of Allanar and the Kingdom of Virquen have left their homes to serve under the dragons. After generations of service, the elves have evolved to be more like their golden master and have become Aphorites.

Come not between a dragon, and his judgement.

Founding Date
10000 B.S.
Political, Confederation
Government System
Major Exports
Amber, Copper, Glass, Gold, Silver
Major Imports
Fur, Meat, Wood
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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