Elf Species in Vashald | World Anvil
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Elves were one of the first sentient species of Vashald. With an innate arcane affinity, the first Elves lived next to Leylines, magic nexus' built by Dragons. It was here, the Dragons first taught them how to wield their magic with force, with any who rejected the gift being cast out. This event was known as The Diverge. Today, Elves are spread throughout the continent, often holding onto past accomplishments of their ancestry. Many Elven nations have fallen with only 2 major ones still existing to the day.

Basic Information


The average elf is tall and slender. Their natural grace has given way to many becoming acrobats or rangers. Elves have hair colors ranging from pale white to deep black.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Elven society varies heavily on the location of their people. Wood Elves are seen as chaotic and flighty living in the treetops while the Moon Elves share some similarties are much more organized and have adapted to the moonlight.
Genetic Descendants
400-1000 years
Average Height
Geographic Distribution

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