Kingdom of Allanar Organization in Vashald | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Allanar

The last of the High Elven kingdoms, ruled by a regency council while Prince Syldis Stillwind is still deemed too young to rule properly. Allanar has a magical school of arcane in every major city; where citizens are sent to hone and control their innate arcane gifts. The main city, Venalas contains the Lunarfall Unversity, in which the most promising elves are sent to become masters of the arcane.
Founding Date
19000 B.S.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Major Exports
Fur, Grapes, Magic Items, Meat, Salt, Silver, Wine
Major Imports
Amber, Gold, Spices, Sugar, Wood
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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