Ep 98: "Forfeit"

Aruna 4, 1200


Kali went to find Cyl in her workshop, who was decluttering. Kali wanted to apologize for what was written in her holy book. She had failed to find a reason why her order wanted to hunt Goa, especially after meeting Cyl. Cyl didn’t hold any ill judgement toward Kali, as it wasn’t her fault and “people are going to do what they think is right, no matter what they are told.”   Kali also lamented not knowing her purpose. Cyl responded that she needed to make her own purpose, and she had her temple, Primeheart and her friends here. Cyl then also showed her a small list of hopes for the goa boulder, including the name being Vaz. Kali made a point of giving the blessing of the Dragon Mother to the Goa to be. Both ended the morning with a hug and going to get lemonade.   GB had spent the morning at the Beer Forge chatting with Ivy. Primeheart had been under the weather and had only the strength to get out of his camp that day. He had been transcribing the scrolls containing the holy doctrine of the Dragon Mother into a new tome, filled with notes in the margins. Finkoo had been working at the Greasers’ Union.  

The Beer Forge

Primeheart and Finkoo walked in together, discussing the cold Primeheart was recovering from. With GB, they discussed whether magic could cure common illnesses while they waited. Kali and Cyl walked in and Kali got Primeheart a hot toddy and Cyl a hot lemonade.   Cyl expressed that she had been feeling stir crazy in her workshop, and Primeheart echoed the feeling. She had been thinking about planning an art festival for the springtime. The possibility for GB to Skywrite a “highku” was offered.   Afra came in with a new person the party didn’t recognize. They had white hair, tanned skin, markings that were similar to Primeheart’s, a fur mantle, and a generally serious expression. Their name was Irrel. The group exchanged pleasantries, and Afra told them that Irrel was looking for a group to join and adventure with, and to see if they were a good fit with the party.   The group were given their first task for the Sub Rosarium. This involved performing a trade on the Celestial plane with a Hound Archon custodian of The Ashen Sanctum named Kavin. The trade was offering a sentient Deck of Many Things in exchange for Kavin’s Celestial Mantle, which was to be examined for a short amount of time before being returned. They were told not to use either items as they were both dangerous.   They were also told to not place the Deck in the Bag of Holding, for it seemed to act as a portable hole, which would destroy both items. Afra gave the group an hour of preparation and the group set off to research the plane.  

The Garden Keep

Primeheart and Irrel went to talk to Ezra, The Celestial Plane was Good-aligned and straightforward. If it was Lawful, then respect for the laws was paramount. If it was Chaotic, instinct and well-meaning was the proper perspective.  

The Library

GB, Cyl and Finkoo went to the Library and got a fairly descriptive amount of detail about the plane from Kethra, the drow librarian. The Ashen Plane was a Lawful plane that oversaw the use of natural fire by mortals with good intentions. Its adversary was Hofrin, a demonic fiend that oversaw the misuse of natural fire by mortals. They gathered some fire creating supplies before heading to the meeting, as they were told that the control of fire was well respected on that plane.  

The Beer Forge, Arlund’s Shop, The Clover House

Kali stayed behind and asked Afra if there were magical items to block telepathy. She said the Sub Rosarium could make items, but didn’t have anything already made for them to use. She went to ask Arlund and Bezel, but neither could provide anything suitable within the short time needed.   At Arlund’s, Kali also encountered Bad Company, who were there to purchase thirty healing potions for “a job that Kali wouldn’t support.” She asked them if Hasko had claimed any part of the city for his work, which was answered rudely, but they admitted that he hadn’t decided anything as of that moment, to their knowledge.  

The Guildhall

The group met back with Afra along with all of the prep that they managed to do. As she pulled a tapestry from her bag, Afra placed it on the wall and opened a doorway leading to a white marble room, and welcomed them to the Sub Rosarium.  

The Sub Rosarium

Afra gave them a brief tour of the Sub Rosarium, and guided them into a room where their portal was to be opened.  

The Celestial Plane of Lawful Good

After the group entered into the portal, they started following the longer streams, having been told that their path would lead to where they wanted to go. On the five hour journey, they saw many different creatures, including a unicorn, which Irrel asked Cyl to draw. They also saw plant creatures, called wood woads, that were chasing a huge aurochs. Hairless blink dogs were also there hunting a giant elk.   After some more traveling, the group got to a swampy area and encountered a cobra-spider creature with a female face that attempted to attack them, but quickly blinded the group and fled. Finally the group found the Sanctum at the end of several paths that were lit by fire pits.  

The Ashen Sanctum

Inside the open space decorated with fire pits and tapestries, the group met Kavin, a red-skinned dog-headed humanoid called a hound archon. He asked for their intent and then, when provided, proceeded to read the sealed letter from Afra. GB offered a pile of fire-starting equipment as a gift and Kavin showed appreciation for the offering.   As Kali removed the deck bag from her pouch it began talking and trying really hard to convince the party to draw from it. They weren’t persuaded by its promises and eventually offered it to Kavin. He took the deck and began to examine it.   After a short while Kavin asked for the group to show him how it worked. After deliberation, GB decided to draw from it and the deck expressed joy as the Mage Hand pulled. The card pulled gave GB a positive outcome. The deck then got frustrated and complained that they cheated before going silent.   Kavin explained to the group that none of their choices to draw or not draw were wrong and he pulled the Mantle off of his shoulders, giving it to the party. They placed it in the Bag of Holding for safe keeping.   Primeheart disciplined GB for being selfish in his use of the deck, but expressed that he still loved him. Irrel asked Cyl to draw Kavin when they got back. Primeheart then voiced his approval of their new party member and welcomed Irrel to the group. On the way back, branches seemed to smack Primeheart in the face considerably more than usual.  

The Sub Rosarium

The group returned to Afra, who asked if any of them drew, as they would have been asked to by Kavin. She was told that GB did draw. Afra then revealed that they were misled this one and only time as a test. Kavin had control over the deck and knew that it wouldn’t be dangerous to draw from it and that if they had opened the instructions, they would have known this too. The main take away was that every choice they make is theirs, and not to be held to their words and to trust in themselves while doing jobs.   Kali boldly asked if she could have more than a drink with Afra, who responded she could, before pushing Kali up against the wall and kissing her. The group then left to Cyl’s workshop.  

Cyl’s Workshop

Dub was there making another coal drawing in a trance, who sighed with relief at finishing and showed no sign of knowledge about what they had just done. Cyl put the drawing with the pile of others before checking on Dub. The group then dispersed, a job well done.        

Full Episode

Broadcast Date

January 5, 2019  


GB , Primeheart , Kali , Cyl , Finkoo , Irrel  





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