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Fellowship of Flaming Dreams

The Fellowship of Flaming Dreams is a small brass dragonborn mercenary clan from Dracostan. While the clan was founded in Dracostan, they moved to Morrer for seven years, and afterwards to Ourona on account of being hired by the very wealthy human merchant, Gertruda Crowe. Gertruda Crowe emigrated to Arthuria in 24, at which point the Fellowship followed and constructed dwellings around Kingshill Bastion, Gertruda Crowe's home. Some members of the fellowship helped with much of the construction process of her home, but they were mostly responsible for protecting what would come to be known as Beckinsdale and its surrounding area from the dangers of wildlife, bandits, and pirates.   As the town of Beckinsdale began to develop and flourish, the need for the Fellowship of Flaming Dreams dwindled, and eventually the original members began to retire and live normal lives. In the modern day, many original members of the Fellowship have settled down, and only a small number remain as mercenaries. By and large, those who raised children have trained them to be proficient combatants, and as such a significant number of them make a living in fighting-centred fields, such as working for the military, as a mercenary, or even as adventurers. A high proportion of the children of the original members joined the Fellowship, and as such the number of members has increased above its original level; a shift from 31 to 37.


Most members of the Fellowship are of equal status, with only two layers of hierarchy. The members of the organisation responsible for leadership, known as the 'Upper Circle', are primarily responsible for choosing which contracts given to the organisation are worth accepting. They have few other responsibilities, with a focus on independence and self-reliance in the group's culture, and Dracostan as a whole. The Fellowship is led by an individual (currently Selavi) who is elected by the members of the group and can be challenged by anyone at any time. At the founding of the group, there were 31 members; a number which dwindled to 19 at the end of the War of the Phoenix due to numerous casualties and then grew to 37 in the current year of 98.


Much like many other mercenary groups, the Fellowship of Flaming Dreams views independence as a key value. Excluding the somewhat rare occasions in which the entire organisation is contracted, individual members are allowed to live their own lives however they wish and to choose whichever contracts and quests they prefer. Most of the group's members focus on self-improvement, usually through extensive and frequent training.

Public Agenda

The Fellowship make no claim that they carry out their job for reasons other than obtaining wealth and becoming stronger. While members of the group rarely charge exorbitant amounts for their service, it is unusual for them to not requrie payment at all. The Fellowship put minimal effort into advertising their services, relying on thier already-high repution and their actions to speak for them. Upon the expansion of Beckinsdale following the conclusion of the War of the Phoenix, the Fellowship accepted a contract by the local government to protect and provide security for the town, which has become a goal they proudly fufill.


Located in the centre of the Brass District is the Brazen Estate, a series of connected buildings that acts as the headquaters for the Fellowship. The Estate houses high-quality facilities for training spanning a varity of disciplines. Such assets include an archery range, weapon-training rooms, a gymnasium, a library, an alchemy lab, and even a small smithy. While these facilitites are not top-of-the-line (better alternatives are available elsewhere in Beckinsdale) having them located in one central area soley for the Fellowship has played a key factor in their high expertise as mercenaries. Outside of the Brazen Estate, the Fellowship also has a few small ships located in the docks at Odel Port, and owns a stable outside of the town's walls. Even further outside Beckinsdale, the Fellowship has invested in various farms, mines and logging companies. Such investment has given them a strong philantrophic reputation by the local population, especially due to their quite generous nature.


The Fellowship was intially founded on the 25th of the second month in the year 14 when a group of thirty-one likeminded individuals chose to leave Dracostan in search of adventure and wealth in Ourona.
Founding Date
Civilian, Knightly Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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