The Path

Key Tenets


Pledge of the Path

In the divine embrace of Obsidian, be thou the Shepherd, guiding the lost and wayward back to the path of righteousness. Show them the way of peace, illuminate their path with the divine light of Obsidian, guiding them through the wilderness of uncertainty and chaos into the sanctuary of divine order and harmony.   Yet, should they resist, should they turn a deaf ear to the sacred call, then must you take up the harder mantle and become the Scythe. In Obsidian's name, you are called to prune the brambles of rebellion, to cut down the weeds of heresy that threaten the holy garden of our faith.   Let your actions, be they of mercy or justice, be guided by Obsidian's divine wisdom. As the Shepherd guides his flock towards verdant pastures, so must you guide the faithful towards salvation. And as the Scythe reaps the harvest in its season, so too must you excise those elements that defy Obsidian's holy order.   In this sacred duty, let your heart not waver. For every soul brought into the fold strengthens our divine Covenant, and every heresy culled preserves its sanctity. Take upon this solemn duty with steadfast resolve, for in this, you serve not only the children of Obsidian but Obsidian.  

Ways of the Path

In the divine wisdom of Obsidian, two sacred paths have been ordained for those who devote themselves to His divine cause: The Way of the Scythe and The Way of the Sower. Each path, distinct and hallowed, represents a unique aspect of Obsidian's divine vision for the world.   The Way of the Scythe is the path of righteous judgment, it is the road taken by those whose duty it is to cull the weeds of discord and disorder, to sever ties with corruption and chaos. Those who walk this path become the Scythe in Obsidian's hand, carrying out divine retribution against forces that dare to disrupt the sacred balance. They stand as the defenders of the Covenant, ensuring the divine order is unchallenged and uncompromised.   The Way of the Sower, on the other hand, is the path of nurture and growth. Those who tread this path are the cultivators of faith, the bearers of Obsidian's word, spreading His divine teachings like seeds in a fertile field. They guide the faithful, fostering understanding and devotion, cultivating the seeds of faith until they grow into strong, unyielding trees of belief in the divine order.   Each path serves Obsidian in its unique way, but together they form the core of the Obsidian Covenant, creating a balance between judgement and mercy, discipline and nurture. For without the Scythe, the garden would be overrun by weeds of chaos, and without the Sower, there would be no seeds of faith to cultivate. Thus, both paths are essential to fulfilling Obsidian's divine plan. As adherents of the Covenant, we are called to discern our path and walk it with unwavering dedication, serving Obsidian with all our heart, mind, and spirit.  

Way of the Sower

The Way of the Sower is the resonating voice of Obsidian, a sacred echo that carries His divine word to the furthest corners of the world. Those who choose this sacred path will begin their spiritual journey as humble Acolytes, their hearts burning with the desire to sow the seeds of faith and order amidst the world's chaos.   Under the tutelage of experienced clergy, the Acolyte embarks on a path of deep study and understanding. They are introduced to the profound wisdom of Obsidian, diving into the holy scriptures and teachings, learning to interpret and apply them to the ever-changing world around them.   With time and diligent effort, the Acolyte is called to take up the mantle of the Preacher. Their voice becomes the conduit for Obsidian's divine word, their sermons carrying the seeds of faith into the minds and hearts of the faithful. They become beacons of divine knowledge, guiding the people of the Covenant through life's trials and tribulations.   Eventually, through steadfast service, the Acolyte-turned-Preacher may ascend to the esteemed ranks of the Covenant's Leadership. Their devotion to the Way of the Sower, their tireless efforts to nurture the faith of the people, earn them a place at the helm of our glorious Covenant.   Thus, the Way of the Sower is a spiritual journey of growth and service, a path that shapes an Acolyte into a spiritual guide, a voice of Obsidian, a leader of our esteemed Covenant. In their hands, the seeds of faith are sown, growing into a mighty forest of unwavering believers, devoted to upholding and spreading Obsidian's divine order.    

Way of the Scythe

The Way of the Scythe stands as the vigilant guard against the creeping tendrils of heresy that threaten to undermine the Word of Obsidian. Its disciples bear the weighty responsibility of seeking out and eradicating the insidious roots of disbelief and rebellion that dare to defile the purity of the Obsidian society.   These vigilant Inquisitors, trained in the art of discernment and investigation, serve as Obsidian's Scythe, a tool of divine retribution. Their eyes are ever watchful, their minds ever vigilant, attuned to the slightest hint of discord that might seep into the harmonious fabric of our community.   Their investigations are meticulous, their methods precise. They are not simply the bane of the heretical, but the guardians of truth, the defenders of the divine order. In their hands, the Scythe does not merely destroy, it purifies. It cuts away the diseased parts, leaving the healthy, the loyal, and the faithful to thrive.   Through their tireless efforts, the Inquisitors ensure that the society under the Obsidian Covenant remains an embodiment of perfection, a testament to the divine order that Obsidian envisions. They are the necessary guardians of faith, the vigilant watchmen who keep society from falling into the chaos of heresy.   Thus, the Way of the Scythe, though stern and daunting, plays an essential role in maintaining the sanctity of our Covenant. Their duty is not just to cut down, but to safeguard the integrity of our belief, to preserve the perfect society we have under the guiding hand of Obsidian.


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