Amoth Settlement in Vel'Kora | World Anvil
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Shining Star in the Desert

The high smooth stone walls seem to reach to the sky as it make by nature rather than man. Massive gate-less entryways are flanked by several sturdy looking men, who nod as they catch your eye. The smell of fine spices and perfumes waft into you as you step into the city itself. Welcome, to the Free City of Amoth, Jewel of the Blacklands, trading hub for all of Koria.


While Amoth is largely a melting pot of all races due to being the major trading hub on the continent, it is largely considered to be a Human city, if not the last true remaining one left. This being said, it does boast a rather large population of Half Orcs found in the The Gruumsh District, a large Genasi population, mostly of the earth variant, a fair number of Elves can be found as permanent residence as well.   As far as wealth distribution is concerned, most of the city would be considered to be middle class.


District Representatives of each of the five districts, known as the Amoth Ruling Counsel meet and vote on all matters that affect the city as a whole. Each District governs themselves and has their own guards. Movement between each district is open and unobstructed. But, problems fall out from one district to another and are not dealt with, or laws are broken by the same individual in several districts, The Overlord of the Earth Tower steps in and renders judgement.


Amoth itself does not have a standing army, or any real true defenses to speak of with exception of those who guard each district. Instead, the Amoth Ruling Counsel has worked tirelessly to secure nonaggression agreements with all who come to trade. As many of the varied groups who trade within the city will trade with no others, such as the Dao and the Orcs, Amoth is a unique place where items that may be forbidden or banned elsewhere can be freely purchased here. The Counsel has managed to secure, in writing, that should they come under attack from any of them, the others would step in and assist the city in freeing itself and restoring the trade throughout the continent.


Each district has its own distinct look and feel.   The Trade District is, as its name implies, home to the majority of the cities shops. Large stone block buildings with stone shingled roofs, wide cobbled streets large enough to allow carts to pass one another and still provide foot traffic with enough room to maneuver lined with sturdy iron light posts to provide vision at night. The cities main dock for Airships is towers over everything else in the district, the ships from Kordairia, and the City of the Fey that bring goods can be seen casting massive shadows over the milling crowds below.   The Gruumsh District stands as a shocking contrast to the Trade District, clinging to a look of Orcish tribalism. A majority of the buildings are, rather than being the standard stock and stone of most permanent structures are thick hide tent structures of animal skins stretch over wooden frames, with well packed roads of clay. Those buildings within the district that are not of this design are the large metal smelting buildings, the few non Half Orc owned structures, and the monstrous colosseum that is The Pits.   The Hardbaked District is comprised nearly entirely of medium to large homes of adobe and baked clay bricks. Primarily the residential district of the city, there are still a notable number of non residential structures that can be found within the district, such as The Amoth Explorers Guild.   The Lowtown District is undoubtedly the smallest of the five districts, and home to warehouses, large scale manufacturing factories the longhouses of those who work within them.   Lastly, The Shambles is the poorest district of the city, and home to the more disreputable and downtrodden residents of the city. Mud huts of hard-packed clay and wooden shacks cluster closely together between narrow packed dirt streets.


  • The Free City of Amoth
    The Free City of Amoth. Shining jewel of The Blacklands. The trade center for the entire continent of Koria .
Large city
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Owning Organization
The Free City of Amoth
The Free City of Amoth. Shining jewel of The Blacklands. The trade center for the entire continent of Koria .


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Jul 5, 2018 00:53 by Grace Adams

What program did you use to make your map?

Jul 5, 2018 03:55

This one was made in Dungeon Painter Pro

Jul 5, 2018 05:32 by Grace Adams
