Casimir Lysaga

Casimir Lysaga (a.k.a. The Peacock Prince)

Casimir Lysaga
Casimir at a young age was abducted by an Infernal cult that was searching for Tieflings with special bloodlines. Unbeknownst to Casimir, he held the blood of Glasya the Princess of Hell, the Archduchess of the sixth layer of the Nine Hells, Malbolge. Casimir given the name Asinus Glasydian became one the Children of the Nine along with eight other Tieflings that became his "siblings". The Eldest Brother and leader of the cult Malitiae Asmodo, explained to the others that they were collected due to their blood and that they were destined for greatness in their futures in the cult.   Here Casimir was taught the ideals of the cult and the plan to have the Children of the Nine spend across the world and increase the power and influence of the Archdevils. Being of the blood of Asmodeus with Glasya's blood, he was said to be one of the more powerful of the nine. However this created a rift between him and his "siblings", especially his brother Tyrannus Levisioth, due his being of Levistus blood and the Archdevil's hatred for Glasya. The only of his "siblings" he befriended was a sister Peruro Firana who held the blood of Fierna, who much like himself despised the teachings of the cult.   The two used one another to help the other to survive the cult in hopes that one day they would finally be free. Eventually on his 18th year Casimir and a group of cultist were heading to a nearby town to begin growing cult of Glasya with Casimir as the head, but during the trek, Casimir realizing that he was the only of the Nine present and knowing the cultist would not act against him, promptly slaughtered his envoy before fleeing into the wilds.   Eventually Casimir found his way onto a ship and stuck with the lifestyle of a sailor, sailing from port to port, hopping ship to ship, hoping that such a mobile lifestyle would keep the cult of his as he knew that in time they would come for him. The only regret he held was that he was unable to keep a promise to the only friend he had in the cult and fears the worst for her but knows that he cannot do anything by himself to the cult.   During his start as a sailor, Casimir fell under the tutelage of an older half-elf bard named Orion Nikos who began to teach the tiefling the bardic arts. Nine years with his new teacher and a myriad of vessel that they worked upon, Casimir was able to put his past in the back of his mind as he developed a love for the experiences he would come to encounter, becoming a figurative peacock that thrives in the center of attention but managed to keep a genuine kindness to his demeanor. Eventually hearing speak of gods, companions, and safe haven. Casimir has ventured from the sea, northward.  
With Casimir's personality he would remember the basic teachings of the Nine Hells and how the hierarchy works. The general info of the Archdukes and the ranks of devils. The cult itself other than as Cas would put it, "Speak their crazy ideas of the 'Hells United' and to gain power and influence as you do as a cult." He doesn't really know their endgame, all he does know is he hates the cult and distrusts Malitiae.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Standing 6 feet even and lithe of form, Casimir is not devoid of muscle, he simply has as he would put it, "A dancer or acrobat's figure".

Body Features

Several tattoos; mostly sailor markings and iconography of goodly aligned deities and entities, also bright colored animals.   A large number of scars that are heavily obscured by his body art.

Facial Features

Facial Structure - Sharp, Aquilian features, six brass scales set on his upper cheeks, three just below each eye.   Horns - Sweeping ivory horns along the head before cresting outwards to point skyward.   Eyes - Black sclera with originally blood red irises, now a blood magenta. Since becoming a draconic shapechanger, his pupils have taken the appearance of reptilian slits.   Teeth - While most of his teeth are fairly normal, his canine are larger and sharper than most people.

Identifying Characteristics

Lipstick, eye-shadow, and mascara of reds and black. Facial, ear, and horn piercings, unique eye coloring, black skin, and tattoos.   Tattoo locations and descriptions   Left shoulder/arm - a full peacock tattoo, the head coiling to the front shoulder. The rainbow-like feathers winding down to his wrist.   Right shoulder/arm - A sleeve of a underwater scene with a large sea serpent winding around the middle arm, killer shark on the forearm, and a giant octopus wound around the shoulder.   Left side torso - Four soaring sparrows in the vertical line, facing his stomach, framed by two tall palm trees (middle side), dagger through a rose (lower hip).   Right side torso - A fully rigged ship with four whales circling it. Sperm Whale, Orca, Blue Whale, Humpback Whale (middle side). Compass rose with fletched arrows (lower hip).   Chest - Nautical Star surrounded by roses (lower right hip), Sun (around navel), twin horned theater mask that are surrounded by musical bars and notes (right pectoral), harpoon impaled through the skin (lower left hip).   Back - A scene of the moon in three phases with elvish runes circling the full moon in flowing geometric pattern and a fine sword point skyward interposed over the celestial body. Wild night flowers and dancing maidens spiraling out from the lunar body. Instruments and elegant swords are held by the dancing maidens.   Hands/Wrists - Elaborate rope knotwork wrist tattoos, Hold Fast across knuckles, Triangle with a single eye at each point (left hand), crossed cannons over an anchor (right hand).   Left Leg - Drow mermaids singing on rocks (back calf), cross (outer ankle), shellback turtles (outer calf).   Right Leg - Rooster sitting on a pig floating on a raft (outer calf), large manta ray with the symbol of the moon and ocean on its back surrounded by an islander patterns of fish scales, shark teeth, people, and waves (back calf), cross (outer ankle)

Apparel & Accessories

Casimir is almost never seen without his red naval longcoat. He also wears a great deal of jewelry, normally rings, earrings, horn piercings, decorative chains on his horns, and metal horn caps. The rest of his clothing tends to be much more subtle, though still of a finer quality.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

While androgynous, Casimir tends to present male and uses he/him pronouns. However, he does show many traits that many would considered feminine.


Pansexual - Casimir can find attraction in most people, though his reasoning can vary widely from intellectual attraction, spiritual attraction, or physical attraction. However, he does tend to favor the strange or exotic as it tends to make things more interesting.


Originally, Casimir was given a proper education while a part of the Children of Nine, under the assumption that as a future leader of a splinter cult, he must know a wide range of things to properly enact the will of the Nine Hells. This was one of the few things he kept from his time in the cult.   Once he escaped the cult, he was taught the Bardic Arts, further expanding his knowledge, taking a deep interest in history, culture, and the arcane.   He would often use the funds he made that weren't spent on clothes, instruments, or tattoo to enroll in various academies or any libraries that he could fine. All for the sake of gaining knowledge and information of the world.


Casimir spent a large portion of his life as a performer and a sailor. Now he is taking to his new duty as a White Knight of Haven, though not to the standard that most would associate with the Knightly Order.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Surviving and escaping the Children of the Nine   Becoming a quite proficient and successful sailor.   Being a highly requested bard along the coast of the Fury Sea.   Learning the cultures of several isolated island tribes of the Fury Sea.   Exploring a portion of the 'Dark Continent', making it to a Drow City called Maji'makubwa within the Haighlei Empire.   Befriending the Drow people of the Maji'makubwa and the Sisterhood of the Moon.   Being Chosen for the White Knights of Haven.   Rescuing multiple orphans and providing a better life for them.   Rediscovered forgotten knowledge of Ma'ar's Tower.   Aided in the slaying of a juvenile kraken.

Failures & Embarrassments

Casimir's greatest personal failure was his inability to keep his promise to his sister Peruro. They had promised one another that they would escape the cult and life their own lives with the freedom to live as they pleased. He was ultimately ripped away from his sister when they sent him to begin the forming of his own cult, fleeing after killing his escort and never returning out of fear of being unable to combat his family and free his sister, though he feared that he wouldn't even be able to find her anymore.

Mental Trauma

PTSD - Casimir was subjected to many horrors during his time within the Children of the Nine. Torture and physical abuse was common disciplinary actions used on him for his insubordination. He was also force to observe several sacrificial rituals where innocent blood was spilled to summon various entities from the Nine Hells. The cult also forced him to kill many innocent people as a lesson, hoping to break the 'weakness of compassion' Casimir held. He as long since rationalized his hand in those death as granting his a quick end without suffering, to save them from the torment that his family would enact on them for his failure to act.   Paranoia - Since escaping the Children of the Nine, Casimir has live his life constantly looking over his shoulder. He knows that his 'family' will not let him simply walk away and waits for them to finally make their move and retrieve or remove their 'wayward brother'.   Minor Self Loathing - While he keeps it well hidden with his sense of self worth and confidence, a small part of Casimir hates the blood in his veins, as it is the source of most of the pain and trauma in his life.   Imposter Syndrome - Since being chosen for the White Knights of Haven, Casimir constantly questions if the Gods made the correct choice. He considers his past dark and stained, wondering if he truly was a correct choice for this new mantel that has been place upon him.

Intellectual Characteristics

Casimir shows each trait of intellectual characteristics; integrity, autonomy, perseverance, empathy, humility, courage, fair-mindedness, and confidence in his reasoning.   Integrity - Casimir holds himself to a high standard when it comes to intellectualism and holds those of similar walks of life to that standard, finding ignorance of such things extremely frustrating and grating.   Autonomy - Casimir believes that everyone should always think for themselves, not to eschew concepts or ideals of others, but to always consider them and determine if they are the correct course of thought.   Perseverance - Casimir tends to have a obsessive focus on unraveling difficult or interesting concepts he comes across, dedicating a larger portion of his focus to attempt to understand those concepts, no matter how long it may take.   Empathy - Casimir respects the opinions of those of similar or greater learning than himself. While he may not agree with the conclusions of others, he will understand and respect the means of how they came to those ideals so long as it make sense to him.   Humility - Casimir is fully aware that he doesn't know everything and has no qualm in admitting such. However, that does actively feed into his desire to correct that shortcoming, always seeking those that now more of such subjects to expand his own knowledge and horizons.   Courage - Casimir tends to follow the established concepts, but knows that the world is a strange place and views can vary significantly. If he learns of something that directly contradicts those established norms, he will always attempt to address those aspects in hopes to change understand for the better, even if it gains him the ire of others.   Fair-mindedness - Casimir is very willing to hear the views of others on aspects they are knowledgeable about. He is very aware that he does not know everything and others are needed for insight to come to proper understanding and conclusions on a great deal of things in the world.   Confidence - Casimir considers himself well learned and well traveled, with that experience, Casimir is quite confident in his ability to come to well measured conclusions and the outcomes he has determined.

Morality & Philosophy

Morality tends to be a fluid concept in Casimir's mind, as morals are ultimately formed from learned and cultural experiences. What some may consider moral are not so to others. However if Casimir had to place a label to his own, he would say that he values life, joy, expression, and kindness. He believes in helping those that need it and those that have much can stand to lose some. Laws are there to keep a semblance of order, but laws should never be obeyed if they actively encourage pain or suffering just for the sake of control or power. Casimir is more likely to obey social rules than structural rules that he would chafe under.   Casimir lives his life to a mixture of philosophies, the more common one being Hedonism with a Utilitarianism foundation, however he can often shift to a more Relativistic, Rationalistic, Empiric viewpoint when the situation calls for it.

Personality Characteristics


Casimir is a individual that values freedom and knowledge, looking to understand all the strange and intriguing things in the world, as they are what make its mysterious, interesting, and beautiful. Casimir values the friendships he has formed over the years, as in his youth, he struggled to trust anyone during his time in the cult. He will often do whatever he can to make those he trusts and cares for to succeed or in some cases, just survive. He sought the City of Haven when he heard of the Choosing, to potentially be a bard attached to a group of these White Knights, cataloging their endeavors and ventures. The proximity to those apparently chosen by Gods would be a well supplied and protected location to avoid his former family. Now a Knight himself, something Casimir would never have expected to happen given his stained past, looks to keep people safe and further expand his understanding of the world he lives. He also seeks to gain the backing he needs to finally strike at the Children of the Nine and find his beloved sister, praying that he is alright and not fallen to the darkness that surrounded them in their youth. After his first mission as a White Knight, Casimir and his allies came upon a group of three Tiefling children that were being smuggled by their quarry. After eliminating the slavers, Casimir took the children in, seeing too much of his own fate unfolding in front of him. He then decided to also make it his duty to make sure that any orphaned children he would find in his travels be taken care of, to give them a chance at life that was taken from his own youth.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Given Casimir's training during his time with the Nine, he is an extremely skilled speaker, able to sway many with his words alone, be it telling someone what they wish to hear, playing to one's pride and faults, or to simply lie with a well crafted and believable falsehood. After being taught his bardic arts, Casimir had also become a very talented musician, singer, and artist. He is also quite well versed in how and when not to be seen, constantly honing his skill stay hidden, noticing the oddities in a place, and to always keep an ear out for interesting rumors or tales.   However, while he does has a dancers figure, Casimir is not much for physical confrontation. He would describe his physical strength as average at best, being more built for finer movements and finesse than brute force.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Art, Music, Poetry, Dance, People, Artisans, Passion, Knowledge, History, Children, Cultures, Seafood, Wine, his Friends, his sister Firana, Eilistraee, Ylene'elvae Hun'ana.   Dislikes: Ignorance, Tyrants, Misers, Unjustified Cruelty, Cults and Religious Extremists, Callous Violence, his 'Family', Blind Loyalty, Any and All Fiends.

Virtues & Personality perks

Casimir is someone that tries to see the good in people, but not so foolish to think all people have good in them. Casimir tempers compassion with pragmatism, always trying to learn all the angles of a situation. He also has a notable soft spot for the downtrodden, but none more so than for children and orphans.   Casimir firmly believes in always being courteous to someone you have just met, as first impressions can never be taken back. While it is fairly easy to gain his ire, he is willing to forgive those that are truthful in their repentance. After all, Casimir is all too aware what it is like to desire a second chance to make amends for faults of the past.

Vices & Personality flaws

Casimir is known to have a sadistic mean streak at times, often going beyond what may be deemed as vindication to others. While not happy with these moments and often rationalized as necessary evils for the betterment of where he walks. Casimir cannot deny the sweet sensations he gets from the fear, pain, sorrow, and suffering of those he has deemed fit for his 'punishment'.   Casimir is also paranoid, justifiably so in his own mind, having to live a good portion of his life looking over his shoulder for his 'family'. He is also a creature of pride, something he is aware of, but is unable to resist when he is poked and prodded in the correct way.   Casimir happens to be a fan of a hedonistic life-style, though more restrained than most may initially think. He loves alcohol, drugs, and pleasures of the flesh. He loves the 'elevated' feelings they provide him, however he often knows when to stop as he has learned from experience what sort of problems can come up for overindulging, even cutting back on his visits to brothels, though for more personal reasons.

Personality Quirks

Casimir has a near obsessive habit of putting on his make-up and making sure his hair is just the way he likes it.   He is also prone to a severe case of tunnel vision when something has caught his interest, forgetting most other things to focus on his cataloging and studying of whatever it is that piqued his curiosity.   Casimir tends to softly hum or sing to himself when his nerves get the better of him, an attempted calming habit he has developed over the years.


Casimir like being clean and values his presentation, often getting quite irritated when he is dirtied. Casimir holds himself to a high standard when it comes to his personal hygiene and concept of beauty.


Contacts & Relations

Naval Vessels   The Wet Dream - A frigate and the first vessel Casimir even sailed on and where he met the man that taught him his Bardic Arts. An all jobs vessel that took work for a wide selection of jobs from supply transportation to combat engagements with piratical bands.   The Hullbreaker - A military galleon Casimir spent a few years with as a magically inclined privateer.   The Coral Song - An expeditionary brigantine that was sent out into the Fury Sea to investigate uncharted islands in the sea, learning of a number of uncontacted tribes and cultures that Casimir has long since cataloged.   The Night Runner - A merchant vessel that would make rarer trips across the sea to the Dark Continent. Casimir travels with the Runner for the second highest amount of time during his life as a sailor, intrigued by the predominately unknown continent.   Bolt from the Blue - A smaller clipper ship Casimir spent time on that often worked as a smuggler vessel. While not finding issue with most contraband the ship would deal in, it was still the ship he spent the least amount of time with. Casimir abandoned the vessel after learning that they had taken a contract to move slaves. He fled after killing the at the time, current captain and letting the slaves loose when they had briefly made port.

Family Ties

Casimir does not know where he was originally born since he was kidnapped as an infant, thus has no knowledge of the family that bore him or if they are even alive.   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   However is does have is 'siblings' from the Children of the Nine, the cult that had taken him from his original home.   Malitiae Asmodo - The eldest brother and Lord of the Children of the Nine, a Tiefling of Asmodeus' blood. A literal cult of personality, Malitiae is a master of manipulation and gaslighting, weaving words into the minds of many of their followers. Casimir fears Malitiae more than any of his siblings as he has always felt there was something more to him, something darker.   Cognitius Mephisitus - One of the three elder brothers and arcane master of the cult, a Tiefling with the blood of Mephistopheles. A reclusive scholar, not much is truly know about the mage. However Casimir knows that Cognitius is Malitiae's most trusted advisor and his magical talents are not to be underestimated.   Interius Bazel - The second of the elder brothers, he is the spiritual backbone of the cult with the essence of Baalzebul running through his Tiefling blood. A strange paradox of a cultist that rarely lies, using carefully formed 'truths' to move, convert, and indoctrinate the lower servants of the cults.   Tyrannus Levisioth - The last of the elder brothers and Casimir's least favorite sibling. A cold, callous, manipulative, tyrant much like the patron of his blood Levistus. Tyrannus has despised Casimir and Peruro from the onset, something the 'twins' attributed to their own Archdevil patrons having usurped and imprisoned his own.   Peruro Firana - Casimir's 'twin' of the cult, brought into the fold at the same time as himself. A firebrand and stubborn to a fault, she fought the teachings of the Nine with Casimir every step of the way, in hopes that they would be free one day. They both felt an inherent connection with each other due to their blood, Fierna being the closest thing to a friend to Glasya, the origin of Casimir's own blood.   Viribus Zael - A zealot to match the blood of Zariel that runs through her veins, Viribus was brought into the Nine around the same time as Casimir. A skilled warrior and aggressive negotiator, there is not much that she allows to stand in her way or the goals of the cult.   Bellio Dispa - One of the two younger brothers of the cult, Bellio is a schemer and a cold murderer. Always planning and watching his back, habits from his patron Dispater, Bellio eliminates any obstacle that looks to impede the cults goals, especially him own goals. However unlike the fervorous methods used by his sibling, Bellio prefers a finer touch, one of subtlety and finesse.   Avarus Maon - The youngest of the cult, Avarus is the bookkeeper and public face of the Nine. This is not due to his skill with those aspects, though Avarus is extremely skilled in those fields, it was due to his distrust of his other siblings at getting the important minutia of operating a cult. Habits that he has gained from the blood of Mammon that flow through him.   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Casimir has of late, taken a number of orphans under his wing after finding them during his missions for Haven. He has placed them within the palace and teaching them to become Pages of Haven.   Kisa - A young Tiefling girl with more natural human skin tones, found during Casimir's first mission, having saved her and two other children from slavers. A fiery personality that reminds Casimir of his sister Peruro, Kisa was distrusting of him at first, but has since gained her trust and affection when he made good on his promise to bring them to safety and give them a home. Casimir often places Kisa in charge of watching the others when he is sent out of missions.   Lilith - The younger pale red-pink Tiefling child that Casimir rescued during his first mission. Barely able to form words and no knowledge or marking of a name, Casimir gave the little girl the name Lilith and took her in with the others.   Dante - A Tiefling infant of red skin that was rescued along side Kisa and Lilith. Much like Lilith, Dante had no known name or marking and as such Casimir gave him his new name. While of seeming perfect physical health, Casimir quickly learned that the infant never made a sound. Something he figured was a learned response to punishment he most likely received for any crying when in possession of the slavers.

Religious Views

Casimir does not put much stock or faith in the Gods. A long stint in a cult tends to push one away from religious organizations. While he will respect the faith of others if they are connected to more of the positively aligned Gods, he tends to chafe under their narrow mindsets.   However, Casimir does have a Goddess that he respects and if he were to claim an association to a faith, Eilistraee would be the Goddess he would claim attachment to. However he tends to keep quiet about that particular faith, as it is relatively unknown to many of the mainland. He happened upon temples of this Goddess during his time on the 'Dark Continent', in a city of Drow within the Haighlei Empire and after spending a good deal of time in the city, became close with a Sword Dancer of the Dark Maiden, one of the high priestess of the faith.

Social Aptitude

Casimir is well versed in many social situations, able to read a room and its denizens to gain some insight into the types of people within. A social chameleon, he is able to blend and fit into nearly any group of people, playing to their interests and ideals. Casimir has on many occasions been able to get information, money, and other services with his charm and wit alone. Most tend to enjoy the jovial and playful nature he offers, though some can find his boisterous and outgoing personality grating or a nuisance. However, Casimir often manages to burrow into the good graces of most and knows when to bow out, when things become too tense.


Casimir comes off a confident and jovial, speaking with his entire body as he often gesticulates when he talks. He tend to also have the habit of pulling odd phrases and nomenclature from the various locals he has spent time in.

Hobbies & Pets

As a bard, Casimir has a wide range of interests and hobbies. He loves to play various instruments, paint, sketch, write, read. He also enjoys studying new information, be it historical lore, cultural beliefs and customs, and most recently, forgotten arcane knowledge.   As of late, Casimir has come to treasure the time teaching and playing with the children that he was taken under his watch during his missions.


Casimir speaks in a Latin style of speech, able to shift from more eloquent and regal cadences to a brusque and informal patterns. It is simply a matter of who is speaking with and where.


Casimir Lysaga


Towards Companion Atami


Companion Atami


Towards Casimir Lysaga


Wealth & Financial state

Casimir has always lived by comfortable means, outside of when staying aboard a boat. Supplementing his pay for his time on a vessel with performances and sometimes, con jobs to pick up something extra. Prior to becoming a White Knight, Casimir has spent the vast majority of his gold on clothing and tattoos. Since being chosen, he has come into a decent amount of wealth, while still living in the moment as to him, 'What worth does gold have if you do not spend it?', he is more considerate of where his funds go, making sure to leave a portion of his wealth for the children he has taken in to spend on whatever they desire.

An attractive, androgynous black skinned Tiefling adorned in tattoos and jewelry. Trained in the Bardic Arts, Casimir is playful, charming, compassionate, and a slight sadist, knowing what he is and leaning into that nature.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Peacock Prince - The moniker Casimir often goes by during his performances.   The Fool of Glasya - The title that was granted to his via the name given to him by his family of the Children of the Nine.   The Ebon Devil - A lesser used title several used during his time as a privateer and mercenary.
Current Residence
Palace of Haven
Blood Magenta with Black Sclera
Black and White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Coal Black
176 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Casimir Lysaga, The Peacock Prince, the pleasure is mine, but more so yours."   "I like to see the beauty in all things."   "I try to leave any place better than how I found it, even if it's only in some small, simple way."   "People are complex creatures, who knows why they do what they do."   "Do not use me as the standard to compare others too, as I am far from standard."   "Religion and me tend not to get along."   "Remember, it's always 'Yes and...'!"   "I'm a bit of a sadist, but the fun kind."   "Oh honey/sweetheart..."   "This wouldn't be the first time I've been caught with my pants down."
Known Languages
Common   Infernal   Abyssal   Celestial   Undercommon   Elvish   Draconic   Ancient Elvish