Session 20

General Summary

After deciding to put mysteries aside for the evening, the group takes a long rest to recover their energies before tackling the floating crystals. Upon rising and preparing as best they can, the group comes to a consensus on which crystal to touch, planning to attempt to map where each goes.   After several trials, the locations of each are revealed to lead to secret chambers in strategic locations around the keep. While several crystals had long been destroyed, the team was able to locate one that was near the top exit of the buried tower. Retracing the steps to the entrance, everyone breathes a sigh of relief to once again step into the sunlight and fresh air.   Before they can fully catch their breath, an old elven friend of Whisper, Darkwind, appears seemingly out of thin air until details of his intricate camouflage is noticed. After exchanging greetings and relief that Whisper and the others had made it back safely and the evil aura of the island had been dispersed, Darkwind encourages Whisper to visit when the opportunity arises before departing in the direction of the hidden Vale location deep within the Pelgir’s forest.   The group, weary and ready to return to Haven, makes their way down to the docked ship Seraphina arrived on and now, able to depart the island, the Knights quickly climb aboard for the trip back. A quick day of sailing returns them to a military camp that had been set up in response to the report sent about the cultists where they were happy to provide food and tents for the night and horses for transport in the morning.   Quickly taking to the road and making their way back to the capital, the Knights and Companions gratefully passed into the palace grounds where they were quickly notified that the Queen and Queen’s Own would like to see them as soon as possible. Quickly cleaning themselves and changing in their rooms, Cas finding a letter left for him but unable to be read since it was written in Abyssal, the group then reassembled and was led to a meeting chamber by Seraphina where reports and Cas’s new shapeshifting ability was examined and discussed.   Given the unique nature of the group’s dynamic, Seraphina was permanently assigned to continue assisting the group which was also given special permission to more freely tackle the stranger problems that seem to be arising now that the protective barrier was gone rather than follow the more normal duties of the Knights. Once released from the meeting, the group decided that the trouble in the peaks of the Icespine was too urgent not to address next.   Taking about a week, the group gathered special clothing, gear, and commissioned equipment to prepare for the journey to the icy region. Cas was introduced to the Palace Archivist who was able to assist in restoring Abyssal to his language skills and tucking the magical tome away for safekeeping until absolutely needed. Case, able to finally read the mysterious letter, made some extra preparations and set some extra precautions as they prepared to begin the journey to the North.
Report Date
25 Mar 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location