Archdruid Sanyeal Sor'Lenya

The victim of great highs and terrible lows, the Arch Feydruid Sanyeal Sor'Lenya is known throughout the Elyswer, her misfortune and strength a tale all tell their children, for she is a shining example of all the forest holds. It's strength, it's magic, it's rage and its vulnerability.

Born to War

Born with a spark of magic during the 'The War of the Wood' she was witness to the brutality and slaughter of her kin at a young age. Her urge to join the ranks of the Glade Guardians at the time was one many felt obliged to do in order to protect their home from the incursion of the Swarm of Kilithit. 

She fought for years until the closing of the war in 1795AC ending as a captain of an elite group of Spear Dancers. However, she could not find peace in what lay after, for she had never lived in peaceful times and war was all she knew. The rage that had burned within drove her on and she stalked the forests of eastern Lenwir with those that could find no peace, slaughtering any, not of their kind that entered, for the humans of the west had begun their migration, taking up the lands of the dead Kilithit and the Union of the East did not have the strength to stop them. The raids were frequent and devastating and a fear of the wood began to grow amongst the humans of the newly founded Nemir and Rednan. It soon became too much and the leaders of these nations sued for peace with the Elyswers' elders, with threat of war as an alternative.

The Way of Regrowth

Elders were sent to retrieve and placate the fury of these wayward fighters, for the rest of the wood had adopted peace not long after the wars' end. A druidic Furbolg elder named 'Anisor Lightroot' located the fighters and calmed their fury, either through sense or magic means, bequeathing them to return to their lives, to give up the violence. Many saw the way and followed, leaving their weapons and stepping into the night, walking paths long since abandoned and returning to their lives since lost. Sanyeal had no life to return to, and the magic did little but fuel her rage. She challenged Anisor to a duel for his interference in her affairs, for her pride could not let her lose her warriors without a contest.

The Furbolg reluctantly agreed on the condition she lay down her weapon and never pick it up again should she lose. The fight was decisive with Anisor the victor, his grasp of the druidic arts far too much for Sanyeal to compete with, and to her honour she buried her spear into the ground and became lost. Her purpose gone. Her rage, what she had considered her strength, useless. But Anisor saw the magic and drive within her and took her under his wing, leading her on and giving her a new purpose. One to heal the world and the damage done to it.


The path to archdruid is long and measured and even with Sanyeal's gifts she had long to go before it was complete. Though as Anisor passed from old age he handed his mantle of Archdruid to Sanyeal, her best apprentice.

Her duties had her oversee the eastern edge of The Elyswer and a glade named the Shil'Mnar Grove. Upon her arrival she began to warp the magics of the place, much to the distress of other Archdruids, who were more traditional. Her new magics helped revitalize and grow the nearby forest, as she pulled on magics from the Fey Realm. Magics few others could harness. Before long she had founded an order of Spellweavers, ones she trained in this new druidic magic. When the order had grown big enough, Sanyeal led a ritual on one Aestiva night and opened the first door into the Summer Court. Tiandra, The Summer Queen herself stepped out to greet the Spellweavers, though she could not stay long in the mortal realm, and the bond between Elyswer and Summer's Fey Realm was made.

With that everything changed, and fey creatures began to travel amongst the trees, giving life and magic to the denizens of the forest and infusing it with power. Eventually a more permanent doorway was built at Everlinde.

The Way of Rage

An archdruids role lies not only in magic and innovation but also in protection. And on one dark night her abilities were tested, for information had spread of an evil growing in the forest. A gnomish village had all but been extinguished and the only survivor told a terrible tale, one of betrayal and death. Sanyeal strode out with her Glade Guardians to combat this growing blight, finding it within an overgrown fortress. They fought their way through hordes of devils and demons to reach this necromancer but as the last monstrosity fell, the dark wizard slammed his corrupt staff down and laid waste to all the valiant soldiers. Sanyeal did what she could, summoning her magics against the unrelenting power but was smote down. All went dark and as Sanyeal arose among the corpses of her companions, she found herself cursed.

Her connection to the wild and its magic had been severed and her soul cast into that of a treant. The curse endured through all attempts to remove, both magical and non-magical and with the loss of her magic she turned back to her first guide. Rage. She clung to that fury, and broke her promise to Anisor, kindling her rage and picking up a weapon once more. She learnt the way of the barbarian with only one thing in mind, vengeance.

Years of hardships followed as she tracked her quarry across Lenwir. Companions were made and fell along every step of the way, but her will led her in pursuit of the evil wizard. Until with the help of a party of adventurers she achieved it, killing the afflicter of her curse and regaining her magic. She sealed the twisted object into a pocket dimension, so no others would suffer the same fate as she and returned home, or to what it had been.


Her return was met with Tiandra's blessing and that of the forest. For news of her deeds had reached The Elyswer before her and though her skin was marred with the scars she'd suffered as a treant, it became a part of who she was. The grove was renamed in her honour to Sanyeal's Grove and that is what she watches over till this day, vigilant in her watch. 

Some say they see her form, almost like a giant, standing on a cliff's edge overlooking the Mystmore below, scenting the air like a wild beast for danger on the wind. With a greataxe held in an arm of bark and strength, a replacement for the one she lost. The guardian spirit of the forest. An avatar of Teora.


1751 AC 


Guardian of the Eastern Wood. Tiandra's Advisor with a seat upon the Summer Council.

The War of the Wood

Born during 'The War of the Wood'. This time defined Sanyeal's life as well as shaped the future of Eastern Lenwir.



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