
'A crystal lit with enchanting life that whisks and swirls like water. Who but the spellweavers could birth a creation of such beauty.' - Master Craftsman

Lifestones are crystal prison for Soulight, meaning that it is able to exist in the material realm without evaporating. The presence of soulight within this 'stone' prevents decay from growing or spreading around it, as well as prevents the decay of materials or living creatures that bask in its glow. Though it is incredibly rare in the material realm, it has been used to great effect within the Elyswer. So much so that many spellcasters and wealthy of Lenwir have taken notice and are seeking to acquire some of their own, through trade, subterfuge or even aggression if necessary.  

Creation & Crafting

The crystals grown in the northern Elyswer require constant magical care and unique conditions. When these crystals reach the desired size they are removed from the ground and taken from 'Earthblood Canyon' to 'Summer's Wellspring'. It is here that they are split or carved into their desired shape. This requires some specific tools and the crystal must be carved into the whole shape (e.g. an entire sword, both handle and blade must be carved as one). Once the carving is complete it is plunged into the Summer's Wellspring. This spinning whirlpool breaches the veil into the fey realm and it is infused with soulight deposited upon the fey side of the whirlpool. These fuse at the centre point and when it is pulled out the crystal has cooled to a darkened obsidian colour with radiant (or cool blue) light shining from within.    


The flow of these crystals and fey soulight means that the process is slow and requires incredible artisanry and care, otherwise, a crystal might shatter and the process would need to begin again. This means that only the most vital of items are created and all are protected or kept within the Elyswer or given to their most important of allies. The positives of carrying Lifestone, even in a raw-infused form, are incredibly beneficial. For those that carry it, it can heal wounds, cure poisons, extend life (as it prevents decay) and even vanquish beings of decay or death like the outsiders. However, for these properties to apply it must be touching a creature or bathing them in its light, and as Soulight has different properties based on its purity, strength and origin, so too does the Lifestone. This means that not all act the same, and some, if used inappropriately or incorrectly, could cause more harm to the user than benefit.

  For this reason, almost all lifestones are in the possession of highly-placed agents of the The Elyswer.

The Obelisks of Khurilos

This series of giant obelisks that ring the Elyswer were cut entirely from Lifestone. Their power is immense and their purpose is vital to the prosperity and protection of the magical forest. These obelisks create a ring around both the northern and southern Elyswer and no creatures of death, decay or corruption may cross the magical barriers that connect them. They also anchor the Elyswer in the material world, meaning that fey creatures can freely pass in and out of the mortal realm and Tiandra, The Summer Queen can hold her court there. This means that the Elyswer can draw power from the magic-rich fey realm and the summer court in the fey realm draws power from the material world causing interesting consequences for the fey of Summer.

A Tale of Venya

Geographic Location | Jul 7, 2024

Learn more about the world, its history and the factions here.


This material is created from the souls and life force of fey creatures. The being dies in its extraction or willingly gives up its life to create the material. In its natural state, it is a liquid and only exists within the fey realm, but when put into the material realm it will quickly evaporate as the creature's soul will seek to find the halls of its ancestors. If it is to exist in the material realm it must be contained within something. This magical material is the core of 'Lifestone' and the idea came from the crystals that became Bloodstones during the Age of Desolation. 

Now within The Elyswer the spellweavers have created their own brand of containment crystals with many purposes. One of which is to trap the soulight in a mortal prison and manipulate its properties into Lifestone items.


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