The Ruby Maned Wolf

'Standing like sentinels over a kingdom. Creatures of beauty are the ruby wolves, but don't get too close. They will tear off your arm' - Nemir Hunter's Tale

Written by Yerran

Walking through the woods of crimson and yellow you may find yourself observed by giant wolf statues of red stone, shining like red crystal. Surely crafted by an expert craftsman, with every detail chiselled to perfection. Know in this time, you are watched and should tread carefully. A pack of Ruby Maned Wolves watches over you, looking for any misstep or aggression. These protectors of the forest will allow no harm to come to it and can bring down the most dangerous of prey with their unique anatomy and powers.  

Created for Protection

The caretakers of the Redwood work tirelessly to grow the seedlings of their fallen World Tree and thus have had little time for the protection of their forest. With the cities of Nemir growing around the edges of their domain they bequeathed Tiandra, The Summer Queen for a gift to protect their wood while they worked. She granted their gift in the form of a guardian animal, though the caretakers must choose. They deliberated for many moons, conversing with the animals of the forest to find the best fit, before deciding and granting the gift to the great Guardian Wolf spirit of the forest. A spiritual entity that blessed its living offspring with Tiandra's gift, turning all the wolves of the Redwood into ruby stone. This way, they could forever watch over the forest and its borders as guardian statues, absorbing sunlight during the day and coming alive at night to patrol the borders of the Redwood.   

Unique Anatomy

The Ruby Maned Wolf is so named because of its ability to transform its body into pure ruby. It can do this willingly, though will usually take on this aspect while sleeping, observing or not moving, granting it the appearance of a statue. While in this form they are unable to move as their limbs have become ruby stone. Though make no doubt, they can perceive the world around them while in this form and will transform back at the slightest hint of danger. This gift of Tiandra makes a ruby maned wolf almost unbreakable in its sedentary phase and allows it to reflect and harvest sunlight. This sunlight is then used by the creature during the night to illuminate itself or to project rays of pure red light from its mouth during combat to burn and blind hostile creatures.

The creatures possess a gentle temperament but take their duties incredibly seriously, unable to be charmed, or lured away from the borders of the forest. Some have sought to capture the creatures in their crystal form in an attempt to sell them whole or in pieces, but none have been successful, as most of these bandits and thieves find the creatures hunt in packs, and were created to hunt much larger prey. Many are unaware that they can convert different body parts at will, meaning a blow of the sword might stroke against a ruby leg, while the rest of its body remains a live wolf, allowing them untold protection from weapons and spells. This also applies to their teeth and claws, which they can turn to ruby as they strike, penetrating steel armour like it is paper, and breaking locks on any mortal cage. The only downside is they are unable to move their ruby limbs without converting them back, giving them a slight disadvantage to movement.

A Tale of Venya

Geographic Location | Jul 7, 2024
Learn more about the world, its history and the factions here.

Guardians of the Redwood

After the fall of the world tree over the redwood during the War of the Wood, the leaves of all the remaining trees turned crimson or orange overnight. Since these days they have not turned back, but the fey and creatures of the forest have adapted to this strange occurrence. Since that fateful day, the care-takers of the redwood have tried to cultivate the small seedlings of the dead world tree to life with varying degrees of success over the years. Some have grown but stop before reaching full adulthood, while others don't grow at all, as if the soil is tainted. While the protectors work tirelessly to cultivate the trees they have constructed guardians to watch the edges of the woods for them. Protecting the trees, the animals and their work.


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