The Splintering Physical / Metaphysical Law in Venya | World Anvil

The Splintering

'A cunning malevolence lurked behind this catastrophe, and the devastation that it wrought. A being that needs to be eradicated if we are to survive.' – Loremaster of Del Ayir

A cataclysmic explosion of magical energy tore across the northern Flametip Mountains shredding trees and mountains alike and punching a hole in reality in the process. What was once an idyllic land of mountains, streams and forests became a twisted reality where the laws of reality and magic bent and unravelled.    

Splintered Reality

The tear in reality shattered not only the mortal realm but all the mortal and immortal realms in a single blow, like a sword puncturing a sheaf of papers. Each was broken and with it, the natural and unnatural laws of these realms began to bleed together. Light refracted and drained near the portal and gravity itself shifted, upending objects with incredible mass as if they orbited a neutron star. Liquids boiled in seconds and metal turned to liquid and ran in streams. Shadows took on aspects of their own and the sun dimmed to nothing as the portal pulsated and vibrated with unnatural chaos.

Creatures in the vicinity of the explosion were shifted through the realms exchanging places with those of other realms, most dying in the alien environments without the care of magic, and for one brief moment, all the planes merged, appearing in the same place at once. And that is when the outsiders arrived.

A World Torn

The Outsiders stepped through into the fertile life-rich mortal plane, creating further fissures in reality that webbed across the land like cracks upon and icy pond. These collided with others of their type and further satellite portals appeared for more outsiders to enter through. With each emergence, the world tore more as a torrent of beings sought to force themselves through. The shattered area began to grow, spreading outwards for dozens of kilometres and all the while the horrors of the outer realms gorged on the dazed elves of Ayir, and so began the Battle of Del Aerion.  

Mortal Agent

The realms of mortals and immortals alike sit beyond the reach of the outer realms and Outsiders, no matter the power they possess, they cannot enter without an entrance. Though the most powerful of them can grant powers to followers and worshippers beyond the veil at the cost of their souls. In the days following the Battle of Del Aerion many loremasters of Ayir sought to investigate the cause. Though no traces could be found. The great question was handed down to the ages, in the hopes they could solve it before such a thing happened again. Did an ancient artefact malfunction or was accidentally activated, or is there cult of the outsiders, mortals willing to doom their realm to unspeakable horrors, working from the shadows to once more bring them back into play.  

A Changed Environment

The lands of Del Aerion were forever changed after the splintering, though most would label them cursed or corrupted. The destruction rent the world apart and shattered the mountain range. Now the Darrowden Hills are all that remain of the tall mountains that once stood here. The land appears as a gentle and idyllic forest over rolling hills, forever shrouded in mist, but something is wrong with this land. The mists consume life like the outsiders that once poured through the rift. Many step into the forest and never return and whole settlements along its edge vanish in the night. Whatever is lurking upon Darrowden, whether a surviving band of outsiders or a new monstrosity, it is evil.


1473 A.C.  

Another Tale of Venya

Geographic Location | Jul 7, 2024
Learn more about the world, its history and the factions here.

[Battle of Del Aerion -  

  The Battle of Del Aerion saw a host of outsiders pour through the breaches in the world and devastate the kingdom of Del Ayir. If not for the timely arrival of Light's Talon the kingdom would have fallen to dust and the outsiders would have continued their march of destruction until all of Venya burned. Even as it is, much was lost by the heroes of Light's Talon, the warriors of the Elyswer and the kingdom of Del Ayir which was set on a downward trajectory since those days. Now the kingdom exists as a single city and several towns and forts around the northern edge of The Flametip Mountains. A once noble and powerful kingdom brought to its knees in a single 47 day conflict.


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