10. Mill and Bakehouse of Asbury Demesne Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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10. Mill and Bakehouse of Asbury Demesne

The Mill and Bakehouse is the heart of agricultural and culinary operations in Asbury Demesne. This complex consists of a large grist mill and a bustling bakehouse, both vital to the community's sustenance and economy. The miller and his family run these operations, ensuring that the villagers have access to fresh flour and bread daily.

Location Description

The grist mill is the largest and most impressive stone building in the village. It stands three stories tall, with its sturdy stone walls and a large water wheel that turns steadily in the adjacent stream. The two millstones inside grind all the grain from the village and manor demesne, with the miller keeping one part in twelve as payment for his services.
The bakehouse is a separate building within the mill compound, located just a few steps away from the grist mill. It is a warm, inviting structure with the sweet smell of freshly baked bread wafting through the air. The large ovens here can bake enough bread for the entire village, making it a cornerstone of daily life in Asbury Demesne.


The Mill and Bakehouse have been central to Asbury Demesne since its founding. Originally constructed under the direction of a master mason, the mill has been upgraded and maintained over the centuries to ensure it continues to serve the community effectively. The Jeppesen family has been involved in the mill and bakehouse operations for generations, becoming an integral part of the village’s history and culture.

Politics of Verbobonc

The operations of the Mill and Bakehouse are vital to the agricultural output of Asbury Demesne, which in turn supports theAsbury Manor. The productivity and efficiency of the mill directly impact the local economy and food supply, making Henning and Keld influential figures within the community.
"The Jeppesen brothers are the heart and soul of our village."
Relationships within the Asbury Demesne
  • Lady Asbury: Henning and Keld maintain a close professional relationship with Lady Elinor Asbury, advising her on matters related to grain and food production.
  • Villagers: The Jeppesen brothers are well-liked and respected by the villagers. Their generosity and dedication to their work have earned them a place of honor in the community.
  • Local Nobles: Henning, in particular, has established connections with local nobles, who value his expertise and the quality of his mill’s output.


The primary motivation for Henning and Keld is to ensure the prosperity and well-being of Asbury Demesne. They strive to maintain high standards in their work and support their community through their services.
"Fresh bread from Keld's oven is worth its weight in gold."

The Compound of Mill and Bakehouse

Inside the Mill
  • First Floor: The first floor houses the large millstones and the mechanism that drives them. The space is filled with the sound of grinding grain and the smell of fresh flour.
  • Second Floor: This floor contains storage bins for grain waiting to be milled and the finished product. It also serves as a workspace for Henning.
  • Third Floor: The well-appointed home of the Jeppesen family, offering a warm and comfortable living space above their place of work.
Inside the Bakehouse
  • Ovens: Large brick ovens dominate the space, constantly baking fresh bread and pastries.
  • Worktables: Long wooden tables where dough is prepared, shaped, and left to rise.
  • Storage: Shelves stocked with baking ingredients, utensils, and tools needed for daily operations.
Outside the Compound
  • Water Wheel: The water wheel that powers the mill is a key feature, drawing water from the nearby stream.
  • Courtyard: The courtyard connects the mill and bakehGarden:ouse, serving as a space for villagers to gather while waiting for their flour or bread.
  • Garden: A small herb and vegetable garden tended by the Jeppesen family to supplement their baking ingredients.
"The Mill and Bakehouse are the lifeblood of Asbury Demesne."
Henning Jeppesen, the Miller by 3orcs
Henning Jeppesen, the Miller
  • Description: Henning is a robust man in his late forties with a bushy beard and muscular build from years of labor. He has kind eyes and a ready smile.
  • Personality: Henning is diligent and dependable, always ensuring that the mill operates smoothly. He is known for his fairness and often gives extra flour to those in need.
  • Background: Henning comes from a long line of millers, and he takes great pride in his work. His family has served the Asbury Demesne for generations.
  • Motivation: Henning is motivated by a deep sense of duty to his community and a desire to uphold his family’s legacy.
  • Relationships: Henning is well-respected in the village and has a close relationship with Lady Asbury. He often advises her on agricultural matters.
Keld Jeppesen, the Baker by 3orcs
Keld Jeppesen, the Baker
  • Description: Keld is Henning’s younger brother, a stocky man with a cheerful demeanor and flour-dusted hair.
  • Personality: Keld is gregarious and loves to chat with his customers while they wait for their bread. He is known for his generosity, often giving away small treats to children.
  • Background: Keld learned the art of baking from his mother and has been the village baker for over twenty years.
  • Motivation: Keld takes pride in his craft and aims to provide the best bread in the Viscounty. He is also driven by a desire to support his brother and their family business.
  • Relationships: Keld is a beloved figure in the village, and his bakehouse is a popular gathering spot. He maintains a strong bond with Henning and works closely with him to ensure the smooth running of their operations.
Owning Organization

Cover image: Asbury Manor by Harn Writer's Guild Production: Written by Kerry Mould, Maps by Kerry Mould & Thomas Shook, Art by Richard Luschek, Editing by Brent Bailey.


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