Elinor Asbury Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Elinor Asbury

Lady Asbury (a.k.a. Ambassador of to the Celestial Circle)

As you meet Lady Elinor Asbury, Mistress of House Asbury, her striking presence immediately captivates you. Her honey-colored hair flows gracefully, highlighting her fair complexion and poised demeanor. The brilliance of her blue eyes, deep and expressive, reveals her wisdom and compassion.   Elinor's attire, elegantly crafted, suits her noble status, with the House Asbury emblem subtly displayed. She carries herself with a grace that reflects her noble upbringing, yet her warmth and approachability are unmistakable.   Her voice resonates with intelligence and kindness, making it clear why she is revered not only as a noble but also as a compassionate leader in Verbobonc. Lady Elinor's beauty, coupled with her evident bravery and empathy, mark her as a distinguished figure in the Viscounty.
Baroness Elinor Treguard Asbury, the Mistress of House Asbury and the most eligible bachelorette in the Viscounty of Verbobonc, is a paragon of grace, intelligence, and compassion. Her appearance is as captivating as her reputation; with hair the color of sunlit honey, she carries an air of innate elegance. Her locks cascade in gentle waves, framing a visage marked by keen, observant eyes that glint with the wisdom far beyond her years. Her stature is poised and graceful, moving with a fluidity that speaks of both strength and gentleness.   In summary, Baroness Elinor Treguard Asbury is a remarkable blend of beauty, intelligence, and compassion. She stands as a pillar of her community, embodying the ideals of her noble house while forging her path as a leader and protector of her people. Her presence in Verbobonc is not just a matter of lineage but a symbol of hope and progress.

Secrets of Baroness of Asbury

Lady Asbury love
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Lady Asbury was once very much in love with Sir Simon Milinous, and she was preparing to marry him before he left for the Greyhawk Wars. After his return from the wars, Elinor found Simon to be cold and cruel. She understands that the horrors of war can harden a man’s heart, but nevertheless Lady Asbury has drawn away from the reclusive veteran. She sadly admits that Simon is not the man she once knew, and any dealings with him are a burden and no longer a joy.
Elinors vision
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"Luna could not always fly. Long ago before the lands we're torn, Luna and her family lived in a large meadow and forest. Luna lost her parents at a very early age, they were taken from Luna, just like that. No explanation. Barely grown she was too young to know anything. She was such a worrier, only came out when others were asleep and the Forest floor was bathed in moonlight. She was such a scrawny little thing, alone, life was passing by and then one day she saw a kindly traveler. Holding a thing of great wonder, and beauty. So beautiful. Mesmerized I couldn't help but think about the flower. I asked the traveler where he got it.   The Traveler said. "There are many. From the top of the mountain you can see thousands. A sea of petals...it will make your heart sink. Such a beautiful sight."   Then I asked, "But how will I get to the top of the mountain? I can't fly, they only come out at night."   But the traveler have been asked this before. "The rarest flower on top of the tallest mountain if you want to see them enough, you will."   I was scared and excited in equal measure. I think I will find my mother and father there.   The Travelers smiled, "left their own child. Are you sure you want to continue on this perilous journey. You have much to learn child, are you sure you want to continue on this perilous quest?"   The Baroness expression turns to concern as she faces you once again. "I don't know what happens next. It has not happened yet." Then she takes a deep breath, standing straight and regal, with conviction the eyes of the Baroness of Asbury fixes yours, "Then one night, I decided to face my own demons. Please go find my gem and bring it to me and save my lands."
Love and Regret
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"What I realized in life is the word eternity can't be used on something continuing. That loving someone forever is closer to impossible, but losing someone forever us always possible. But we all live our lives thanks to things that are not eternal. For example, dreams. Memories. Regrets. Thanks to those things. Or love and people. Thanks to those things. People and love are similar."

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Elinor's attire is always impeccable, befitting her noble status. She favors garments that are both stylish and dignified, often in hues that complement her warm hair - rich greens, deep blues, and occasionally, bold reds to signify her authority and passion. Her clothing, while luxurious, is never ostentatious, reflecting her practical nature. A small, intricate brooch bearing the insignia of House Asbury is often pinned close to her heart, a symbol of her deep connection to her lineage and lands.

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

Lady Elinor Asbury's life was profoundly marked by the traumatic events of The Battle of Emridy Meadows, particularly the valiant yet tragic defense of Whistler's Bridge by her parents. The loss of Sir Kyllan and Lady Aluna, who bravely stood their ground against overwhelming odds, left young Elinor with a deep sense of loss and a legacy of resilience. The subsequent looting and scouring of her lands, including the pillage of Asbury Manor, brought not only physical devastation but also a profound emotional toll on Elinor and her people.   In the aftermath, Elinor faced the daunting task of recovery and rebuilding. The trauma of witnessing her homeland ravaged and her people suffering fueled her resolve to restore Asbury Manor and its surrounding lands. She undertook the responsibility of leading her people through this period of hardship, focusing on healing, reconstruction, and fostering a sense of community resilience. Her leadership in these trying times only strengthened the bond between her and her people, as she worked tirelessly to ensure that Asbury Meadows and its inhabitants recovered and flourished once again.

Morality & Philosophy

To the people of Verbobonc, Baroness Elinor is much more than just a noble figure. She is seen as the heart of their community - a beacon of hope and a source of unwavering support. Her compassionate deeds and genuine concern for her people have earned her deep respect and adoration. Her intelligence shines through in her conversations, filled with insightful comments and thoughtful considerations. Her bravery is well-known, not just in physical confrontations but in her willingness to make difficult decisions for the greater good.

Personality Characteristics


Lady Elinor Asbury, as the Mistress of House Asbury, is deeply driven by her commitment to the prosperity and well-being of her lands and people. Her primary motivation is to ensure the growth and security of Asbury Meadows, the breadbasket of the eastern side of the Viscounty of Verbobonc. She strives to maintain the bountiful harvests and fair dealings that her ancestors established, ensuring that her people thrive both economically and socially.

Virtues & Personality perks

Despite her many responsibilities, Elinor's demeanor remains approachable and warm. Her smile is known to light up rooms, and her laughter is genuine and infectious. She listens intently to those who seek her audience, offering wisdom and aid where she can.


Contacts & Relations

Lady Elinor Asbury, as the Mistress of House Asbury and the Ambassador of Verbobonc to Veluna, maintains a network of significant contacts and relationships that span political, social, and religious spheres:
  • Veluna: As an ambassador to Veluna, Lady Elinor has cultivated strong diplomatic ties with its leadership and influential figures. Her role involves negotiating and maintaining alliances, ensuring mutual cooperation, and promoting the interests of Verbobonc. Her interactions are characterized by tact, diplomacy, and a deep understanding of Velunan culture and politics.
  • People of Asbury Lands: Elinor holds a deep, personal connection with the people of Asbury. She is seen as a compassionate leader who is deeply invested in the welfare of her subjects. Her decisions are often influenced by the needs and aspirations of her people, and she is known for her hands-on approach to governance.
  • Sir Armount Andalarian, Her Seneschal: Sir Armount is not only a trusted advisor but also a mentor and guardian figure to Lady Elinor. Their relationship is built on mutual respect and a shared vision for the future of Asbury. Armount's wisdom and experience are invaluable to Elinor, guiding her in matters of statecraft and personal development.
  • The Council of Lords of Verbobonc: As a member of the Council of Lords, Lady Elinor actively participates in the governance of Verbobonc. Her interactions with other lords are marked by a blend of assertiveness and diplomacy, as she represents the interests of Asbury while contributing to the larger objectives of the Viscounty.
  • Viscount Wilfrick: The relationship between Lady Elinor and Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart is one of mutual respect and collaboration. Elinor's appointment as an ambassador reflects the Viscount's trust in her abilities. Their interactions are pivotal in shaping the policies and direction of the Viscounty, especially in matters involving Veluna and the broader region.
  • Churches of Verbobonc: Given her devotion and her role as a stateswoman, Lady Elinor maintains strong ties with the various religious institutions in Verbobonc. These relationships are not only personal but also strategic, as she often seeks the counsel of religious leaders and ensures that the spiritual needs of her people are addressed.
In summary, Lady Elinor Asbury's network is a tapestry of influential connections that span diplomatic, local governance, advisory, political, and spiritual domains. Her affiliations are a testament to her multifaceted role as a leader, diplomat, and devoted servant of her people.


Armount Andalarian


Towards Elinor Asbury


Elinor Asbury


Towards Armount Andalarian


Asbury coat of arms by 3orcs
House Asbury symbol of a sword and a jewel

Noble articles

Noble Houses of Verbobonc
Noble language
Lawful Good
Current Status
Establish blacksmith at Asbury Manor
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Baroness and Ambassador of the Celestial Circle
Current Residence
Asbury Manor
deep blue sapphire
golden wheat
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Remember...hopeless hope is still hope and fruitless love is still love."
"If we judge love by the majority of its results, it resembles hatred more than friendship."
Aligned Organization
Elinor of Asbury, Bard 8th level
  • Hit Dice: (8d6 Hit Points: 34
  • Speed: 30'
  • AC: 12
  • Attacks: Melee +7/+2 (Long Sword – Flame of the Gnarley; Damage: 1d8+1+1d6 flame damage (Long Sword)
  • Ranged +10/+5 (Daggers +2 (2) Damage 1d4+2
  • Special Qualities: Bardic music 8/day, Bardic knowledge (+10)
  • Spell use; Saves: Fortitude: +2, Reflex: +8, Will: +7
  • Attributes: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 16
Possessions: Asbury Manor
  • Stone of Asbury (wearer can cast Cure Light Wounds 1/day, if the wearer is a cleric of Ehlonna the spell is a Cure Serious Wounds 1/day)
  • Sword – Flame of the Gnarley (Flaming Long Sword 1d8+1+1d6 damage), Daggers +2 (2)
Special Qualities: Spell Use 3/4/4/2
  • Spells Known 0: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Light, Mending, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
  • 1: Cure Light Wounds, Expeditious Retreat, Message, Unseen Servant
  • 2: Cure Moderate Wounds, Levitate, Locate Object, Tongues
  • 3: Cure Serious Wounds, Healthful Slumber, Remove Disease

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lady Elinor Asbury by 3orcs


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