3. Church of St. Cuthbert and Village Green Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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3. Church of St. Cuthbert and Village Green

The Church of St. Cuthbert and Village Green in Asbury Demesne is a newly built chapel that serves as the spiritual and social hub for the community. Raised in honor of the aid rendered during the war against the Temple of Elemental Evil, it stands as a symbol of faith and resilience in the heart of Asbury Meadows. 

The Church of St. Cuthbert and Village Green

The Church of St Cuthbert, known locally as "The Vigilant Sanctuary," is a newly constructed chapel in the Asbury Demesne. It was established by Bishop Haufren of Verbobonc to honor the contributions of Asbury Manor during the war against the Temple of Elemental Evil.
  • Architecture: The chapel features sturdy stone walls with a timber-framed roof. It has tall, narrow stained-glass windows depicting the deeds of St. Cuthbert.
  • Interior: Inside, the chapel is simple yet elegant, with wooden pews, a stone altar, and a large tapestry depicting St. Cuthbert's battle against chaos.
  • Village Green: The green is a communal space in front of the church, surrounded by lush grass and dotted with flowering trees. It serves as a gathering place for the villagers for various events and daily gossip.

The Role of the Church

Spiritual Center
  • Religious Services: Regular services are held on holy days, with Canon Gunter Ashton officiating. The church serves as the main place of worship for the villagers.
  • Community Hall: The church doubles as a community hall for weddings, important occasions, and meetings.
Social Hub
  • Daily Gatherings: Each morning, the Reeve assigns work from the church steps, and the well in front of the church is the center of daily gossip.
  • Events and Celebrations: The green is used for celebrations, games, and temporary sheep and cattle pens.
Church of St. Cuthbert and Village Green by 3orcs

The Village Green

The village green is an open, communal space used by the villagers for various purposes.
  • Appearance: The green is a well-maintained grassy area surrounded by flowering trees and bordered by cobblestone paths.
  • Uses: It serves as a gathering place for celebrations, games, and temporary livestock pens.
Community Role
  • Social Gatherings: The green is the center of social life in Asbury Demesne, hosting events and daily interactions among villagers.
  • Work Assignments: Each morning, the Reeve assigns work to the villagers from the church steps, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.
    The Church of St. Cuthbert and Village Green stands as a beacon of faith and community in Asbury Demesne, fostering spiritual growth and social unity under the watchful eye of Canon Gunter Ashton and his assistant, Adam Nibley.
"Order and faith are the cornerstones of our community."
Canon Gunter Ashton
Canon Gunter Ashton is a stern and somewhat distant cleric who has served as the local canon since The Battle of Emridy Meadows.
  • Appearance: Gunter is a tall, imposing figure in his late fifties, with a stern countenance and piercing blue eyes. He wears simple yet dignified clerical robes.
  • Personality: Known for his strict demeanor, Gunter is respected for his dedication but is not particularly friendly. His stern nature has led to speculation among the villagers about his past.
Background and Motivation
  • Background: Gunter has been a part of the church since his youth and has served in various capacities throughout Verbobonc before settling in Asbury Demesne.
  • Motivation: His primary motivation is to maintain order and promote the teachings of St. Cuthbert. He is dedicated to his duties and strives to strengthen the community's faith.
With House Asbury
  • Support and Cooperation: The church enjoys the support of House Asbury, which values its role in maintaining moral and social order.
  • Historical Ties: The establishment of the church was heavily influenced by the aid provided by Asbury Manor during the war against the Temple of Elemental Evil.
  • With Villagers
  • Spiritual Guide: Gunter serves as a spiritual guide, marriage counselor, financial adviser, tutor, and advocate for the villagers.
  • Daily Interactions: Though his stern demeanor can be off-putting, his dedication and wisdom are appreciated by the community.
Canon Gunter Ashton St. Cuthbert by 3orcs
Priest Adam Nibley
Adam Nibley is the assistant priest at the Church of St. Cuthbert, known for his zeal in obtaining contributions for the church.
  • Appearance: Adam is a young, earnest cleric with a sincere expression and a tendency to dress in plain, practical robes.
  • Personality: Adam is passionate about his duties and known for his zeal in collecting contributions for the church.
Motivation and Duties
  • Motivation: Adam is driven by his desire to grow the church and support the community. He aims to collect funds to contribute to the main church in Verbobonc and build the local community of St. Cuthbert.
  • Duties: He handles most of the day-to-day interactions with villagers, officiates services when Gunter is unavailable, and assists with community events.
  • Square corners can be pounded smooth.
  • Thick heads are not made of glass.
  • Salvation is better than smart answers.
  • Some good folk can understand only one thing.
  • Enlightenment can penetrate even the helm of iron.
  • Evil, which cannot be removed, must be eliminated.
  • Foolishness can be beaten.
  • Lawful correction lies in a stout billet.
  • Capricious behavior brings knots to the heads of those lacking wisdom.
  • Preach quietly, but have a large cudgel handy.
Alternative Names
The Vigilant Sanctuary
Owning Organization
Upper floor

Cover image: Asbury Manor by Harn Writer's Guild Production: Written by Kerry Mould, Maps by Kerry Mould & Thomas Shook, Art by Richard Luschek, Editing by Brent Bailey.


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