St. Cuthbert Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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St. Cuthbert

of the Cudgel

St. Cuthbert, intermediate god of Common Sense, Wisdom, Zeal, Honesty, Truth, Discipline

A Beacon of Law and Order

St. Cuthbert, sometimes known merely as the Cudgel, is a figure of unwavering integrity within the pantheon of Greyhawk deities. His teachings emphasize common sense, wisdom, zeal, honesty, truth, and discipline, making him a stalwart guardian against the chaos and evil that beset the lands.

Origins and Symbols

  • Mortal Origins: It is rumored that St. Cuthbert may have once been mortal, walking among the peoples of an era long past. This lends him a unique perspective among the gods, as he understands the trials and tribulations of mortal existence.
  • Symbols: His followers revere the starburst of rubies, a wooden billet, or a crumpled hat as sacred symbols. These items represent his practical nature and his journey from mortal to deity.

Allies and Foes

  • Alliances: St. Cuthbert stands allied with all forces of good, particularly deities like Mayaheine, Zodal, Joramy, Rao, and Kord. His practical approach to combating evil makes him a valuable ally.
  • Enemies: His adversaries are primarily the evil deities that threaten peace and order, including Tharizdun, Nerull, Incabulos, Iuz, Vecna, and Kyuss. His antipathy towards Pholtus, despite their shared good intentions, is notable due to their rivalry.

Clergy and Worship

  • Divisions of the Clergy: The Church of St Cuthbert is organized into three distinct orders: the Chapeaux focus on conversion, the Stars ensure doctrinal purity, and the Billets protect and minister to the faithful.
  • Teachings and Duties: Clerics of St. Cuthbert are known for their stern demeanor and no-nonsense approach to faith. They are tasked with spreading the word of the Cudgel, combating evil, and ensuring the spiritual and physical training of new acolytes.

Influence and Teachings

  • Commandments: St. Cuthbert's teachings are delivered in clear, direct commandments that begin with "Thou shalt" or "Thou shalt not," emphasizing honesty, practicality, and the rejection of chaos.
  • Temples: His temples are imposing structures, often engraved with quotations that underscore his teachings. The clergy offers healing and protection, but only to those deemed worthy of St. Cuthbert's favor.

Role in the World

  • Quests and Crusades: Followers are encouraged to undertake quests that uphold chivalric ideals, right wrongs, and defend the innocent. St. Cuthbert's influence extends across the Flanaess, where his temples serve as bastions of law and order.
  • Political Influence: While not officially part of any government, St. Cuthbert's clergy often holds significant sway in political matters, advising rulers and even influencing knighthood ceremonies.

Quests for the Clergy

Chivalric Quests: St. Cuthbert champions quests that embody chivalric virtues, encouraging his followers to intervene where injustice prevails.   Examples of Quests:
  • Retrieving Stolen Goods: Clerics might be tasked with recovering taxes stolen from the viscount, demonstrating the church's commitment to the viscounty's prosperity.
  • Avenging the Fallen: Pursuing those responsible for the deaths of noble heroes, such as Sir Cyrrus the Bold, underscores the church's dedication to justice and retribution.
  • Liberating Conquered Lands: Freeing regions under demonic control showcases the church's resolve against evil forces.

St. Cuthbert's Legacy

St. Cuthbert's impact on the world of Greyhawk is profound. His followers are instrumental in maintaining the balance between law and chaos, serving as a constant reminder of the power of common sense and unwavering faith in the face of adversity. His teachings continue to guide and protect the faithful, ensuring that the light of wisdom and truth never dims.

Tenets of Faith

“The words of St. Cuthbert are wise, practical, and sensible. The word of the Cudgel is law, and the word must be painstakingly spread so that all may benefit from his wisdom. Weakness in faith and acting against the Saints teachings are intolerable in believers. Unceasing effort should be made to bring unbelievers into the fold. Honesty, truthfulness, practicality, and reasonability are the highest virtues.”
Oeridian Pantheon
Holy Symbol of St Cuthbert
  • The Chapeaux: a crumpled hat
  • The Stars: a starburst
  • The Billets: a wooden club
Realm: Arcadia 
Domains: Destruction, Domination, Law, Protection, Strength 
  Specialty Cleric Bonus spells
  • Cleric of the 2nd order: friends
  • Cleric of the 3rd order: shillelagh
  • Cleric of the 4th order: ESP
  • Cleric of the 6th order: Prayer
  • Cleric of the 9th order: true seeing
  • Cleric of the 12th order: Holy Word 1/week
  • Divine Classification
    Intermediate God
    Lawful Neutral (LG)

    Cover image: by 3orcs
    Character Portrait image: St Cuthbert by 3orcs


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