Asbury Demesne Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Asbury Demesne

Asbury Demesne is the agricultural and administrative hub of Asbury Manor, located in the fertile Asbury Meadows within the Viscounty of Verbobonc. This demesne is central to the manor's self-sufficiency and represents a significant holding for House Asbury.

The Land of Asbury Demesne

The demesne refers to the land directly controlled and farmed by the lord, without being leased to tenants. This centralizes agricultural production and supports the manor's self-sufficiency.

Description of the Demesne

Asbury Demesne stretches across the lush, verdant Asbury Meadows, encompassing a variety of buildings and lands crucial to the manor's operations.
Demesne Land
  • Centralized Agricultural Production: The demesne is vital for the manor's self-sufficiency, with all farming conducted under the direct control of the lord.
  • Pasture and Livestock Management: Extensive pastures support a variety of livestock, managed by skilled herders.

Buildings in the Outer Yard

Mill and Bakehouse-Asbury
  • Grist Mill: The largest and most impressive stone building in the village, grinding grain for the entire village and manor demesne.
  • Bakehouse: Operated by Keld Jeppesen, producing bread for the village, making it cheaper than baking at home.
"Bread baked with love nourishes the soul." – Keld Jeppesen
  • Leon Matthiesen: Manages pasture and livestock, assisted by family members. Known for his heroic nature and dedication to his family.
  • Role: Supervises a mix of swineherds, cowherds, and shepherds.
"The land provides, and we must honor it." – Leon Matthiesen
Constable Beadle - Asbury
  • Ebbe Mørk: The village policeman, enforcing the fief-holder's rules and backed by the lord’s men-at-arms.
  • Responsibilities: Includes impounding stray livestock, collecting fines, and maintaining order.
"Order must be maintained, at any cost." – Ebbe Mørk
  • Arsi Asikainen: Manages the fief’s woodlands, ensuring no poaching of House Asbury game.
  • Role: Decides on tree felling and replanting, also a skilled yeoman longbowman.
"Each tree felled is a legacy renewed." – Arsi Asikainen
Soltys Wood Yard-Asbury
  • Walentyn Soltys and Sons: A large manufacturing enterprise involving woodcraft, barrel making, wagon building, and timber harvesting.
  • Activities: Overseeing timber drying and construction projects.
  • Food Preservation: Vital for community survival, preserving food through brine, vinegar, drying, or smoking.
  • Owners: Enakr and Ilaes, overseeing an apprentice Mato.
"Preservation is the key to our survival." – Enakr
Blacksmith - Asbury
  • Village Smith: Produces metal goods necessary for village life.
  • Current Status: Stands unused; Lady Asbury seeks a new blacksmith.

Religious Influence

"Faith guides us, through every harvest and hardship." – Canon Gunter Ashton

The Economy and Politics

Asbury Demesne plays a crucial role in the economic and political landscape of the Viscounty of Verbobonc.

Economic Importance

Agricultural Output: Central to the agricultural production of the region, contributing significantly to the viscounty’s food supply. Trade: Products from the demesne are traded in nearby markets, boosting the local economy.

Political Influence

  • House Asbury: The demesne's prosperity strengthens House Asbury’s political position within the viscounty.
  • Local Alliances: Cooperation with local religious orders, including Beory and Obad-Hai of the Old Faith, enhances community relations.
  Asbury Demesne stands as a testament to the agricultural prowess and strategic importance of House Asbury, supporting the viscounty with its bountiful yields and fostering a sense of community through its cooperative spirit and religious dedication.
Asbury Demesne
Asbury Demesne: is the agricultural and administrative hub of Asbury Manor, located in the fertile Asbury Meadows within the Viscounty of Verbobonc.

Notable Individuals

Henning Jeppesen
  • Role: Miller, operates the grist mill and lives in a well-appointed home within the mill compound.
Leon Matthiesen
  • Role: Herder, manages pasture and livestock.
  • Personality: Sharing, heroic, and dedicated to his family.
Ebbe Mørk
  • Role: Constable Beadle, enforces the fief-holder's rules and maintains order.
  • Personality: Effective, intimidating, and loyal.
Arsi Asikainen
  • Role: Woodward, manages woodlands and ensures no poaching.
  • Personality: Idealistic, spontaneous, and upright.
Geopolitical, Barony
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Asbury Demesne

10. Mill and Bakehouse of Asbury Demesne
Building / Landmark | Jun 16, 2024

Mill and Bakehouse of Asbury Demesne: This complex consists of a large grist mill and a bustling bakehouse, both vital to the community's sustenance and economy.

3. Church of St. Cuthbert and Village Green
Building / Landmark | Jun 16, 2024

Church of St. Cuthbert and Village Green: known locally as "The Vigilant Sanctuary," is a newly constructed chapel in the Asbury Demesne.

4. The Iron Hearth Forge
Building / Landmark | Jun 16, 2024

The Iron Hearth Forge: is a central fixture in the Asbury Demesne, dedicated to producing all essential metal goods for village life. Currently unused.

5. The Salter Workshop of Asbury Manor
Building / Landmark | Jun 16, 2024

The Salter Workshop of Asbury Manor: is crucial for preserving food for the community, employing various methods such as brining, vinegar, drying, and smoking.

6. The Timber Hearth Wood Yard Workshop
Building / Landmark | Jun 16, 2024

The Timber Hearth Wood Yard Workshop in Asbury Demesne is a bustling hub of woodworking activity. This family-run enterprise produces essential wooden goods for the community, from barrels and wagons to large timber structures.

7. The Woodward of Asbury Demesne
Building / Landmark | Jun 16, 2024

The Woodward of Asbury Demesne: driven by a deep-seated belief in the importance of preserving the natural beauty and resources of the Asbury woodlands including his duties of stsopping poachers.

8. Constable Beadle
Building / Landmark | Jun 16, 2024

The Constable Beadle is the village lawman of Asbury Demesne, entrusted with maintaining order and enforcing the fief-holder's rules.

9. The Herder Cottage
Building / Landmark | Jun 16, 2024

The herder cottage is home to Leon Matthiesen and his extended family, who are responsible for the care and management of the fief's pasture and livestock.

Asbury Manor
Building / Landmark | Jun 16, 2024

Asbury Manor: located in the east of the township of Penwick, stands as a testament to the architectural prowess and agricultural strength of House Asbury.

Cover image: Asbury Manor by Harn Writer's Guild Production: Written by Kerry Mould, Maps by Kerry Mould & Thomas Shook, Art by Richard Luschek, Editing by Brent Bailey.


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