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31. Burne's Tower Key

Burne's Tower, also known as the guard tower of Doomwatch Keep, serves as the home and stronghold of Lord Burne and Lord Rufus. The tower is a multi-level fortress designed for both living quarters and defense. It features intricate defensive mechanisms, comfortable living spaces, and secure storage areas, reflecting the strategic and meticulous nature of its inhabitants.

Guard Tower Ground Level

1. Entry Hall

The Entry Hall is the main access point to the tower, featuring a thick oak drawbridge bound with iron, operated by a windlass. The small entryway is fortified with a stone wall and an iron inner door, guarded at all times by a soldier. The entry is further protected by shuttered arrow slits and two murder holes in the ceiling, capable of releasing boiling oil on intruders. The hall includes a sturdy iron stove for cooking, trestle tables for large gatherings, and several comfortable chairs. The walls are adorned with tapestries, shields, arms, and hunting trophies.
  • Guard on Duty: Soldier stat block.
  • Defensive Mechanisms: Arrow slits, murder holes.
  • Furniture and Decorations: Trestle tables, chairs, tapestries, shields, arms, hunting trophies.

2. Lower Level

The Lower Level serves as a storage area for various supplies, including food, ale, beer, wine, and oil. It also houses the bunks for the regular members of Burne’s Badgers, with 14 cots and simple wooden footlockers spaced along the exterior wall. This level lacks windows or slits, enhancing its defensive structure.
  • Supplies: Food, ale, beer, wine, oil.
  • Bunks: 14 cots for Burne’s Badgers.
  • No Windows: Enhanced security.

3. Cellar Level

The Cellar Level is used for stabling horses, particularly those of Burne and Rufus. It also features four cells along the southeast wall for prisoner retention, each equipped with oaken doors, bars, locks, and chains. A secret door leads to a small natural cave with a spring.
  • Stabling: For Burne’s light warhorse and Rufus’s heavy warhorse.
  • Prison Cells: Four cells with secure locking mechanisms.
  • Secret Door: Leads to a natural cave with a spring.

4. Hall and Ladderway

This hall provides access to the upper levels of the tower via a steep set of retractable wooden stairs, similar to a ladder. A guard is stationed at the foot of the ladderway at all times.
  • Guard on Duty: Soldier stat block.
  • Ladderway: Retractable wooden stairs for access to upper levels.

5. Burne & Rufus’ Chamber

This well-appointed chamber serves as the private quarters for Burne and Rufus. It contains a large bed, oaken chests, a wardrobe, and various furniture. The room is also equipped for magical research, with shelves lined with alembics, beakers, and other alchemical tools. Weapons and armor adorn the walls, and various valuables are hidden throughout the room.
  • Furniture: Bed, chests, wardrobe, chairs, table, workbench.
  • Magical Research: Alembics, beakers, jars, flasks, parchments, scrolls, books.
  • Weapons and Armor: Stands of armor, longbow, quiver contains 14 silver-tipped arrows.
  • Hidden Valuables: Gems, coins, a scroll of seven spells, and various magical items.
Rufus's Hidden Items
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  • Under a loose stone in the fireplace is an iron box with 200 gp, 100 pp, five violet garnets, and five black pearls (each gem worth 500 gp).
  • a longbow and quiver of arrows hanging near the bed. The quiver contains 14 silver-tipped arrows and six magical arrows + 2.
Burne's Hidden Items
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  • Under a loose stone in the fireplace is on iron box with 3 500 gp gems, 100 pp, 200 gp and 250 sp.
  • a large black staff leans against the wall there (the staff is mundane but has Nystul’s Magic Aura cast upon it and made permanent with a Permanency spell).
  • A box under the bed holds a set a bracers of throwing daggers and a silvered dagger plus various and sundry dungeoneering equipment items including six vials of holy water, a silver holy symbol of Boccob, a wand with a permanent light spell cast upon it (kept in a ivory tube lined with black velvet).
  • and a silver knife.
  • A flat chest fastened amidst the rafters to appear to be part of the flooring overhead holds: 2 1,000 gp gems, 7 100 gp gems, and 100 10 gp gems.
  • A locked iron coffer holds 200 gp, a ring set with on emerald (1000 gp value) and a scroll of seven spells which Burne is debating whether to use it to expand his spell bookor to save for an emergency.
  • The scroll contains: mirror image, pyrotechnics, web, comprehend languages, suggestion, ice storm, and transmute rock.
  • His spell book is camouflaged to appear as the seat of the one of the armchairs in the room.
  • Along a high shelf are 4 potions: 2x of greater healing and 1 each of invisibility and clairvoyance.

6. Hall

This hall connects the ladderway from below to an iron door leading to the parapet. Another ladderway extends to the upper level of the turret. A barrel of 20 javelins is kept beside the door.
  • Parapet Access: Iron door leading to the battlement.
  • Weapon Storage: Barrel of 20 javelins.

7. Parapets

The battlement is machicolated, with merlons pierced for archers. Light catapults are positioned at marked spots, with boulders and rocks stacked nearby. Two soldiers are on duty here at all times.
  • Machicolations and Merlons: For defensive archery.
  • Light Catapults: Positioned for optimal defense.
  • Soldiers on Duty: Two soldiers with soldier stat blocks.

8. Mercenary Lieutenant’s Room

This sparsely furnished chamber is the living quarters of Markan of Narwell, the Lieutenant of Burne’s Badgers. It contains a heavy crossbow, bolts, and a coffer with some valuables. Markan's armor and weapons are secured in a stout chest.
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  • Weapons and Armor: Heavy crossbow, 100 bolts, chainmail, shield, +1 broadsword.
  • Valuables: 73 gp and 4 gems worth 100 gp each.

9. Mercenary Sergeant’s Room

Similar to the lieutenant's quarters, this room is for Ferkis, the demi-elven sergeant. It includes a heavy crossbow, bolts, personal belongings, and some valuables.
  • Weapons and Armor: Heavy crossbow, 100 bolts, breastplate, longsword.
  • Valuables: Pearls, gems, and coins.
Sergants items
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He has a purse containing 50 gp, five amethysts, five red garnets, four red spinels, and a piece of amber (each gem worth 100 gp).

10. Top Level of Turret

This level is equipped with storage for weapons and serves as a recreational area for the men-at-arms. It contains weapon racks, crates of bolts, and benches.
  • Weapons Storage: Spears, javelins, light crossbows, and bolts.
  • Recreational Area: Benches for gossiping and playing games.

11. Turret Roof

The roof of the turret is accessed by a ladder from below. It features machicolated battlements and pierced merlons. There are two scorpions and supplies for flaming missiles.
  • Machicolations and Merlons: For defense.
  • Scorpions: Two large crossbows.
  • Flaming Missiles: Rags and pots of oil for creating flaming projectiles.
  • Guard on Duty: Soldier stat block.


Burne's Tower is a formidable stronghold designed to protect Hommlet and its surroundings. Its strategic layout, defensive features, and well-appointed living quarters reflect the meticulous planning of its inhabitants, Lord Burne and Lord Rufus. The tower stands as a testament to their dedication to maintaining peace and security in the region.
Burne's Badgers by 3orcs

Burne's Badgers

Burne's Badgers consists of 10 soldiers and 3 scouts, each skilled in various aspects of combat and reconnaissance. Their collective expertise makes them a versatile and effective force. They have had some action against other marauders, receive top money, and spend an ample amount of off-duty time drinking and carousing at the inn. The 16 men-at-arms are led by two fighters.
Personal Traits
  • Chaotic Neutral or True Neutral: Their alignment reflects their pragmatic approach to life and their willingness to follow a strong leader.
  • Loyal: Despite their past, the Badgers are fiercely loyal to Burne and Rufus.
  • High Morale: Well-paid and respected, the Badgers maintain high morale and are always ready for action.
Both of the leaders like the village, and have no desire to leave it or their current employment. All of Burne's Badgers (including the four guards at areas Tl, T4, and T10) are capable of winding and loading the scorpions and catapults. Some are also adept at operating the engines, as noted below.
Lieutenant  Markan of Narwell
A veteran mercenary Lieutenant under Burne's command. within Burne's Badgers. His experience and leadership are invaluable, and he commands respect from the other mercenaries.
sergeant Ferkis
A demi-elven sergeant veteran mercenary sergeant, loyal to Burne and Rufus. He is known for his combat skills and tactical acumen. He is a trusted leader within the Badgers and plays a key role in training and organizing the unit.
Each man-at-arms is Level 0, equipped with the armor and weapons noted below. Each 'sword' noted on the chart is a long- sword, and each crossbow is light. Each man is also given a letter, for your ease in locating them on maps.
Burne's Badgers Badge by 3orcs
Burne and Rufus Tower site
Burne’s Tower 1. Entry Hall by Scott Purdy Copyright RVN Creative Studios 2024
Burne’s Tower Parapet and Upper by Scott Purdy Copyright RVN Creative Studios 2024
Burne’s Tower Cellar and lower by Scott Purdy Copyright RVN Creative Studios 2024

Tower Guards and Burnes Badgers

Burnemwarlock28Cuthberiten8magic ringdagger, spells30mage
Rufusmmyrmidon32Cuthberitey6chain, shieldbattle axe32commander
Caedosmwarrior guard23Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword12tower guard
Brunmwarrior guard24Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword11tower guard
Noxmwarrior guard27Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword10tower guard
Clodemwarrior guard32Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword8tower guard
Ymbertmwarrior guard23Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword11tower guard
Halitusmwarrior guard28Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword11tower guard
Renauldinmwarrior guard26Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword9tower guard
Jessopmwarrior guard29Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword8tower guard
Momorgmwarrior guard24Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword14tower guard
Bokmwarrior guard20Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword10tower guard
MarkanmLieutenant, swashbuckler28noney5splint, shieldlongsword, dag.31Lieutenant of burne's badgers
Ferkismsergeant, hero32noney0chain, shieldflail, xbow, dagger28sergeant of burne's badgers
Robbi B.mbadger21noney0leather, shieldspear, longsword6catapult operator
Barrettmbadger17noney0leather, shieldlongsword, handaxe4catapult operator
Rymanmbadger19noney0leather, shieldbroadsword, mace3catapult operator
Vicmbadger22noney0leather, shieldmorningstar, sword3catapult operator
Osmoormbadger24noney0ring shortbowmace3scorpion operator
Gohsenmbadger35noney0chainxbow, longsword3scorpion operator
Thornlipmbadger20noney0leatherxbow, broadsword6other troops
Ironbellymbadger28noney0leatherlongbow, longsword5other troops
Poolembadger18noney0leathershortbow, sword5other troops
Smokeymbadger33noney0leatherxbow, longsword4other troops
Truesdalembadger38noney0leatherspetum, broadsword4other troops
Skinnermbadger26noney0studdedxbow, longsword4other troops
Toothlessmbadger36noney0leather, shieldspear, broadsword3other troops
Whiskeymbadger30noney0scalefork, broadsword6other troops
Muskratmbadger22noney0ring, shieldspear, battle axe5other troops
Stanwyckmbadger25noney0ring, shieldspear, longsword4other troops

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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