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Burne's Badgers

Burne's Badgers are a renowned group of mercenaries led by Lord Burne and Lord Rufus, stationed in the village of Hommlet. Once brigands, these men have reformed under the leadership of Burne and Rufus, now serving as the primary defensive force for the village and the surrounding areas. Known for their loyalty and high morale, Burne's Badgers are a formidable and disciplined unit, crucial in maintaining peace and security in Hommlet.


Burne's Badgers originated as a group of brigands who terrorized the region around Hommlet. Captured by Burne and Rufus, they were given a choice: face justice or serve as a disciplined mercenary force. Choosing the latter, they reformed under the strict but fair leadership of Burne and Rufus, transforming into a loyal and effective military unit.
Over the years, Burne's Badgers have evolved from their criminal past into a respected group of mercenaries. They have participated in numerous skirmishes, repelling bandit raids and defending the village from various threats. Their experience and discipline have made them a key asset in the defense of Hommlet.


Burne's Badgers are a diverse group of mercenaries, each bringing unique skills to the unit. They are well-equipped and trained, reflecting the high standards set by their leaders. The Badgers are known for their distinctive uniform, which includes practical armor and the emblem of a badger, symbolizing their fierce and tenacious nature.

Motivation and Goals

Protection of Hommlet
The primary goal of Burne's Badgers is to protect the Village of Hommlet. They are committed to maintaining peace and order, ensuring the safety of the villagers from bandit raids, monsters, and other threats.
Service and Loyalty
Having been given a second chance by Burne and Rufus, the Badgers are motivated by a deep sense of loyalty and a desire to prove their worth. They aim to serve their leaders faithfully and uphold the reputation they have built as a disciplined and effective mercenary force.


Lord Burne
Burne's Badgers hold Lord Burne in high regard. His strategic mind and leadership have transformed them into a formidable unit. Burne's expectation of discipline and loyalty is mirrored in the Badgers' conduct.
  Lord Rufus
Lord Rufus is the tactical commander of the Badgers. His straightforward approach and combat prowess inspire respect and admiration among the mercenaries. Rufus's hands-on leadership style ensures that the Badgers are always well-prepared for any threat.
  The Village of Hommlet
The villagers of Hommlet view the Badgers with a mix of respect and wariness. While their past as brigands is not forgotten, the protection they provide is invaluable. The Badgers' presence has significantly enhanced the village's security and stability.

Current Events

Rising Banditry
The increase in bandit attacks on the roads around Hommlet has put the Badgers on high alert. They are actively involved in patrols and skirmishes to repel these threats and protect the vital trade routes.
Construction of Doomwatch Keep
Burne's Badgers play a crucial role in the construction and defense of Doomwatch Keep. Their presence ensures that the ongoing construction is secure from any external threats, and they provide a ready force to respond to any incursions.
Political Tensions
The withdrawal of Mounted Borderers patrols and Viscounty troops has led to increased responsibilities for the Badgers. They are now the primary defensive force in the region, tasked with maintaining order amidst rising tensions between the humans of Verbobonc and the gnome communities.

Duties and Operations

Village Defense
The primary duty of Burne's Badgers is the defense of Hommlet. They patrol the village and its surroundings, ensuring that any threats are swiftly dealt with.
Bandit Raids
The Badgers are frequently dispatched to repel bandit raids on the trade routes. Their experience and training make them highly effective in these engagements.
Support to Doomwatch Keep
The Badgers provide security and support for the ongoing construction of Doomwatch Keep. Their presence deters any potential attacks and ensures that the construction proceeds without interruption.


Burne's Badgers, once a group of brigands, have transformed into a loyal and disciplined mercenary force under the leadership of Lord Burne and Lord Rufus. Their commitment to the protection of Hommlet and their effectiveness in combat have earned them a respected place in the village. As they continue to defend and serve, Burne's Badgers remain a crucial component of Hommlet's security and stability.

Notable Members

Markan of Narwell
A veteran mercenary Lieutenant under Burne's command. within Burne's Badgers. His experience and leadership are invaluable, and he commands respect from the other mercenaries.
A demi-elven sergeant veteran mercenary sergeant, loyal to Burne and Rufus. He is known for his combat skills and tactical acumen. He is a trusted leader within the Badgers and plays a key role in training and organizing the unit.
Burne's Badgers
The unit consists of 10 soldiers and 3 scouts, each skilled in various aspects of combat and reconnaissance. Their collective expertise makes them a versatile and effective force.
Personal Traits
  • Chaotic Neutral or True Neutral: Their alignment reflects their pragmatic approach to life and their willingness to follow a strong leader.
  • Loyal: Despite their past, the Badgers are fiercely loyal to Burne and Rufus.
  • High Morale: Well-paid and respected, the Badgers maintain high morale and are always ready for action.
Founding Date
569 cy
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Tower Guards and Burnes Badgers

Burnemwarlock28Cuthberiten8magic ringdagger, spells30mage
Rufusmmyrmidon32Cuthberitey6chain, shieldbattle axe32commander
Caedosmwarrior guard23Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword12tower guard
Brunmwarrior guard24Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword11tower guard
Noxmwarrior guard27Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword10tower guard
Clodemwarrior guard32Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword8tower guard
Ymbertmwarrior guard23Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword11tower guard
Halitusmwarrior guard28Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword11tower guard
Renauldinmwarrior guard26Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword9tower guard
Jessopmwarrior guard29Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword8tower guard
Momorgmwarrior guard24Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword14tower guard
Bokmwarrior guard20Cuthberitey2scale, shieldlongsword10tower guard
MarkanmLieutenant, swashbuckler28noney5splint, shieldlongsword, dag.31Lieutenant of burne's badgers
Ferkismsergeant, hero32noney0chain, shieldflail, xbow, dagger28sergeant of burne's badgers
Robbi B.mbadger21noney0leather, shieldspear, longsword6catapult operator
Barrettmbadger17noney0leather, shieldlongsword, handaxe4catapult operator
Rymanmbadger19noney0leather, shieldbroadsword, mace3catapult operator
Vicmbadger22noney0leather, shieldmorningstar, sword3catapult operator
Osmoormbadger24noney0ring shortbowmace3scorpion operator
Gohsenmbadger35noney0chainxbow, longsword3scorpion operator
Thornlipmbadger20noney0leatherxbow, broadsword6other troops
Ironbellymbadger28noney0leatherlongbow, longsword5other troops
Poolembadger18noney0leathershortbow, sword5other troops
Smokeymbadger33noney0leatherxbow, longsword4other troops
Truesdalembadger38noney0leatherspetum, broadsword4other troops
Skinnermbadger26noney0studdedxbow, longsword4other troops
Toothlessmbadger36noney0leather, shieldspear, broadsword3other troops
Whiskeymbadger30noney0scalefork, broadsword6other troops
Muskratmbadger22noney0ring, shieldspear, battle axe5other troops
Stanwyckmbadger25noney0ring, shieldspear, longsword4other troops

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character flag image: Burne's Badgers Badge by 3orcs


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