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Lord Burne

(a.k.a. His Most Worshipful Mage of Hommlet)

Lord Burne, known as "His Most Worshipful Mage of Hommlet," is a powerful and intelligent wizard who resides in the village of Hommlet. Along with his companion, Lord Rufus, Burne oversees the construction and defense of Doomwatch Keep, a fortress near the Temple of Elemental Evil. The two adventurers have been entrusted with the safety of the area by the Viscount of Verbobonc, having proven their worth in numerous battles and adventures. Burne is a dedicated protector of the village, though his reserved and scholarly nature often keeps him engaged in his laboratory.


Early Life and Adventures
Burne's early life remains shrouded in mystery, but his path to becoming a renowned wizard is well-documented through his heroic deeds. His most notable early achievements include his participation in the The Battle of Emridy Meadows, where he played a crucial role in the siege of the Hommlet moathouse. His efforts, along with those of his companions, were pivotal in thwarting Lord Robilar’s attempt to free the demoness Zuggtmoy from beneath the Temple of Elemental Evil.
Settling in Hommlet
Following these events, Burne and Rufus settled in Hommlet, receiving permission from the Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart of Verbobonc to build Doomwatch Keep. With funds from the Archcleric of Veluna, they began construction of the fortress, pledging to defend the village and its surroundings from any future threats.


Burne is a wizard of considerable power, known for his intellect and strategic mind. He is of average appearance, often seen in simple but elegant robes. His demeanor is reserved, and he is known for his long-term planning and careful thinking. Burne's laboratory is his sanctuary, where he conducts various magical experiments. Despite his scholarly pursuits, Burne is also a follower of St. Cuthbert, aligning his magical endeavors with the protection and welfare of Hommlet.


Burne's primary motivation is the protection of Hommlet and its people. His past experiences with the Temple of Elemental Evil have instilled in him a deep sense of duty to safeguard the village from similar threats. Additionally, Burne's scholarly pursuits and experiments are driven by a desire to expand his knowledge and magical prowess.


Lord Rufus
Burne shares a close bond with Lord Rufus, his long-time companion and fellow adventurer. Despite their contrasting personalities—Burne's reserved nature and Rufus's forthright demeanor—their friendship and mutual respect have endured through countless battles and adventures.
Burne and Rufus often delegate tasks to Elmo, a local ranger and reliable ally. Elmo acts as their intermediary, addressing the needs of adventurers and handling minor disturbances in the village.
  The Village of Hommlet
Burne is deeply respected by the villagers of Hommlet. His role as a protector and his contributions to the village's safety have earned him the trust and admiration of the community.
Lord Burne's Role in Hommlet's Leadership Council
Lord Burne, a powerful mage and co-founder of the burgeoning keep with Lord Rufus, plays a crucial role in Hommlet's leadership council. His strategic mind and mastery of arcane arts complement the martial prowess of Lord Rufus and the practical wisdom of Elder Kenter Sr.. Burne's deep understanding of magical threats and defenses has been instrumental in safeguarding the village, especially amidst the rising bandit activities. He works closely with the council members, including the venerable innkeeper Gundigoot and the diligent Captain Fletcher of the militia, ensuring that both magical and mundane threats are effectively countered, thus maintaining the stability and security of Hommlet.

Current Events

Construction of Doomwatch Keep
The construction of Doomwatch Keep continues, with Burne and Rufus overseeing the process. The keep serves as a strategic stronghold near the Temple of Elemental Evil, ensuring that any resurgence of evil forces can be swiftly countered.
"From brigands to Badgers: Loyal mercenaries protecting Hommlet's peace and prosperity."
Rising Banditry
Recent bandit attacks on the trade routes around Hommlet have raised concerns among the villagers. Burne is actively involved in devising strategies to counter these threats, working closely with the local militia and his own mercenaries, known as Burne's Badgers.
"Ruthless bandits may threaten our roads, but unity and vigilance are our greatest shields."
Political Tensions
The withdrawal of Mounted Borderers patrols and Viscounty troops from the Kron Hills and Sheernobb has exacerbated political tensions between the humans of Verbobonc and the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills communities. Burne remains focused on his duties in Hommlet, though he is aware of the broader implications of these tensions on the region's stability.


Lord Burne's presence in Hommlet is a pillar of strength and security for the village. His dedication to his duties, combined with his formidable magical abilities, ensures that the people of Hommlet can live in peace despite the lurking threats. Alongside Lord Rufus, Burne continues to watch over the village, ready to face any challenges that may arise.
Lord Rufus and Lord Burne
"Hommlet: A peaceful village with a storied past and vigilant protectors."
Lord Burne
Wizard level 8
  • Armor Class 12(ring of protection +2)
  • Hit Points 44
  • Speed 30 ft.
  • 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (+4) 14 (+2)
  • Languages: common, elven, gnome
Spells known
  • Cantrips: friends, light, mage hand, ray of frost
  • 1st level (4 slots): alarm, charm person, comprehend languages, mage armor
  • 2nd level (3 slots): arcane lock, blindness/deafness, earthbind,
  • 3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, fireball, remove curse
  • 4th level (2 slots): mordenkainen’s faithful hound, stoneskin
Personal Traits
  • Lawful Good: Burne's actions are guided by a strong moral compass and a commitment to justice.
  • Greedy: While he is dedicated to his duties, Burne is known to demand handsome payment for his services.
  • Calculative: His adventuring is driven by clear objectives, ensuring both the safety of Hommlet and his personal gain.
Notable People and Mercenaries
  • Markan of Narwell: A veteran mercenary Lieutenant under Burne's command.
  • Ferkis: A demi-elven sergeant veteran mercenary sergeant, loyal to Burne and Rufus.
  • Burne's Badgers: A group of mercenaries who were once brigands but now serve under Burne and Rufus. Their loyalty and high morale are key to maintaining order in Hommlet.
Lawful good
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
554 22 Years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Adventuring isn't just about killing dragons; it's about outsmarting them and coming home with the treasure."
St. Cuthbert

Cover image: by 3orcs


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