4. The Iron Hearth Forge Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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4. The Iron Hearth Forge

The Iron Hearth Forge is a central fixture in the Asbury Demesne, dedicated to producing all essential metal goods for village life. Currently unused, Lady Asbury is seeking a skilled blacksmith to revive the forge and support the fief's needs.

Location Description

The Iron Hearth Forge stands prominently at the heart of Asbury Demesne. The building is constructed from sturdy stone and timber, with a large chimney that reaches high into the sky, constantly stained with soot from the forge's fires. The entrance is wide, allowing for the easy movement of large items. Above the door hangs a wrought iron sign depicting a hammer striking an anvil, symbolizing the craft within.    Surrounding the forge is a spacious yard where raw materials are stored and horses and oxen are brought for shoeing. The yard is enclosed by a wooden fence, with a small gate providing access. The forge's location offers a commanding view of the village, allowing the smith to stay connected with the daily activities and needs of the community.
Inside, the forge is a testament to practical craftsmanship. The centerpiece is the large anvil, positioned near the roaring hearth that provides the necessary heat for metalworking. Tools of the trade hang neatly on the walls, each with its designated place. A sturdy workbench runs along one side, cluttered with various projects in different stages of completion.   Buckets of water and oil are positioned near the hearth for tempering and cooling the hot metal. Shelves and bins filled with nails, horseshoes, tools, and other metal goods line the walls, ready for use or sale. The air is thick with the smell of iron and soot, a constant reminder of the work that takes place within these walls.  

Background and Current Status

The Iron Hearth Forge has long been a cornerstone of Asbury Demesne, providing essential services to the community. However, it currently stands unused and empty. Lady Elinor Asbury is in desperate need of a skilled blacksmith to bring the forge back to life, supporting her fief, tenants, and farms.  

Lady Asbury's Motivation

Lady Asbury understands the critical role that the Iron Hearth Forge plays in the prosperity of her demesne. Without a functioning smithy, the village lacks essential tools and services, hindering growth and productivity. She is actively seeking a talented blacksmith to revitalize the forge and contribute to the community's success.
Relationships and Politics
House Asbury 
The revival of the Iron Hearth Forge is crucial for maintaining the strength and self-sufficiency of House Asbury. The blacksmith will play a key role in supporting the agricultural and economic activities of the fief.
Village Community
The villagers eagerly anticipate the return of a skilled blacksmith to the forge. The blacksmith will become an integral part of the community, providing necessary goods and services and ensuring the smooth operation of village life.


The Iron Hearth Forge is a vital component of Asbury Demesne, with a rich history and significant potential for the future. Lady Asbury's efforts to find a new blacksmith will determine the forge's role in the continued prosperity and growth of her fief and the surrounding community.
The Iron Hearth Forge by 3orcs
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Owning Organization

Cover image: Asbury Manor by Harn Writer's Guild Production: Written by Kerry Mould, Maps by Kerry Mould & Thomas Shook, Art by Richard Luschek, Editing by Brent Bailey.


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