5. The Salter Workshop of Asbury Manor Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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5. The Salter Workshop of Asbury Manor

The Salter Workshop in Asbury Manor is crucial for preserving food for the community, employing various methods such as brining, vinegar, drying, and smoking. This establishment, known for its good quality and low prices, plays a vital role in ensuring the survival of Asbury Demesne.

Location Description

The Salter Workshop is located within the bustling heart of Asbury Manor. It is a modest building made of stone and timber, with smoke often seen rising from its chimney. The scent of brine and smoked meats fills the air around it. Inside, the workshop is well-organized with racks of drying herbs, barrels of brine, and shelves of dried and smoked goods.

Politics of Verbobonc

Ilaes holds little interest in the broader politics of Verbobonc, focusing primarily on his business. However, he is aware of the political dynamics and ensures he remains on good terms with influential figures to protect his interests.
Relationships with Asbury Demesne
Ilaes is a vital part of the Asbury Demesne, providing essential services that support the manor and its residents. His relationship with other tradespeople is often competitive, but he values the interconnectedness of their work.

Workshop Operations

Preservation Methods
  • Brining: Uses saltwater solutions to preserve meats and vegetables.
  • Vinegar: Employs vinegar for pickling various foods.
  • Drying: Utilizes racks and air-drying methods for fruits and herbs.
  • Smoking: Smokes meats and fish in the workshop’s smokehouse.
Haggling Dynamics
Ilaes's spiteful nature makes haggling challenging, especially for women. Men, however, find it easier to negotiate prices with him, though it requires skill and patience.
"Quality preservation comes at a cost, but you'll thank me in winter."
Description: Ilaes is a striking figure with unusual, vibrant hair and a muscular build. He is often seen with a mischievous smile, reflecting his playful and somewhat cunning nature. His eyes are sharp, constantly observing and assessing those around him.
  • Spiteful: Known for holding grudges and being vengeful.
  • Mischievous: Enjoys playing pranks and testing others.
  • Masculine: Exudes a strong, confident demeanor.
Ilaes inherited the workshop from his father, who taught him the art of food preservation. Over the years, Ilaes has built a reputation for producing high-quality preserved goods, making him a respected but somewhat feared figure in Asbury Demesne.
Ilaes is driven by a desire to maintain his family's legacy and ensure the workshop remains the best in the region. He is also motivated by a need to prove himself superior to those who doubt his abilities.
  • Apprentice Mato: Ilaes is currently overseeing his apprentice Mato, whom he treats with a mix of tough love and mentorship.
  • Lady Asbury: Although he respects Lady Elinor Asbury, he often clashes with her over business practices and pricing.
  • Local Community: While the villagers rely on his services, they approach him with caution due to his spiteful nature.
Owning Organization

Cover image: Asbury Manor by Harn Writer's Guild Production: Written by Kerry Mould, Maps by Kerry Mould & Thomas Shook, Art by Richard Luschek, Editing by Brent Bailey.


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