7. The Woodward of Asbury Demesne Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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7. The Woodward of Asbury Demesne

Arsi Asikainen, the woodward of Asbury Demesne, plays a crucial role in managing the fief's woodlands. His duties encompass protecting the forests, ensuring sustainable harvesting, and maintaining the balance of nature. Arsi's personality, background, and relationships highlight his idealism, spontaneity, and dedication to House Asbury.

Location Description

Asbury Demesne is renowned for its lush, dense forests that form an essential part of its landscape and resources. The woodlands are home to a variety of flora and fauna, providing timber, game, and a natural haven for the local wildlife. The forests are meticulously managed to ensure sustainability and ecological balance.


Arsi is known for his idealistic and spontaneous nature. His upright and lovable demeanor makes him a popular figure among his friends and fellow villagers. However, his daring attitude sometimes leads him to act on impulse, which can be perceived as crude by some. Despite this, his idealism and brilliance make him a comforting and supportive presence.


Arsi Asikainen hails from a long line of woodwards who have served House Asbury for generations. Growing up in the forests, he developed a profound respect for nature and a keen understanding of forest management. Trained in the art of archery and woodland stewardship, Arsi took over the role of woodward at a young age after his father’s untimely death.


Arsi is driven by a deep-seated belief in the importance of preserving the natural beauty and resources of the Asbury woodlands. His motivation stems from a desire to protect the environment for future generations while ensuring that the forest remains a valuable asset for House Asbury. Arsi's commitment to sustainable forestry and wildlife conservation is unwavering.

Politics of Verbobonc

Arsi maintains a neutral stance in the broader politics of Verbobonc, focusing primarily on his duties within Asbury Demesne. However, his role as a protector of the forest aligns with the policies of House Asbury, which emphasizes sustainability and ecological preservation. Arsi's work supports the manor's self-sufficiency and contributes to the agricultural output of the Viscounty.


  • House Asbury: Arsi is a loyal servant to House Asbury, respected by the Baroness and her family for his dedication and expertise.
  • Villagers: His idealistic and supportive nature makes him well-liked among the villagers, who often seek his advice and assistance.
  • Fellow Servants: Arsi works closely with other servants of Asbury Manor, including the bailiff, the beadle, and the miller, ensuring the smooth operation of the demesne.

Woodward’s Family

Arsi’s family has a long history of serving as woodwards. His wife, Inari, assists him with record-keeping and managing the forest nursery. Their children, Tuula and Jari, are learning the skills necessary to continue the family tradition, spending their days exploring the woods and helping with planting and conservation efforts.
Arsi Asikainen Asbury Woodward by 3orcs
"Our forests are our legacy; we must protect them."
Arsi Asikainen
Ranger level 5
Physical Description
Arsi Asikainen stands tall with a lean, muscular build, befitting his active lifestyle in the woods. His weathered face and sharp blue eyes reflect his deep connection with nature. He wears simple, functional clothing made of sturdy materials, suitable for his work in the forest. His longbow, always by his side, is a testament to his skills as a yeoman longbowman.
Duties and Responsibilities
  • Forest Protection: Arsi patrols the woodlands to prevent poaching and illegal logging.
  • Sustainable Harvesting: He oversees the cutting of trees, ensuring that only mature trees are harvested and new ones are planted.
  • Wildlife Management: Arsi monitors the population of game and other wildlife, maintaining a balanced ecosystem.
  • Longbowman Duties: As a skilled archer, he participates in hunting and defends the fief when necessary.
Manor house / Meeting hall
Owning Organization

Cover image: Asbury Manor by Harn Writer's Guild Production: Written by Kerry Mould, Maps by Kerry Mould & Thomas Shook, Art by Richard Luschek, Editing by Brent Bailey.


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