9. The Herder Cottage Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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9. The Herder Cottage

The Herder Cottage is a central fixture within Asbury Demesne, embodying the pastoral lifestyle and agricultural roots of the estate. The cottage and its residents play a crucial role in managing the livestock and pastures that surround Asbury Manor.   The herder cottage is home to Leon Matthiesen and his extended family, who are responsible for the care and management of the fief's pasture and livestock. This important position ensures the prosperity and sustainability of Asbury Manor's agricultural operations.

Detailed Description

The Herder Cottage
The herder cottage is a quaint, sturdy structure nestled amidst rolling green pastures. Built from local stone and timber, the cottage exudes a rustic charm. A thatched roof and a stone chimney complete its pastoral appearance. Surrounding the cottage are pens and small barns for the animals, along with ample pasture land.
The cottage is surrounded by well-maintained animal pens and small barns. A wooden fence encloses the property, providing a secure area for the livestock.
The interior of the cottage is warm and inviting, with a large hearth in the main room serving as the heart of the home. Simple wooden furniture and animal pelts add to the rustic charm. The cottage is divided into several rooms to accommodate the large family.


Leon Matthiesen's family has been herding in Asbury Demesne for generations. The knowledge and skills have been passed down through the years, creating a legacy of excellence in livestock management.
"Patience and persistence are a herder’s greatest tools."

Politics of Verbobonc

Leon and his family are relatively detached from the broader political landscape of Verbobonc, focusing more on their immediate responsibilities. However, their work is crucial to the economy of Asbury Demesne and, by extension, House Asbury.
Relationships with House Asbury
  • Supportive Role: Leon and his family provide essential services to House Asbury, ensuring the prosperity of the demesne.
  • Professional Respect: Lady Elinor Asbury holds the Matthiesen family in high regard for their dedication and skill.
Key Points
  • Vital Role: The herders are crucial to the agricultural success of Asbury Demesne.
  • Generational Knowledge: The Matthiesen family's expertise is passed down through generations.
  • Family Commitment: Leon's primary motivation is the well-being and protection of his family.
Leon Matthiesen by 3orcs
"A man’s worth is measured by the care he gives to his flock."
Leon Matthiesen
Leon Matthiesen, the head herder, is a complex individual with a blend of admirable and challenging traits.
  • Physical Description: Leon stands tall with a rugged build, his skin weathered by years of outdoor work. His dark hair is streaked with gray, and his eyes are a piercing blue.
  • Personality: Leon is sharing and heroic, often putting the needs of others before his own. He is individualistic, humorous, and daring, though these traits are sometimes overshadowed by a tendency to be unfriendly.
  • Background: Leon has managed the pastures and livestock of Asbury Demesne for many years. He learned the trade from his father and has passed this knowledge down to his sons.
  • Motivation: Leon is deeply committed to his family and the well-being of Asbury Demesne. His primary motivation is to protect and provide for his loved ones.
  • Relationships: Leon is respected by his peers for his dedication and expertise. He has a close relationship with his family and maintains professional ties with the other inhabitants of the demesne.

Family Members

  • Mikael Matthiesen: Eldest son, responsible and hardworking.
  • Svend Matthiesen: Youngest son, eager to prove himself.
  • Elmer Matthiesen: Leon’s right-hand man, reliable and skilled.
  • Eigil Truelsen: A wise and experienced herder, provides valuable guidance.
  • Ove Truelsen: A jovial and strong herder, known for his strength.
  • Aage Truelsen: Meticulous and detail-oriented, ensures everything runs smoothly.
Personality Traits
  • Sharing Nature: Leon is known for his generosity and willingness to help others.
  • Heroic Tendencies: He often goes above and beyond to protect his family and livestock.
  • Individualistic: Leon values his independence and unique approach to herding.
  • Humorous: He has a keen sense of humor, often lightening the mood.
  • Daring: Leon is not afraid to take risks, especially when it comes to safeguarding his family.
Owning Organization

Cover image: Asbury Manor by Harn Writer's Guild Production: Written by Kerry Mould, Maps by Kerry Mould & Thomas Shook, Art by Richard Luschek, Editing by Brent Bailey.


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