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Baervan Wildwanderer

The Masked Leaf, the Forest Gnome, Father of Fish and Fungus

Baervan Wildwanderer, God of Forests, Nature, Travel

The Spirit of the Wild

Baervan Wildwanderer, with his jovial disposition and love for nature, stands as a beacon of freedom and curiosity within the gnome pantheon. Clothed in shades of the forest and accompanied by Chiktikka Fast-paws, his giant raccoon companion, Baervan embodies the essence of the woodland and the spirit of adventure. His teachings encourage exploration, respect for the natural world, and a light-hearted approach to life’s challenges. 

Companion of the Forest

  • Appearance: Baervan is depicted with nut-brown skin and pale gray hair, epitomizing the quintessential Forest Gnome.
  • Attire: He wears garments dyed in the hues of woodland, seamlessly blending with the forest.
  • Armament: His spear, "Whisperleaf", is a symbol of his dominion over the forest and his commitment to protect it.

Allies and Adversaries

  • Allies: Baervan counts Segojan Earthcaller and Brandobaris among his friends, sharing a bond over their love for nature and good deeds.
  • Foes: Urdlen and Malar represent the antithesis of Baervan’s values, with their malicious intents posing threats to the harmony of the natural world.

A Realm Divided by Beauty

The Twin Paradises of Bytopia
  • Nature’s Abode: Bytopia, with its dual layers of cultivated gardens and wild forests, serves as the perfect realm for Baervan, mirroring his dual nature of gentle gardener and wild wanderer.
  • Golden Hills: Within this serene landscape, Baervan resides, sharing the space with other gnomish deities, fostering a community of divine protectors of nature and craft.

The Doctrine of the Leaf and Path

  • Respect for Nature: Followers are taught to live in harmony with the natural world, understanding its cycles and aiding its preservation.
  • Curiosity and Exploration: Encourages the discovery of new lands and secrets hidden within the heart of forests, promoting growth through travel.
  • Humor as Guidance: Utilizes mischief and jokes not only for amusement but as a means to teach and guide, often embedding deeper truths within playful acts.

Embracing the Wild

The Clergy of Baervan Wildwanderer
Worshipers: Devotees in Green and Brown
Baervan Wildwanderer's worshipers blend seamlessly into the forests they cherish, donning wood-brown clothes and green caps as symbols of their devotion. These followers find sanctity in the natural world, celebrating their deity in forest clearings with monthly offerings that embody their reverence and sacrifice.
  • Attire: Reflecting their god's domain, worshipers wear colors that echo the forest floor and canopy.
  • Sacrifices: Monthly treasures are offered to Baervan, ranging from magical trinkets to enchanted knickknacks, symbolizing their ongoing devotion.
  • Forest Clearings: Chosen as sacred spaces, these natural altars allow worshipers to connect deeply with their deity under the open sky.

Clergy: Protectors of the Sylvan Realm

The church of Baervan Wildwanderer is a testament to the god's ethos, prioritizing the freedom of its members while maintaining a focus on the protection of nature. Its clerics, often accompanied by raccoon companions, embody Baervan's spirit through their dedication to safeguarding the wilds and its inhabitants.
  • Loosely Organized: Regional sects operate independently, reflecting the deity’s love for freedom and autonomy.
  • Animal Companions: Many clerics are joined by raccoons, mirroring Baervan's bond with Chiktikka Fast-paws and emphasizing their connection to nature.
  • Protectors of Nature: Driving off evil entities and preserving the balance of natural spaces are core tenets of their mission.

Divine Celebrations

Rituals Under Moonlight
Clerics and druids of Baervan gather under the full moon's glow for celebrations that intertwine merriment with devotion. These gatherings, filled with dancing, playful acorn tossing, and the offering of treasures, reinforce their bond with Baervan and each other.
  • Moonlit Prayers: Spells are sought when the moon is at its zenith, aligning their magic with the celestial cycle.
  • Full Moon Festivities: Monthly assemblies in sylvan glens under the full moon embody the joy and whimsy of their faith.
  • Offerings of Magic: In lieu of traditional treasures, magically imbued items, even if temporarily so, are offered to Baervan, showcasing the creativity and resourcefulness of his followers.

Sanctuaries of the Masked Leaf

Temples dedicated to Baervan are as unassuming as they are sacred, nestled in clearings within the heart of forests. These spaces, marked by the full moon's cycle, serve as venues for worship and celebration, reinforcing the deity’s connection to the natural world.
  • Natural Temples: Forest clearings serve as organic temples, emphasizing an unmediated connection with the divine.
  • Holy Days: Marked by the lunar cycle, these days are occasions for joy, community, and the reaffirmation of their faith through sacrifice and celebration.

Historical Bonds

Allies of the Forest Baervan’s history is rich with alliances and conflicts that shape his role within the pantheon and the natural world. His friendship with Segojan Earthcaller and other deities of good nature underscores a shared guardianship of the natural world, while his enmity with Urdlen and Malar highlights the eternal struggle to protect the forest and its denizens.
  • Divine Alliances: Strong bonds with other nature and animal deities bolster Baervan’s influence and protection over the forests.
  • Adversaries: Opposition from Urdlen and the Beastlord Malar cements Baervan’s stance as a guardian against those who threaten the natural balance and the safety of forest gnomes.
  Baervan Wildwanderer’s followers, through their attire, rituals, and temples, embody the whimsy, freedom, and protective spirit of their deity. Their faith is a celebration of the natural world, marked by a deep commitment to safeguarding the wilds from harm and living in harmony with the forest's rhythm.
  Gnome Pantheon
Holy symbol: face of a raccoon
Realm: Twin Paradises of Bytopia
Domains: Animal, Gnome, Good, Plant, Travel
Speciality Clerics
  • Clerics: TurnUndead -4 levels
  • Clerics of the 1st leaf: pass without trace 2/day
  • Clerics of the 3rd leaf: cannot be entangled
  • Clerics of the 7th leaf:  barkskin gives >2 AC and +2 saves
  • Clerics of the 9th leaf: any animal companions gain +1 hp per die
Divine Classification
Intermediate god
Neutral good
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Through the Leaves, Our Path Winds"
"In Every Acorn, a Forest Dreams"
"Laughter Echoes Deepest in the Forest"
Baervan Wildwanderer holy symbol by 3orcs
Clergy of Baervan Wildwanderer, the progression through ranks mirrors the journey through a forest teeming with life, each title representing a deeper connection with nature and a higher standing within the divine hierarchy.
  • Acorn: The initial rank, where clerics begin their path, symbolizing potential and the beginning of growth in Baervan's service.
  • Chipmunk: Representing the clerics' growing curiosity and agility in their roles, akin to the chipmunk's quick movements and spirited exploration.
  • Squirrel: At this level, clerics are adept at navigating their environment, much like squirrels adeptly moving through trees, symbolizing improved mastery over their duties and surroundings.
  • Opossum: This rank signifies adaptability and resilience, traits shared with the opossum, as clerics learn to handle challenges with grace and resourcefulness.
  • Hedgehog: Symbolizing a cleric's development of a protective demeanor towards their community and nature, mirroring the hedgehog's defensive posture while maintaining a gentle spirit.
  • Marten: Martens are known for their cunning and versatility; clerics at this rank are adept at applying wisdom and creativity to solve problems.
  • Red Fox: Embodying cleverness and strategy, the Red Fox rank signifies a cleric’s ability to think critically and lead with intelligence.
  • Lynx: At this level, clerics possess heightened perception and a deeper understanding of the mysteries of nature, akin to the lynx's keen eyesight and mystical presence.
  • Wolf: Representing strong leadership and the ability to work within a community for the greater good, similar to a wolf's role in the pack, this rank shows a cleric's commitment to leading and protecting their followers.
  • Wildwanderer: The pinnacle of clerical achievement, embodying the full spirit of Baervan Wildwanderer. Clerics of this rank are true embodiments of their deity’s ideals, leading with wisdom, courage, and a deep connection to all aspects of nature.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Baervan Wildwanderer by 3orcs


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