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Segojan Earthcaller

Segojan Earthcaller, god of Earth, Nature
Earthfriend, the Rock Gnome, Lord of the Burrow, Digger of Dens, the Badger, the Wolverine  

The Heart of Stone and Soil

Segojan Earthcaller emerges as a foundational deity within the gnome pantheon, embodying the intrinsic connection between the gnome race and the earthen world beneath their feet. His domain over earth and nature marks him as a guardian of the subterranean realms and a patron of gnome miners and magic users alike, distinguished by his illuminating gemstone symbol.
  • Segojan Earthcaller, a figure of deep reverence among gnomes, embodies the essence of earth and nature beneath the surface world.
  • Renowned as a beacon of magic within the gnome pantheon, his symbol, a permanently illuminated gemstone, guides his followers through darkness and doubt.

Enigmatic Essence

A Description of Divinity
Segojan Earthcaller emerges as a foundational deity within the gnome pantheon, embodying the intrinsic connection between the gnome race and the earthen world beneath their feet. His domain over earth and nature marks him as a guardian of the subterranean realms and a patron of gnome miners and magic users alike, distinguished by his illuminating gemstone symbol.
  • Portrayed as a gnome of the earth, with skin like gray stone and attire woven from the very roots of the world, Segojan's presence is as formidable as the ground beneath.
  • Accompanied by an intelligent stone golem, his command over earth and stone manifests in both his followers' abilities and the magical artifacts they bear.

Rooted Relationships

Alliances and Adversities
Within the gnome pantheon, Segojan fosters alliances and maintains harmony, except with Urdlen, the deity of greed and malice. His extensive network of divine alliances spans across various pantheons, indicating his significant role in the broader divine landscape. However, he faces opposition from entities that embody destruction and avarice, against which he stands as a bulwark.
  • As a cornerstone of the gnome pantheon, Segojan fosters harmony among his divine brethren, save for the dark outlier, Urdlen.
  • Allied with deities across pantheons, his network spans from the svirfneblin's protector, Calladuran Smoothhands, to the celestial realms of Sehanine Moonbow, illustrating his widespread respect and influence.
  • Yet, in the shadows lurk adversaries, embodiments of greed and decay, against whom Segojan stands unwavering.

The Gemstone Burrow

A Realm Refined
Segojan's abode in Bytopia, the Gemstone Burrow, serves as a testament to his dominion over the earth, housing endless tunnels and hidden treasures. This realm, rich in ore and visited by emissaries of nature, mirrors his protective stance over both mineral and living treasures of the earth.
  • Dwelling within the vibrant lands of Bytopia, Segojan's Gemstone Burrow is a sanctuary of endless tunnels and rumored treasures, frequented by emissaries of nature and beasts alike.

Beneath the Surface

The Teachings of Segojan
His dogma emphasizes the sacred duty to protect and preserve the treasures of the earth, advocating for exploration and responsible mining. Segojan's teachings serve as a moral compass for his followers, guiding them toward acts of preservation and the mindful utilization of the earth's bounties.
  • Segojan's dogma roots the gnome spirit within the earth, emphasizing preservation over plunder and encouraging the mindful exploration of the world's hidden bounties.
  • His guidance illuminates the path for miners and jewelers, as well as those who wield magic to uplift and protect their kin.

The Earth's Embrace

Worshippers and Clergy
Segojan's followers, ranging from gnome miners to illusionists, share a unified reverence for the earth. His clergy, identifiable by their distinctive white attire, play multifaceted roles as protectors, guides, and preservers of the natural and the spiritual realms, embodying the deity's will in their daily lives.
  • From gnome assassins to illustrious illusionists, Segojan's followers embody a spectrum united in their reverence for the earth and the treasures it holds.
  • Clergy, robed in the whites of purity, serve as spiritual guides, stewards of the dead, and protectors of nature's sanctity, embodying Segojan's will through their acts of preservation and opposition to greed.

Sanctuaries of Stone

Temples and Rituals
Temples dedicated to Segojan are earthly sanctuaries that celebrate the connection between the gnome race and their earthen origins. Rituals conducted within these temples are deeply connected to the natural world, reflecting the cyclical patterns of life and the moon, and reinforcing the spiritual bond between the gnomes and the divine.
  • Temples dedicated to Segojan are hewn from the very earth, hidden sanctums where the moon's glow illuminates offerings of gems and the essence of life.
  • Subterranean Havens: Located deep within the earth, the temples are complex networks of caverns and winding passages, sculpted to harmonize with natural geological formations.
  • Centers of Learning and Preservation: Beyond their spiritual function, these temples serve as repositories of gnomish knowledge and culture, housing extensive collections of mineralogical specimens, historical artifacts, and works of art.
  • Living Exhibits: The temples' approach to zoological conservation is unique, with animals related to Segojan's domain roaming freely within designated sanctuary caverns, embodying the deity's teachings of coexistence and respect for all life forms.
  • Artistic and Illusory Displays: The interior spaces are adorned with exquisite sculptures and gems that capture the essence of the subterranean world. Masterful illusions, inspired by Segojan's magic, add layers of mystery and enchantment, transforming these sanctuaries into realms of endless discovery.Communal and
  • Ceremonial Spaces: Central caverns within the temples act as gathering points for worship and communal ceremonies, where gnomes come together to honor Segojan through ritual, song, and the sharing of earthly wonders.

Gems of the Deep

Worshipers of Segojan
Segojan Earthcaller stands as a beacon for those gnomes who thrive beneath the earth's surface, drawing a devout following from the subterranean depths of gnome society. His influence radiates through the veins of rock and deep gnome communities, where his teachings guide the hands of those who shape the earth.
  • Core Followers: Primarily revered by rock gnomes and deep gnomes, Segojan is the guardian of those who carve their lives from the stone.
  • Sacred Artisans: Miners, jewelers, illusionists, and artificers look to Segojan for inspiration and protection in their earthly endeavors.
  • Collaborative Faith: His church forms a vital part of the religious fabric among deep gnome and forest gnome communities, aligning closely with the deities Calladuran Smoothhands and Baervan Wildwanderer.
Gnome Deities (property of Wizards of the Coast LLC)
Gnome Pantheon
Holy symbol: a glowing gemstone
Realm: Twin Paradises of Bytopia
Domains: Animal, Community, Earth, Good, Mysticism, Summoner
Speciality Cleric
  • TurnUndead: at TU -4 levels.
  • Priests of the 1st burrow: meld into stone
  • Priests of the 2nd burrow: use d6 for hit dice
  • Priests of the 5th burrow: conjure 8-HD earth elemental for 6 turns
  • Priests of the 9th burrow: stone tell 1/week
Divine Classification
intermediate god
Neutral good
Segojan Earthcaller holy symbol by 3orcs
Earthen Custodians
The Clergy of Segojan
The clergy of Segojan Earthcaller embody the deity's essence, serving as protectors of the gnome race and stewards of the earth.
  • Clerical Garb: Adorned in gray and dark brown leather armor with fur caps, symbolizing their connection to the earth and its creatures.
  • Protectors of the Depths: Collaborate with the clerics of Flandal Steelskin and Baervan Wildwanderer to ensure the safety of gnome miners and the preservation of natural habitats.
  • Guardians Against the Dark: Vigilantly defend gnome territories from Underdark threats, venturing into depths unknown to most of their kin.
  • Sacred Hunters: Emphasize ethical hunting practices, taking furs only as a byproduct of necessary sustenance.
  • Hierarchical Titles: From the novices, known as the Unearthed, to the highest echelons of Earthcallers, each rank within the clergy holds a title reflective of creatures that dwell within Segojan's domain.
  • Specialty Priests: Known as Earthfriends, these priests embody Segojan's will, often combining their clerical duties with other professions to serve their communities better.
  • Intercommunal Diplomacy: Forge strong bonds with the svirfneblin, sharing in their deep gnome wisdom and serving as liaisons between the surface and the depths.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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