Baravar Cloakshadow Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Baravar Cloakshadow

The Sly One, Master of Illusion, Lord in Disguise, Bane of Goblinkin

Baravar Cloakshadow god of Illusions, Protection, and Deception

Essence of the Unseen

Baravar Cloakshadow, embodying the aspects of Illusions, Protection, and Deception, stands as a paradox within the gnome pantheon. His domain over the unseen and the misleading crafts a protective veil for the gnome race, woven from the threads of shadows and trickery. Unlike his more benevolent kin, Baravar’s methods and jests often border on the malevolent, causing not just annoyance but genuine distress. His deep-seated animosity towards certain races fuels his divine interventions, making him a figure of both awe and caution among his followers.

Deity in the Shadows

  • Appearance: A vigilant, dark-haired gnome always clad in shadowy garments, embodying the essence of stealth and subterfuge.
  • Arsenal: Wields Nightmare, a poison-dripping dagger, and the Shadowcloak, garments that blend magic and darkness.

Pantheon Politics and Divine Dislikes

Allies and Adversaries
Baravar Cloakshadow’s intricate relationships within the gnome pantheon, and beyond, reflect his complex nature as a deity of illusions and deception.
Divine Alliances and Opposition
  • Allied with the Lords of the Golden Hills: A member of the gnomish pantheon, Baravar stands united with most of its deities in purpose and protection.
  • Exception of Urdlen: His disdain for Urdlen’s malevolence sets him apart, emphasizing a clear divide in their methodologies and intentions.
  • Partnership with Segojan Earthcaller: This alliance focuses on the advancement of magical practices, particularly those that cloak and conceal, aligning with Baravar's dominion over illusions.
Conflicts Within the Pantheon
  • Gaerdal Ironhand's Disapproval: The contrast between Gaerdal’s straightforward valor and Baravar's reliance on deception creates an ideological rift, with Gaerdal occasionally attempting to counteract Baravar’s more misleading plans.
Enemies and Antipathies
  • Hostility Towards Evil Deities: Baravar's enmity spans across deities of evil humanoid races, manifesting in his eagerness to disrupt and deceive those who threaten the gnome race.
  • Targeted Deities: Specifically, his ire is directed towards Abbathor, Kuraulyek, Kurtulmak, and the goblinoid gods, against whom he employs his mastery of illusions in acts of divine retribution.
  • Active Campaign of Mischief: Unlike other deities who may hold passive disdain for their foes, Baravar engages actively in undermining his enemies through cunning pranks and illusions, showcasing his unique approach to divine warfare.

The Hidden Knoll: A Realm of Riddles

  • Location: Resides in Bytopia’s Golden Hills, within a domain fraught with harmless traps and illusions designed to test and tantalize.
  • Treasures and Tests: Offers rewards to those clever enough to navigate his labyrinth of deceptions, a testament to his love for cunning over brute strength.

Doctrine of Deceit

The Teachings of Cloakshadow
  • Survival Through Deception: Advocates for deceit as a necessary tool for protection in a perilous world. Trust with Caution: Encourages skepticism and self-reliance, warning against the dangers of unwavering trust.
  • Vengeance Through Jest: Sanctions the use of practical jokes as a form of retribution, balancing cruelty with cunning.

The Followers of Shadows

Baravar Cloakshadow is not only a deity of illusions and trickery but also a patron of gnomish magic, revered by those who delve into the arcane and the art of survival through wit. His followers include a wide array of gnomes, from wizards and creators of magical items to those who live in constant vigilance against the threats of evil humanoids.
  • Diverse Adherents: Encompasses gnome wizards, magical artisans, and those gnomes living on the edge of danger from kobolds and goblins.
  • Philosophy of Preemption: "Do unto them before they have a chance to do unto you" encapsulates the proactive and protective stance of his worshipers against their adversaries.

The Illusionist Clergy

Clerics of Baravar are tasked with the advancement of illusion magic, continuously seeking new spells and magical artifacts to aid their cause. Their roles extend beyond the ecclesiastical, venturing into the realms of espionage and adventure in service of their deity.
  • Magical Pursuits: Dedicated to discovering and creating illusion magic and magical items, with many serving as both clerics and illusionists.
  • Espionage Experts: Known for their skills in camouflage, disguise, and stealth, they often act as spies and investigative agents against foes.
  • Distrusted by Dwarves: The deceptive nature of Baravar's clerics often earns them the suspicion and dislike of dwarven communities.
Titles and Attire
Baravar's clergy embrace a flexible hierarchy, with titles and roles shifting as needed to maintain secrecy and effectiveness. Their attire varies depending on the context, from ceremonial garb to the practical outfits of adventurers.
  • Ranks within the Clergy: From novices known as the Cloaked to full priests titled the Illusory and specialty priests called Hoodwinkers.
  • Ceremonial and Adventuring Garb: On holy occasions, clerics don black cloaks and gray masks, wielding ornate silver daggers as symbols of their faith. In contrast, their adventuring attire mirrors that of rogues.

Temples of Illusion

True to the nature of their deity, temples dedicated to Baravar are masters of disguise, often hidden in plain sight and protected by a myriad of illusions and traps.
  • Disguised Sanctuaries: Temples are cleverly masked as mundane buildings, with their true purpose veiled by illusions and secrecy.

Sacred Nights and Rituals

Baravar's holy days align with the new moon, a time when the world is cloaked in darkness, mirroring his domain of shadows and unseen forces. The rituals performed by his followers are as elusive and mysterious as the god himself.
  • The Cloaking: A monthly ritual performed under the new moon, known for its secretive and ever-changing nature, often held in public spaces yet hidden from the uninitiated.
  • Offerings of Illusion: Worship includes the creation of realistic illusions as offerings, with the efficacy of the worship measured by the convincing nature of these magical deceptions.
  Baravar Cloakshadow's worship is a complex tapestry of magic, mystery, and maneuvering, with his followers embodying the cunning and resourcefulness of their deity. Through their devotion to illusion and subterfuge, they navigate the dangers of their world, safeguarding their communities from the shadows.
  Gnome Pantheon
Holy symbol: a cloak and dagger
Realm: Twin Paradises of Bytopia
Domains: Good, Magic, Mind, Protection, Trickery
Speciality Clerics
  • All Clerics: unable to TurnUndead
  • Cleric of the 2nd shadow: use d6 for hit dice use d6 for hit dice
  • Cleric of the 3rd shadow: +2 to saves vs. illusion/phantasm spells
  • Cleric of the 5th shadow: invisibility as illusionist
  • Cleric of the 9th shadow: mirror image as illusionist
Divine Classification
Lesser god
Neutral good (N)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"First to Deceive, Last to Be Deceived"
"Illusions Guard the Gate of Reality"
"A Trick for a Trick, An Illusion for a Lie"
Baravar Cloakshadow holy symbol by 3orcs
Baravar's clerics may substitute any of the following illusionist spells for clerical spells of the same level:
  1. audible glamor, change self, phantasmal force, spook;
  2. blindness, blur, deafness, hypnotic pattern, improved phantasmal force, invisibility, mirror image, misdirection,ventriloquism, whispering wind;
  3. fear, hallucinatory terrain, illusionary script, invisibility 10Ê radius, phantom steed, spectral force, wraithform;
  4. improved invisibility, minor creation, phantasmal killer, rainbow pattern, shadow monsters, vacancy;
  5. advanced illusion, demi-shadow monsters, dream, major creation, projected image, shadow door, shadow magic;
  6. demi-shadow magic, mirage arcane, mislead, permanent illusion, programmed illusion, shades, veil.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Baravar Cloakshadow by 3orcs


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