Bleredd Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Iron Mule

Bleredd god of Metal, Mines, and Smiths
Bleredd stands as a towering figure within the Oeridian pantheon, embodying the principles of metallurgy, mining, and craftsmanship. His symbol, the resilient iron mule, signifies his steadfastness and commitment to hard work.
  • Bleredd, revered among the Oeridian pantheon, embodies the essence of metalwork, mining, and craftsmanship.His holy symbol, an iron mule, reflects his values of strength, resilience, and industriousness.

Forge of the Earth

As the divine patron of iron-working, Bleredd’s craftsmanship is unparalleled, evidenced by the legendary artifacts he has forged. His appearance reflects his domain, showcasing his deep connection to the forge and the earth.
  • Known for teaching the Oeridians the art of iron-working, Bleredd is a figure of pragmatism and hard work.
  • He wields the hammer of thunderbolts, Fury, and crafted his wife's hammer, Skull Ringer, showcasing his unparalleled smithing skills.


United in marriage with Ulaa, Bleredd's relationships within the pantheon are defined by mutual respect for craftsmanship and the natural world. His alliances and enmities are shaped by his devotion to order and creation.
  • Although primarily associated with Ulaa, he maintains cordial relations with other deities of craftsmanship and creation.


Bleredd’s divine domain, the Golden Hills of Bytopia, mirrors his affinity for the forge, serving as a celestial workshop where creation is limitless. This realm is a testament to his influence over metal and earth.
  • The Golden Hills in Bytopia serve as Bleredd's celestial forge and domain, a realm shared with the gnomish deities.
  • His connection to the land is profound, with his influence extending to the Iron Hills in the Outlands, where Ulaa resides.


  • Bleredd preaches the sanctity of labor, advocating for the transformation of the earth's bounty into useful artifacts.
  • His teachings emphasize the importance of strength, perseverance, and the open sharing of knowledge among smiths and miners.


Drawing followers from among gnomes, dwarves, and humans, Bleredd's worship is integral to communities valuing metalwork and craftsmanship, with his teachings permeating every strike of the hammer and chisel.
  • Bleredd's followers include Gnomes, Dwarves, and Humans of Greyhawk, especially those involved in mining, smithing, and metalworking professions.
  • His cult is widespread across the Flanaess, finding particular resonance in communities where metalwork is a way of life.


The clergy of Bleredd, skilled artisans, and devout smiths, dedicate their lives to mastering and teaching the art of metalwork. They serve as custodians of knowledge, ensuring the spread of Bleredd's teachings.
  • Clerics of Bleredd are masters of metalwork, dedicated to the exploration of the earth's depths and the pursuit of smithing excellence.
  • They are tasked with disseminating their knowledge, ensuring the craft's survival and evolution.

Priests of Bleredd: Masters of Metal

  • Vocation and Worship: The primary duty of Bleredd's priests involves the use and production of metals, transforming raw materials into tools, artifacts, and objects of beauty. Their holy services echo the sounds of a working forge, with choruses accompanied by the clanging of hammers on anvils, the ringing of bells, and the reverberations of gongs, transforming their worship into a symphony of industry.
  • Financial Ventures: To support their research into new alloys and crafting techniques, priests produce and sell metallic objects. This enterprise not only serves as a financial backbone for their endeavors but also as a means of spreading the teachings of Bleredd through practical application.
  • Architectural Design: Temples of Bleredd often resemble forges more than traditional places of worship, emphasizing functionality and the sanctity of work. Many are strategically located near mines to facilitate the direct processing of ore, underscoring the symbiotic relationship between the extraction and refinement processes.
Community and Leadership
Membership and Leadership: All priests must align with neutrality, reflecting the balanced nature of their god. They belong to one of the aforementioned sects, each contributing to a holistic approach to metalwork. Leadership within the priesthood is achieved through mastery and dedication, with higher-level priests capable of attracting followers and establishing temples.
  • Inclusivity and Diversity: While the priesthood is predominantly male, it is open to humans, half-elves, elves, gnomes, and occasionally dwarves, reflecting a diverse community united under the banner of Bleredd.
  • Training and Legacy: New recruits are welcomed into the sects based on their aptitudes, and through their training, they are imbued with the values and skills necessary to further the god’s will on Oerth. The legacy of a priest of Bleredd is measured by the advancements he brings to the craft and the protection he provides to his community.


Temples dedicated to Bleredd are bastions of craftsmanship, offering both a place for worship and for learning. These temples are crucial in fostering the skills of aspiring smiths and honoring the earth’s bounty.
  • Shrines and temples to Bleredd are found throughout the Oeridian lands, serving as centers of worship and smithing education.
  • These sacred places often double as workshops and schools, where the faithful can both pay homage and hone their skills.


  • Ceremonies to Bleredd involve the blessing of forges, the consecration of new mines, and the celebration of craftsmanship.
  • Festivals are marked by demonstrations of smithing prowess, the exchange of metalworks, and communal prayers for strength and prosperity.

Holy Days

Bleredd's followers observe several holy days, many coinciding with seasonal changes that reflect the cycles of work and harvest in mining and smithing communities.

Symbols and Iconography

  • The iron mule symbolizes not only Bleredd's domain over metal and mines but also the virtues of endurance and hard work.
  • Artifacts and symbols related to smithing, such as anvils, hammers, and ores, are revered and often incorporated into religious imagery.

Legacy and Influence

  • Bleredd's impact on Oeridian culture is profound, shaping its technological advancements and craftsmanship traditions.
  • His ethos of hard work, creativity, and communal sharing continues to inspire both his followers and the broader world.


Bleredd's enduring legacy is a testament to the strength of the earth and the transformative power of human endeavor.
  • As the god of metal, mines, and smiths, he continues to guide his followers toward mastery of their craft and the betterment of their communities.
  Oeridian Pantheon
Holy symbol: iron mule, as sturdy and patient as himself , or a hammer and anvil.
Realm: Bytopia
Domains: Creation, Earth, Fire, Strength, Forge, Light
Speciality Clerics
Clerics of the 1st Forge: +1 order skills Clerics of the 5th Forge: Repair magic armor and weapons Clerics of the 10th Forge: Create magic weapon or armor +1 bonus per 3 levels, max +5
Divine Classification
Lesser god
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the heart of the forge, we find our purpose."
"By hammer and hand, all things are shaped."
"From the earth’s embrace, strength is forged."
Bleredd holy symbol by 3orcs
The Sects of the Priesthood
The Miners: Tasked with the discovery and extraction of mineral resources, the Miners play a crucial role in ensuring a steady supply of raw materials. Their expertise in identifying promising mining sites and refining ore is indispensable to the priesthood’s operations.   The Crafters: Responsible for the creation of objects that are both aesthetically pleasing and utilitarian, the Crafters embody the principle that beauty and practicality can coexist harmoniously in the material world.   The Smiths: Specializing in the forging of weapons and armor, the Smiths are the defenders of the faith, arming the faithful and their allies against the physical and metaphorical dangers that threaten their work and worship.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Bleredd by 3orcs


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